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This judgment broke the rule of the Golden Horse Awards that there is only one film actor in one fell swoop, and the two trophies that were prepared for this early show the entire organizing committee. For such a result, there is already a final preparation.

As this unconventional scene was staged, the underground audience became more excited, which made the uncertainty of the movie emperor's whereabouts, and unnecessarily increased the difficulty of guessing.

This sudden situation made Zhang Xueyou, who had no hope of anything, excited for no reason.

Choose two out of four, the probability of getting the film emperor directly increased to 50%, maybe you are one of the lucky ones?

It is a pity that before the confusion of the audience began to expand, the award symbolizing the film emperor in Cai Kangyong's mouth was finally settled.

‘The winner of the 2005 Taiwan Golden Horse Award for Best Actor: Qin Guan, Andy Lau! ’

'what! ’

‘Wow, wow! ’

The first exclaimed in a whisper, was surprised by a judgment of his guess, and then came the most sincere blessings from these stars.

Applause thundered.

Because of his younger age, Qin Guan took the lead and made a gesture of petition to Andy Lau beside him, while Liu Dehua responded, embracing Qin Guan beside him at the right time.

Out of courtesy, when Qin Guan and Liang Chaowei around him hugged each other to show relief, this man who had kept a smile and said nothing since entering the venue, whispered a few words in Qin Guan's ear.

‘Good job! His film emperor only took half! ’

Seeing this, he can't wait for Qin Guan to take the whole one? And when Qin Guan and Xueyou Zhang embraced, they had to cry even more: ‘Ha, half an emperor! ’

Don’t you be so pleased?

When Qin Guan and Andy Lau took the stage together, they picked up the horse trophy which was exactly the same as Jin Cancan, which symbolized the Golden Horse Awards. The two actor's trophies were put together and bumped together a few times.

It's like a crossover plan to celebrate victory, like a collision of weapons when the warriors cherish each other, it's more like a noble's acknowledgment of each other, full of friendship between men who can't tell the truth.

This lens and this photo were also perfectly recorded by the accompanying photographers of the organizing committee, and even their subsequent award-winning speeches were inferior to this scene by three points.

The two people who came off the stage symbolized the slightly dull part of the first half, and the second half of the Golden Horse Awards ceremony, which became lively and beautiful because of the battle between the film emperors, was nearing the end.

The award that symbolizes the finale of the Golden Horse Award, the best drama film award, and finally reveal its true content.

Lu Chuan, who sat down with Wu Yusen, Du Qifeng, and Li Yunchan, felt nervous for no reason.

It wasn't until Lin Zhiling on the stage, using the most disturbing doll sound in the world, stated the ultimate attribution of this award that his heart fell.

‘The final winner of the Best Drama Film Award is: Lu Chuan’s "Coco Xili"! ’

‘Congratulations to the film from inland China that won the Taiwan Golden Horse Award for Best Film again. ’

‘This is also one of the few outstanding movies that won the Golden Horse Award in inland movies. Does this indicate that filmmakers on both sides of the strait will have more opportunities for cooperation and communication....’

He succeeded, and mainland movies were recognized for the first time in Taiwan.

With the excitement of the tearful director Lu Chuan stepping down, and the speech of Cai Kangyong who has been giving speeches at the end of the award ceremony, this 2005 Golden Horse Award, which broke through countless conventions, was finally scrapped in the Chinese film industry. A new whirlwind.

It is not because of its excellent selection of films, nor its innovative ideas for reform, but the countless gossip news derived from the Double Shadow Emperor who accompanied the Golden Horse Awards.

For example, the following day, tabloids that lived on Taiwan’s and Hong Kong’s favorite gossip entertainment, and the titles above them were all torn-off messages born of gimmicks.

‘The movie emperor’s candidates are different? Everyone isolates Liang Chaowei’

‘Liang Chaowei’s big name theory, see how he gets along with other movie emperors of the same level’

‘Is the Golden Horse Award’s Double Shadow Emperor compromising and bowing to the mainland’

‘The economy is weak and the waist is not hard, the entertainment industry has become the most real epitome’

In Taiwan, there are many Taiwan independence elements and people who have prejudices against the mainland, and these left or right remarks are written to cater to the tastes of these people.

As for the people in Hong Kong, they looked at the Sun with great interest in the news that Qin Guan said that their local actors are handsome.

‘Qin Guan shook hands with Wu Yanzu personally, exaggerating the handsomeness of Hong Kong stars! ’

‘Feeling a sense of crisis in Wu Yanzu? Who is the most handsome actor in the same period? ! ’

There is no gossip entertainment section at all, and it is full of all kinds of news from the palace.

And those reports about the Golden Horse Awards, which are like narrative questions in the section, were thrown aside.

However, the mainland media, who have always been patriotic, have reported the whole process of the Golden Horse Award with enthusiasm, and the front page headlines of each house are the same, putting on the same stage as Liu Dehua and Qin Guan. photo.

‘Double Shadow Emperor Receives Award on the Same Stage, Mainland Film Wins the Best’

‘Intensifying exchanges and deepening penetration, Taiwan’s Golden Horse breaks the geographical imprisonment, and more excellent mainland films get a fair chance’

In the end, it is a country with a slightly higher quality, a big country nourishes its spirit, and its mind and vision are incomprehensible to those cities with weak territory.

However, other media in Southeast Asia who were heading for Qin Guan were unified with the mainland media at this time, and even reported the same direction.

Boast, boast desperately! Another movie emperor of Qin Guan, although it is a Chinese movie, is it also a movie emperor!

Therefore, the obscure film containing a large amount of information in Keke Xili was turned over by some so-called Qin fans.

The most sad thing is that there are several foreign countries that have never been published, and some poor fans. The bitter ones have taken a video link from Qin Guan’s US official website. I don’t know whether to turn the English dictionary or the Chinese dictionary. In order to change the status quo of their efforts to seek knowledge.

When the news that should have been celebrated all over the world was sent to the US official website, the fans there did not have the excitement of the Chinese audience.

Because in their concept, what is the Golden Horse Award?

For ordinary Americans who do not care about the details of other countries, a film award in the island of Taiwan is too weak for them.

They don't have any concept of old-fashioned awards in Chinese films, nor do they understand the weight of awards in other languages.

Therefore, they began to call Qu for Qin Guan, and it was an inexplicable regret for his return. (To be continued.)

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