Rebirth: How a Loser Became a Prince Charming

Chapter 831: Get awards even if you don’t go to the venue

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the rebirth of the big guy to become a male god!

In fact, the closeness of the heart is so simple, a little more consideration for each other, and a little more tolerance of the family, you will find that their silent love for you is so euphemistic and strong.

The bell at midnight rang slowly, welcoming everyone with the new weather of the new year.

The countdown firecracker stopped its last carnival, and the lights of every household were silently lit, letting it complete the most traditional vigil, and also let the people who returned late have a heart direction.

At the end of a little more, all the actors came to the stage to call the curtain. In this unforgettable ending song, Memorable Tonight, Qin Guan spent a brand new year with a group of hard-to-be actors.

Tired of work, it was just a warm phone to dispel it. The one from the hometown of City Y, instead of going back to visit his parents, greetings from Cong Nianwei who spent the New Year together.

'happy New Year! ’

'happy New Year! Is everything good for parents? Come back soon, I miss you. ’

Lonely pillowless bed sheets, your taste has been a little light, even the thickest duvet, there is lonely alone.

However, Cong Nianwei, who wanted to accompany her parents more, did not return to their new home until the CCTV annual big show officially kicked off. At this time, Qin Guan embarked on his new career journey.

After the New Year, the crazy stone crew was officially prepared, because this is Qin Guan’s first real investment movie. As an actor and a big boss, he needs a lot of work.

For example, the formation of the film crew, the employment of experienced teachers in the props group, and the miscellaneous film-related dramas, some can be handed over to the studio's assistant, while others need to be done by hand.

Because the investment was originally provided by a film company co-founded by Andy Lau and Hong Kong filmmakers, some of the actors in it were easy to close the deal when negotiating their roles.

Nowadays, it is a Ning Hao who has never made any decent movies in China, plus a Qin Guan who sells his own dog meat through the sheep head of Huayi. Some of the actors who would have appeared in these films would be I'm on the sidelines.

Just when Qin Guan's crew fell into a slow process for a long time, there was no progress for a long time. When he and Ning Hao had already pulled the hair off their heads for this matter, things suddenly happened. Turnaround.

This matter was once the reason why Qin Guan wanted to be regarded as a rejection of the Spring Festival Gala, but under the control of the director of a national lobbying can only politely refuse to work.

That is the broadcasting and running of "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory" in the United States.

That's right, "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory" applied for the Golden Ball Award and Oscar's main unit election at the same time, just like last year's "Stolen Heart", the same big director, big actor, and a very strong word of mouth from the public .

The producer of this film, with a greater ambition than stealing heart, used a children's film to kill the adult world.

The news is equally good and bad. For this Golden Globe Award, Qin Guan entered the siege as the best actor, and the Oscar award once again rejected him.

This time was even more tragic than last time. Qin Guan didn't even enter the finalist of Oscar's best actor. This children's movie only received invitations from Oscar for camera, music and director awards.

Therefore, in Qin Guan in China, seeing the feedback from the United States, he did not have much hope for the award at all. Similarly, he used the CCTV Spring Festival Gala to reject the invitation of the organizer of the Golden Globe Awards. .

The directors and producers of the crew did not impose too many requirements, and they did not have much hope for the award of the actor in a children's play.

After all, an actor who once won the Golden Globe Award for male support, if he rushed over thousands of miles and finally returned empty-handed, it would be too shameless.

So the entire crew and Qin Guan himself ignored the Golden Globe Award for Best Actor.

However, out of the convention of the film festival, Qin Guan let the head of the United States Qu Xuemei take the place of him at the Golden Globe Awards.

Coincidentally, the winner of the 2006 Golden Globe Award for Best Actor is Qin Guan.

When the host on the stage read Qin Guan's name, not only were the other actors who competed with him for this award stunned, but other members of the crew that also belonged to "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory" were stunned.

Among the stunned crowd, only the unsurprised Qu Xuemei came out from behind the number card representing the actor, and a table was a man’s round table, which represented Qin Guan as the number. The cards were brought to the stage together.

In the speech of the award-winning speech, Qu Xuemei said the shortest award-winning speech at the Golden Globe Awards: ‘I thank everyone for Qin Guan! ’

One bow, the end! Step down.

It was stunned for one night until the final award was finished.

And the media people who were invited came to beat their chests one by one, howling.

The organizing committee of the competition pitted their father, and they didn’t reveal anything. They didn’t have time to record Qu Xuemei’s short tens of seconds on the stage, and let an explosive message slip through his fingers. gone.

And those domestic media who are resident abroad thought that they were just making soy sauce and reporting regular news, showing that our Chinese people are still paying attention to your enthusiasm.

This unexpected award fell on the Chinese.

Although this children's movie with a box office of more than 100 million is indeed a double guarantee of word of mouth income, but who can think of him being so fierce in winning prizes?

So the news that arrived late reached the country, and with the CCTV annual drama just started, there was a wave called Qin Guan in China.

These domestic people who are still immersed in the aftertaste at the end of the year are immersed in the drama of "Hanwu Emperor" full of heavy sense of history.

There are a lot of people interested in history in this world, but the busy people only really pay attention to that period of history that they have not experienced before watching historical dramas.

Through this shareholder style, I don't know whether the historical drama has blown the news of Qin Guan more prosperous, or whether Qin Guan has drawn more young people's attention to "Hanwu Emperor".

Anyway, during this time period, the ratings of the Emperor Hanwu began to be a long-term leader in the ratings of TV stations across the country.

The mango stage that once wanted to compete with CCTV was suppressed in the ratings war of this period.

It also indirectly saved the decline in the ratings of CCTV's main station and the more rapid rise of Mango. (To be continued.)

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