Rebirth: How a Loser Became a Prince Charming

Chapter 842: Hong Kong Golden Statue~ Happy birthday to my beautiful sister management

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the rebirth of the big guy to become a male god!

The person on the phone spoke a bit angrily, with unwillingness and humiliation deceived, shouting towards Qin Guanyitong: ‘Qinguan! You killed me! Because of the call you just made, I ran down to buy a newspaper, and the tabloid reporter who was directly blocked at the intersection took a photo! ’

Qin Guan couldn't help but stunned: ‘Are you afraid of shooting? After buying a newspaper and being photographed, what is there to write? ’

‘Cecilia Cheung threw garbage behind me and was just photographed! Me, I only wore a pair of pants and vest at home! Whoever thinks that early in the morning there will be someone squatting! ’

You're sleepy and accidentally, rely on me?

'and also! When did the newspaper say my girlfriend's name by name, and this photo doesn't show my girlfriend's appearance at all! ’

‘Just like this picture? How do you know my current girlfriend is Cecilia Cheung! ! ’

Did you have a detailed comparison chart that you have never forgotten? Or did I see the private photos of Mr. Chen in the later period?

These are all secrets that cannot be said.

Qin Guan, who had finally finished morning tea, gave his answer without hesitation: ‘I guess! ’

‘Combined with the online news of this period and the entertainment gossip news of Hong Kong, I guessed it. ’

Nicholas Tse on the phone burst into words, but heard the concern from his mainland friends.

‘Will you be exposed directly after being photographed this morning? I think you should contact your brokerage company now and let your public relations department think about how to deal with it. ’

‘This is a reminder from work. As a friend, my personal reminder, how come it happened, but after the news pictures from last night, Miss Cecilia Cheung had to go out with you this morning? ’

‘I’m not going to talk about anything else, I’ll spend my eyes, but don’t deny me my friend because of my words! ’

Nicholas Tse who hung up the phone was on the way to the movie company to which he belongs, and was moved by Qin Guan's words at this time.

From a young age to a big age, he was surrounded by the halo of the star's parents, and every move was in full view.

His rebellion, uninhibited, he did not follow ordinary people's struggle, that is to hope that one day, he appeared in the camera, no longer the son of Xie Xian and Deborah, but Nicholas Tse himself.

There are many dog ​​meat friends around him, not many friends, and now there are few people who can remind him of the risk of being cut off.

On the contrary, it was this friend who had known him for a long time, sincerely and seriously thinking of him from his personal point of view.

This made Nicholas Tse, who was lack of love, warm as if he had entered the summer early, and it was hot and hot.

Although he knew what happened today, his girlfriend Cecilia Cheung also brought his own thoughts. But these two people who are in love can be forgiven for the psychology of wanting to be recognized in a sweet state.

It is often said that a man who is in love will pull his normal IQ below the level because of the secretion of hormones.

And now Nicholas Tse is in the category of low energy. When the company's public relations person asked if he was in a public relationship, the young actor nodded his head without hesitation.

And this news also squeezed into the poor second edition the news of the opening ceremony of the Hong Kong Awards that should have dominated the headlines.

Therefore, the 2006 Hong Kong Golden Awards, under the pressure of Ting Zhi Lian, opened indignantly.

Don’t look at Hong Kong’s small and densely populated area, but the place chosen by the Hong Kong Awards is the place where the culture and art of Hong Kong are concentrated.

The Hong Kong Cultural Center is surrounded by videos, times, themes, photographs, creative ideas for stacking objects, and various sculptures.

This is a beautiful building not built for business but for culture.

As the most important award for Hong Kong films, it is naturally held in the Cultural Center in order to show their charm of Hong Kong cultural people.

The night view here is beautiful, with the lights of the city that never sleeps, and the flashing lights flashing everywhere, it should have been an exciting night.

But Qin Guan at this time, with a bitter smile on his face, held Zhou Xun's small white-gloved hand in his arm and walked towards the main venue of the cultural center.

He has to care about the image in front of many media, and he has to endure Zhou Xun's physical and mental torture. This makes him unreasonably serious in the photos of the media people's equipment.

‘Hey, I remember that I have seen the photos of Qin Guan’s red carpet before, and the smiles are all brilliant, no matter how unrewardable I am, my face is not so serious. ’

‘Yeah, you look at this photo, there is a bit of a smile. ’

‘Don’t think that this time his Hong Kong Awards will return, he feels extremely disappointed? ’

'Correct! possible! After all, Qin Guan has now returned to the Chinese-language film industry. The three major Chinese film festivals are still very important in the hearts of mainland audiences! ’

‘Oh, it turns out that international film stars are also under pressure to win awards. This is a good news gimmick! ’

The surrounding media thought that they had discovered something extraordinary, but only Qin Guan and Zhou Xun, who knew the actual truth, were fighting each other as they went further and further in the red carpet.

‘It hurts, sister, don’t pinch anymore, this scar will pinch my mouth when I go home, I’m not good to explain! ’

‘I don’t know how to explain, but dare to mess with me ’

‘I’m here in Hong Kong. I didn’t contact me for the first time. I went to find the kid who had known you for a few days. Don't give face, right? ’

‘If it wasn’t for the kid himself to make a bigger scandal, the front page headline of tomorrow’s newspaper is that the male and female protagonists of our crew are not in harmony. Not only did they not arrive in Hong Kong at the same time, the connection machine work was lazy! ’

‘I’m wrong, Sister Zhou, Sister Xin, you see we are quite big people too, how naive to do things! ’

‘Aw! ’

Qin Guan, who stepped into the Hong Kong Cultural Center, was attacked by Zhou Xun for the last time when the two were about to separate under the leadership of the film festival ambassador.

Looking at Zhou Xun, who was proud of pushing the hate sky high, Qin Guan was a little embarrassed and smiled at Zhong Xintong in front of him: ``Trouble! ’

That's right, every film festival has their own film ambassadors, mostly young and beautiful young generations of beautiful women to replace the position of the master of ceremonies.

The film ambassadors of this year's Hong Kong Awards are particularly beautiful. They are Xue Kaiqi, Zhong Xintong and Zheng Xiyi.

The three girls, each with their own strengths, are responsible for leading Qin Guan. It is Zhong Xintong who made his debut. And the shy girl blushed because of Qin Guan's friendly smile.

After sitting at the designated position, Qin Guan felt that the other party's attribute was very interesting. While gently thanking him, he smiled at Zhong Xintong with a disgusted look.

Then the other party was an instant red face, like a rabbit, and ran away in a hurry. (To be continued.)

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