Rebirth: How a Loser Became a Prince Charming

Chapter 846: Abacus is a skill~ 倞倞 and the wonderful and wonderful reward

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the rebirth of the big guy to become a male god!

Although Qin Guan’s mother is crazy, he is a very smart child himself. The abacus class in the school is more serious and the speed of checking is faster than that of the only credit union teacher in the village.

For Qin Guan, this drama is almost as easy as drinking cold water. It was thought that there will be twists and turns of human nature in Jiang Wen's drama, touching emotions, and complicated and ugly human nature, which can make his acting more skillful. It's refined and sublimated.

As a result, I didn't expect that the characters in this script are simply a routine with the starting farming culture. Parents are short and daily life.

It's like drinking a glass of boiled water and returning to Gan lightly, but it is the best drink to quench thirst.

When shooting this drama, it is really simple to say simple, and it is very difficult to say difficult, because you must master one of the most basic skills, that is abacus.

I will plan it, I will give basic fingering, and after reporting a series of numbers, I can quickly calculate the final result in the lens, which is difficult.

Few actors can learn abacus, and Qin Guan happens to be one of them.

As a basic skill that all members of the accounting department had mastered in the first year of college, abacus is like a skill integrated into the backbone of Chinese accounting.

As something passed down from the old generation, it always has a unique charm.

As a decent actor, to master the skills of other occupations, you only need to master the fur, but even if you act like it, how can you compare with the practitioners of this occupation itself?

When the members of the props group handed the abacus that could be used as a door panel to Qin Guan's hands, the world-renowned film emperor missed his hand.

He simply did an abacus introduction from one to one hundred exercises, but the flying fingers, like the clouds and flowing water like a pleasing movement, stunned the intention of the dish is full of copper smell of money, the behavior was raised to Great custom is the state of elegance.

In the light of Qin Guan's cleverness, Director Jiang Wen didn't hesitate at all, and he shot the protagonist of this story, the scene of his life and study in this hanging bamboo building.

The wind is very light, with the smell of spring.

The cloud is very light, with nothingness.

The boy in white, the blue pants and black shoes, in the sound of a clear abacus bead, retraced the teenager's unsmiling smile, and was able to touch the person who saw this scene, the memory of his heart called youth.

With the rustling of the instruments in the venue, Director Jiang Wen, who turned off the camera, again made his logo with his hands crossed to support the chin.

The script of his own movie is the final version he has revised and revised since 2000.

Jiang Wenke didn't want his movie at all, and the same fate as the ones he had shot before.

Awarded internationally, domestically, it was banned by the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television personally for the past two years, but whenever he has the intention to make films and find investment, the people above will take the time to chat with him.

Tell him about the propaganda about the new style of China and the importance of the image of the motherland abroad.

His movie, the final script, was revised many times before he passed the review of the radio and television. And after the repression of the human nature he originally wanted to express, those most real things could not be expressed at all because of that sensitive era.

Therefore, in this movie, he added many of his thoughts, metaphors, and dark lines lurking in the ordinary plot.

But as his lens was filmed according to the script, he knew that even if his movie was shot, he would only be able to go to international awards.

As for the box office, don’t even think about it. Anyway, it’s also the Emperor’s investment. For a large company, a quality art film every year can still be compensated.

It is the amount of gold he has as a director and the actors who promised him to participate in the show. I don’t know if he will be treated unfairly.

Especially Qin Guan, will his fans complain that he made a bad film?

Thinking of Director Jiang Wen here, he sighed, but after seeing the close-up smile of Qin Guan in the replay lens, he settled down.

In fact, isn’t this year outside the beginning of the Qin Guan storm? Then he simply followed this Dongfeng, adding a helping hand to this movie that I missed for a long time.

How beautiful, how to shoot!

As a result, the 2006 recuperation continued as usual, and from the date of Qin Guan's performance, he took a small turn and ran farther and farther in another bizarre direction.

Jiang Wen, who set the goal, was very determined. He immediately started the shooting of the lower lens. This time the project was relatively expensive, because Qin Guan’s crazy mother dug a pit under the big banyan tree and dug a temperature. Very high underground hot spring.

This vigorous scene immediately attracted Qin Guan's attention. He rushed out like crazy and came to the deep pit dug by his mother and jumped down suddenly.


The hot boiling water prepared by the prop group, even with this skillful opening, the temperature of the mud water is not low.

But Qin Guan, who jumped down, didn't have any expression on his face, he just yelled angrily at his mad mother: ‘don’t trouble me anymore! ‘Then the slap-grown pebbles dug out of the hot spring were thrown out.

A young child is in great trouble, and his spirit is on the verge of collapse.

But his mother, without any influence from Qin Guan, immediately squatted down, intending to continue her digging plan.

Seeing that this could not stop his mother's crazy footsteps, Qin Guan, who broke the jar and broke, simply squatted in the mud.

That taste, it's sour, it's like burying the buttocks in the ondol, hot.

Qin Guan in the performance, without even looking at it, knew the ending of his buttocks, there is no such thing as a familiar one. Red buttock monkeys, this can be.

Because of her son's behavior, Zhou Yun opposite finally moved. She shone a big ear scraper on Qin Guan's face.

'Snapped! ’

All the people on the sidelines looked sore.

Qin Guan didn't cry as much as he thought after the ears, but instead dropped the back basket full of pebbles and stuffed his mother in the basket.

That's right, the dolls in the southwest, over the mountains and the mountains, a small back basket, covered with soft cushions, sitting in the frame, the parents' backs are their best travel tools.

But they were carrying children, and Qin Guan was a mother. (To be continued.)

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