Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the rebirth of the big guy to become a male god!

It's also blamed that Qin Guan is too rampant. He didn't look at the two steps in the camera, and there was an aura of beating everywhere.

There is one kind all over my body. I'm so rich. I'm still a fool. Come and steal me.

So, when you go out, you must be low-key, don't be like the current Qin Guan, don't let the silver suitcase sway, and the sunglasses on your face will reveal a breath of upstarts.

In these two steps from the airport, Qin Guan also blended some of his styles on the T stage. When he walked out, the temperament and style made the crowd of the crowd at the airport look dumbfounded.

Coupled with a straight suit, the trousers underneath are still the most popular leggings. Qin Guan’s long straight legs are even more stunning in the swing of the windbreaker.

Unfortunately, the result of brushing handsome is not good, Qin Guan took off his sunglasses, with a smile-like expression, stretched his arms, and waited for the emergence of a roadside taxi.

At this time, the Chongqing trio moved, and saw Huang Bo **** his Qingdao dialect, covering Qin Guan's eyes, because the other side was too tall, he was still covering his toes.

Covering his eyes while yelling: ‘Guess who I am? Three opportunities for you! ’

At this time, Qin Guan, self-supporting, the dagger in his hand that stayed on the left and right for a long time. When Huang Bo covered his eyes, he instantly slipped from the cuff into his hand.

He was so dangerous, but he said the most common words in his mouth: ‘I think you are the wrong person. ’

‘No, there are two times left. "Huang Bo's smiling teeth behind Qin Guan are all exposed."

‘Sir, please let go! ’

‘Okay! Don't open your eyes! ‘Wow, taking advantage of the effort, Huang Bo ran away.

Qin Guan, who looked awkward, was empty all around after turning around, and the suitcase on his hand and the taxi he just called disappeared without a trace.

It wasn't until this time that the Hong Kong robber knew that he had overturned his boat in the gutter and was patronized by mainland Chinese counterparts.

International top professional thief VS local third-rate amateur thief, the first battle, failed.

When the filming was over and the crew members even resisted the vans, the laughs of the group of grandfathers who watched the show outside did not stop.

Several people discussed the performance of Qin Guan and the content of the script.

Is it an international thief who can really overturn a boat in one-third of an acre in China?

Is the Chinese criminal wisdom really so superb?

These did not reach a result in the discussion of everyone, but the war between the thieves collided again.

The Chongqing trio found the equipment in Qin Guan's box, only to find that they met their peers, and the jadeite jewelry in the peer information showed his goal of coming to Chongqing this time.

The eight-million-dollar emerald jewellery was guarded by a group of factory security guards in the City God Temple not far from the three of them.

This is different from the high-tech security of the Jewelry Exhibition Hall. If this order can be made, they can eat and drink forever.

Therefore, the Chongqing trio also placed the target of theft on the jade of the arts and crafts factory.

And their collision with Qin Guan came again as scheduled.

First of all, the night clothes in Qin Guan's suitcase were perfectly worn by Huang Bo. As the most professional thief, Qin Guan could only purchase a new set after coming to Chongqing.

Two thieves who also wore the same night clothes appeared at the same time around the city God Temple displaying jewelry.

According to the boss's request, Huang Bo has already ran inside the exhibition hall. Qin Guan, who is fighting alone, is today responsible for exploring the way and taking a look at the surrounding security measures.

For example, the electric gate where the negative person controls electricity.

At this time, in the spring night of Chongqing, behind the quiet alley, because of Qin Guan's interpretation, he was also nervous for a while.

I saw that Qin Guan put a pocket hand in his mouth, and the black night-gown gave him the best protection.

The door of the transformer box was easily opened by him, and then there was only a careful observation of the direction of the circuit here, so that when he was acting, there should be no alarm to disturb.

When he saw the most detailed place, the Chongqing trio appeared again.

The boss of the three, Liu Hua, suddenly saw Qin Guan's figure when he was inspecting around. According to his arrangement, Huang Bo should have been inside the Chenghuang Temple at this time.

So Liu Hua felt angry that her majesty was provoked.

He slaps towards the back of Qin Guan, who is still dedicated.

'what are you doing! ’

Ning Hao's camera quickly fell with this slap, giving Qin Guan a big close-up with only two eyes.

