Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the rebirth of the big guy to become a male god!

Naturally, this is a joke between friends. This kind of hype for the release of the movie is not something that people like Ning Hao who still have a good face can come up with, and the current route of Qin Guan takes the feather very much.

So, this first movie of Qin Guan's full title of investment and participation, quietly completed their killing feast.

And with the crew members who belonged to the friendship of men and did not reluctantly, they returned to the capital in this way.

The rest of the work is not understood by Qin Guan's knowledge, editing and production in the later stage of the movie.

The issuer needs his energy to operate.

Qin Guan's first stop naturally chose the China Film Group Corporation, which represents the country. Their affiliated theater lines and state-owned groups have close links, which is the best choice for crazy stones.

Because as long as they have settled their homes, the cinema lines of the relevant friendship units in Shanghai and Guangzhou will all be taken down.

The process of communicating with China Film was smooth. The specific negotiating party was carried out by a professional promotion manager in the studio. The role played by Qin Guan is his name, which can break the door of China Film and let it be responsible for the release. The filming manager, condescended to welcome them.

Taking this opportunity, Qin Guan wandered around in Zhongying's courtyard again, looking for directors and staff members who were connected because of the filming, and had a familiar face in front of them, so as not to see him for a long time, others forgot him.

If there is a good opportunity to miss him for this reason, it would be a little loss.

Because the sample copy of the film has not yet come out, the preliminary meeting work is still smooth. As the big boss of Huayi Brothers Film Industry, naturally it is necessary to use the resources of his company perfectly.

The two brothers of the Wang family who refused to let them go, if Qin Guan's funds were not in place, they all planned to participate in the company's name in order to win over Qin Guan.

Naturally, in the relationship between their own theater lines, the brothers cannot be difficult friends for themselves, and as leaders in businessmen, these two also maximized the opportunity to interview Qin Guan.

The directors in the circle who have been notified will know that after a dozen stories, Qin Guan will appear in Huayi's office on this day.

The directors who had already got the book and waited there should start fighting with Qin Guan before the Qin Guan had arrived.

Feng Xiaogang, as the director of Huayi, he was surprised to look at the three men in front of him, and gave high praise to their well-informed.

‘Oh hello, several big directors, the news is accurate enough. What you know is that you pass through layers and know that Qin Guan will come over today. What you don’t know is that Huayi was opened by your family? ’

'how? Rarely able to catch a rich and talented actor, intend to persuade him to participate in your movie? ’

‘I’m telling you, don’t dream, who is the boss? Huayi's? No one has voted for my notebook, but your turn! ? ’

The three people on the opposite side couldn't cry or laugh, and they looked at each other to sit opposite the three of them. Feng Xiaogang, who is known as the dignity of the commercial director and fought, was still the youngest Jiang Wen.

‘Director Feng, it’s wrong to say that. The Chinese are the most united country. What's more, I also had relationships with Qin Guan and Huayi Brothers. ’

‘Although I’m an independent director, I didn’t come here today for funding. Even if you Huayi don’t welcome me, you can’t let us come here. ’

Feng Xiaogang was even more reluctant to hear this. I am still a director of Huayi. Don’t I just stay here and wait?

As soon as these four ancestors appeared at the door of Huayi, the brothers of the Wang family who were directly in charge were wilted. They hid in their own office and asked Secretary Wang Yu to come forward and bring these people into the VIP conference room. .

Before the interview with Qin Guan started, this group of people came to smell it. This is not an indirect explanation. The inside of Huayi is like a honeycomb. Are they all hole-eyed.

Unfortunately, there are no secrets in the entertainment industry, not to mention one of the four directors who has worked closely with Qin Guan.

That’s right, Director Zhang Yimou also killed him. Under the momentum of more than 100 million domestic blockbusters at the last year, these characters who once led the film were unable to bear it. They came out again and planned to challenge the big productions. Commercial movies.

These five generations of directors who originally started as literary and artistic films seemed to see the possibility of rejuvenating their works.

So, in order to show their status in the director's world, each of them came up with a script that was ready to be filmed, and planned to play a big game in the 2006 film session.

As a result, the biggest artist and film company in the movie industry has become their preferred target for finding funds and actors.

It is no accident that these four directors came over today. The domestic fund cake is so big, and there are only a few people who are suitable for their movie roles.

How to balance the topic and the capital has become the first choice of these top actors. This is to explore the way for their own movies, and it is also a vane for market inspection.

The four big directors who can bring out the actors in the circle excitedly are enjoying the free tea in the Huayi Brothers.

And Qin Guan has passed through the elevator of the underground parking plant directly to the office of Huayi Brothers.

The film distribution work is going smoothly. For the upper-level figures, it is just a hello thing.

After rubbing the embarrassing hands of the other two kings, and explaining the uninvited things of the four directors to Qin Guan, the imaginary displeasure did not appear, but they both saw Qin Guan's face. Eager to try.

That's right, how big is the Western scenery. It can be seen on the same day that the four directors tear themselves up. This kind of scene feels very beautiful when you think about it.

For Qin Guan, who was afraid of the chaos of the world, it was so happy to witness it with his own eyes.

So he was very happy to say goodbye to the Wang family brothers, led by Secretary Wang Yu who kept wiping the cold sweat, and ran directly to the small meeting room.

The war between the eyes inside has reached a state of fierce heat, and as Qin Guan pushes the door into it, it instantly becomes a soft atmosphere of spring wind and rain, and the sound of the object is silent.

Seeing the four seniors who were nearly 200 years old together, Qin Guan felt very good at this time and stood at the head of the long conference table near the door. An quietly greeted the directors. (To be continued.)

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