Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 995: One thousand and seven

No one thought that as soon as Mother Shen's words fell, Shen Rongyin's originally innocent face suddenly became vicious again, and that red-spotted grimace suddenly approached Shen's neck and bit it down.

"Mom!" Shen Rongsheng's tragic howling sounded.

Chi Shuyan suddenly pinched the red-spotted grimace's chin, and stuffed a few middle-grade high-level exorcism charms into her mouth. As the screaming and horrifying and painful roar sounded, Shen Rongyin's face also twisted with pain.

boom! With a sound, Shen Rongyin's wrist blood bracelet was torn to pieces on the ground, and the bright red blood in the bracelet spread to the ground. It was particularly shocking, and Shen Rongyin fell to the ground in a pool of blood.

Mother Shen rolled her eyes and fainted again.

Chi Shuyan glanced indifferently, then glanced at the messy hall. Seeing that there were not many people in the hall and no one was dead, she was inexplicably relieved.

Just about to continue looking for her father and Uncle Wei, a big hand suddenly wrapped her waist, pressing her head against the broad and familiar chest.

She turned her head to meet the man's familiar and handsome face: "Are you here? Where is my dad? And Uncle Wei and them?"

Before Qi Zhenbai could speak, a group of people beside Yan Youwei didn't know when they all came together.

"Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!"

"Sister-in-law, you are awesome!"

"Sister-in-law, you are really awesome!"

After watching the scenes of his sister-in-law killing ghosts and monsters with his own eyes, Yan Youwei and Tan Yecheng still think that they are like dreams. At this moment, a few people's eyes are not bad, staring at Chi Shuyan, and what are you watching? The rare alien looked incredible and shocked.

Sister-in-law is awesome here? Why didn't the boss mention it to them at all?

Chi Shuyan hadn't forgotten that these boys had been saying that Shen Rongyin was their goddess before. At this moment, they pointed to Shen Rongyin's body and said, "Your goddess is over there. You have to look around!"

Yan Youwei's cheeks were flushed with constipation and choked with Chi Yan's words. How many people admired Shen Rongyin at the beginning, and how terrified they are now, and there is a chill in his heart, especially when he actively said to Shen Rongyin before. Quite a few words are close to Yan Youwei.

Thinking of the gentle look of the woman at the time, Yan Youwei thought that the other party was such a terrifying and disgusting ghost.

Thinking of having spoken alone several times, as well as several blood-sucked and shriveled corpses and densely packed bones in the Shen family’s flower garden before the military area, Yan Youwei's scalp was numb and his heart was throbbing. He was innocent. Thinking of this, Yan Youwei had the urge to strangle himself.

Tan Yecheng's thoughts were similar to those of Yan Youwei, but they felt that the man who was more frightened was Fang Qingyang.

If they not only get married to such a disgusting and ugly ghost, but also have sex, they will have the heart to commit suicide by caesarean section.

"Yan Yan! Yan Yan!" Chi's father and Wei's father and son also leaned over at this moment. They just watched Yan Yan deal with the ghost and didn't dare to bother more. They are very good at catching murderers and bandits. They really don't make sense of ghosts.

When Wei Ting and Wei Man came over, Chi Shuyan's eyes could be as bright as possible.

Chi's father concealed the complexity of his eyes and looked at her frequently. He was relieved to see that her face was ruddy and not hurt. He was about to speak when a guard came from outside the door and said in a very respectful tone: "Chief Qi, Chi Miss, we would like to be the head."

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