And Qin Guan's performance did not disappoint him. At this time, the dazed international thief turned his head back in surprise, looking at the man who was angry and roaring at him.

The kind of thief in the eyes was caught in the current panic, the anger after being beaten, and the daze that was found, all of them made this most professional person stunned on the spot.

Then Liu Hua did not disappoint everyone. His line said that he was right and confident: ‘how did you come out? What's wrong? 119 will come soon! ’

After that, he shook his head again according to Qin Guan's head.

It was this slap that made Qin Guan the whole person awake and fled at the fastest speed in the world before the other party had responded.

International top professional thief VS local third-rate amateur thief, the second battle, failed.

'puff! The first confrontation is over! Everyone is working hard, and I have to end work tonight! ’

‘Oh, I’m done, I’m done, oh my god, I’m trapped..’

I was greeted by a group of people. I was still holding music next to me. When I heard the director's words, I ran fast one after another.

As the person in charge of the scene props, this is the ultimate goal of this group of rough old men.

Because of the need for shooting, they set up a barbecue booth at the main entrance of Chenghuang Temple.

In Chongqing, the evening is just the beginning of the day. Playing mahjong, slamming, supper, and chatting with big mountains, they appear in the streets and alleys at night.

It stands to reason that Qin Guan, who likes to eat the most, will certainly not miss the opportunity to have fun with the people, but he is Sang Mei, who was dragged back to the hotel by the director, and has some work discussions on the details of the movie.

This is more unbearable than Huang Bo's behavior of holding up the lamb skewers as he goes further and further away.

But who makes him an investor?

The success of this film is also part of his responsibility.

Qin Guan, who never broke his heart for making a movie, the image of the uncle who had been thrown away on the set before was completely left behind.

Nowadays, if he is okay, he will check and fill in the gaps during the shooting of others. These are all money, and all he spent is Qin Guan's money.

Because the two million students Ning Hao invested in the early stage, half of the filming was already spent. Now until the end of the film, it is edited like this, and every penny is spent by his boss Qin Guan.

Naturally, a successful person can do better than others, that is, when he is cruel to others, he is even more ruthless to himself.

Therefore, whenever Qin Guan's plot was filmed, he played a twelve-point spirit and tried his best to meet strict requirements and high standards, and all plots were over.

The next day's shooting continued as usual, and this quaint Chenghuang Temple has once again become the gathering place of these three parties.

Thieves from all walks of life here will try to fight again and steal this jewel from the security staff.

At this time, there was a busy figure in the props group, because they had to use strong slings to hang Qin Guan in the midair of the Chenghuang Temple.

The length of the rope should be unbiased, just half a meter away from the glass showcase where the jewelry is placed.

Qin Guan's extended arm length touched the lock on the showcase, but after letting him open the lock, he extended his arm from the jewelry by a slap.

The work of the stand-in actor is actually the easiest part of this movie, because he only needs to work with the members of the props team to measure the specific distance, and then when he is put down, the whole process is dropped on the performance. People become Qin Guan himself.

Because this shot does not involve any fighting and dangerous shots, and only he himself hangs on it, can he shoot a complete style of international thief.

Therefore, Qin Guan, who was fully prepared, put on his own after wearing the night clothes.

‘Jewelry theft, try 2, prepare for the scene, prepare for the camera, are the actors ready? Okay, 3, 2, start. ’

With a single order, the members of the instrument group on the roof slowly lowered Qin Guan, which had been in a triangular suspension state.

His entire body was stretched straight under this suspension method, and in a beautiful large shape, he slowly fell into the air.

When Qin Guan fell to the node in front of the glass cabinet, he controlled the strength of the waist and turned his body to the direction of the glass cabinet.

This action looks very simple in the camera, but those who have really dropped the props like Wia will understand that Wia in mid-air is affected by the acceleration of the body's gravity and the swing of the suspension, or even the wind. Its trajectory, Not so easy to control.

Especially in the suspended state that is basically equal to static, all changes in direction and angle require certain skills and strength.

And it happened that Qin Guan, as a passer-by-passer, was still very skillful in mastering Wia in previous stage experience.

For a young actor, he may be stuck with a horizontal rotation shot once or even many times, and he has completed it in the most handsome way with a chic twist.

ps: Push the book "The Millennium Fox Demon Loves Me"-_-||(To be continued.)

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