Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the rebirth of the big guy to become a male god!

One by one, because the shooting was completed, the boardwalk above the board was dismantled, and now there are only one shocking stone pier, left above, staring at the lakeside like a big mouth mocked by monsters.

There was also the excavated mud, which was piled up blatantly on the edge of Tianchi. The stones on the edge accidentally slipped into the pool, disturbing the originally clear water.

Is this still Tianchi, one of the wonders of the world's landforms? Is this the source of the romantic love transmission of the Yunnan minority? Is this still a person who lives on this land and can do it?

Although irrelevant to Qin Guan, he was filled with unjustified indignation. As a Chinese, he could not ignore it.

So, this man who had never lost his heart, got rid of Jiang Wen and asked him to calmly pull and walked to the two people who were still deadlocked.

‘I’m taking the liberty to ask, what is the agreement between your local government in Yunnan and the tourism bureau and crew? ’

There was already a dazed man on the side, turning Mu Ran's face to Qin Guan's direction.

‘We thought they just picked up the site and filmed. Our village committee originally wanted to film together, and the comrades of the Tourism Bureau also requested joint supervision. ’

‘But their producers vowed to say that they were only shooting the corresponding scenes. They are big productions. The news inside and the film photos of the crew can’t be circulated. ’

‘They said that to close the whole crew, we would not allow outsiders to follow. ’

‘Later, they signed an agreement to maintain the original appearance of Dali’s famous scenic spots, and also gave a deposit, saying that if there is sabotage, follow-up funds will be given to the local village committee and tourism bureau to repair and restore the original appearance. ’

‘But when they were all done, no one came to inform us. ’

‘If it weren’t for the dolls on our side to find that their cars were all driving away, we were still in the dark. ’

‘We felt that something was wrong at the time. If the normal shooting is over, we should inform us. After all, this is one of the two tourist attractions that we plan to launch in Yunnan. ’

‘Recently a lot of tourists have become familiar with this place, and they come here as well. ’

‘The villages around us are counting on the beautiful environment to attract tourists. ’

‘What is this situation now? What about those of us? Money can not be earned, but our home has been destroyed! ’

The man who spoke here, with heartfelt remorse, squatted down with his head held, crying sadly and choking.

Jiang Wen, who was thinking a bit more on the side, was not dissuading Qin Guan from doing too much business at this time, and retracted his original outstretched arm.

The logistics staff in the Promise crew saw the miserable cry of this big man. As a conscience person, his heart was also uncomfortable.

At this time, he did not care about the consequences, but kindly reminded the villagers.

‘The people who finished our last part are still in town. I don't know if the producer Chen is still there. ’

‘In this case, it’s basically impossible to restore the original appearance in a short time. If you don’t, you will need a little more money. At least when you manually modify the environment, you can still find more people to help. ’

Hearing the straw-like news of life-saving news, the man bowed fiercely in the direction of Qin Guan and the logistics staff, and Fei ran down halfway up the mountain.

Qin Guan aside, sighed, and continued to ask this man with a little conscience: ‘Your actors’ crews have been withdrawn after shooting? Isn’t it used to keep you down? ’

In the end, this man is a member of the play. He defended himself and himself a few words: ‘They didn’t leave early. They just went down the mountain for a long time. Hey, I said, why do you care so much! Which part of you? ’

Qin Guan heard the choking sound and said nothing. He turned his head to look at Tianchi Lake, which had been bitten by a dog, and sighed softly.

Jiang Wen on the side, gently patted Qin Guan's shoulder, and kindly comforted:'The scenery can't be taken, even if we went to Hani Village, it's not like here. At this point, I still have rare Director of conscience. ’

On the side of Kong Wei, I didn’t see the two lords grieving Qiuyue here. She didn’t even see that beautiful things were ruined in such a way. Anyway, the original intention of rushing over no longer exists. Simply rush down the mountain and find each mom. , Go back home.

‘Hey, don’t you get sour, can you? Let's hurry up, maybe we can find a comfortable place to stay in the town below by night. ’

‘Again, maybe we can still see the end of this incident, hey, Qin Dashan, don’t you care about the environment? Don't go check it out? ’

'go! ’

Qin Guan and Jiang Wenqi all spoke up, saying they were decisive.

A member of the crew of the line went to the small town that the Promise Logistics Group originally said, and directly killed the past.

The nights of small towns, not bars of Dali's Everlasting City, when the night falls, are attributed to a little bit of starlight. There are only a few light bulbs with yellow halos, which indicate the external business of these shops.

The small hotel in the town, with the unique taste of the bamboo house, received the last batch of tourists today, but in this only hotel, Qin Guan and others met several acquaintances.

The red-faced man on the edge of Tianchi was sitting blankly at the desk of the small hotel, holding a crumpled piece of paper in a daze.

Qin Guan, who had taken off his mask, was sitting beside this Yunnan man out of fate.

'how about it? Did you find the person in charge? ’

‘It’s a step late, they don’t know if they have received the news, they just left a few minutes before I came here. ’

‘The rest of the hotel, let’s communicate with the local tourism bureau and say that the subsequent compensation has been left to them. ’

‘But the call I just made, the comrade responsible for this project over there, did not receive any news of their evacuation. ’

That is to say, fake news was given on both sides to facilitate their escape.

When the crew returned to Beijing, the next one was disbanded. It was originally a member of the units from all over the world, and there was no direction to pursue responsibility.

The director of the shooting side can naturally shirk it to the people underneath, and the company at the top can pretend to be innocent and unknowing.

This is how a large production crew works, and this is an unknown film art producer.

Qin Guan heard this more angry, but the more angry he was, the calmer he was. He patted the man on the shoulder, intending to give him a good hand.

‘Is the original contract signed by you still present? We live here today and tomorrow. If you don’t have trouble, let me see. I know a few lawyer friends. Let’s take the government and the law. ’

‘And, China is now in a time of vigorous development. The destruction of the environment is no longer a time of no care in the past. I think that the tragedy of Tianchi, Yunnan, should be known to everyone in the country. ’

‘Let them know how a catastrophe humanity will bring to nature. As a public figure, what do we bear? ’

‘If you can’t even do this, you’re talking about big directors, big stars, their auras on their heads, they’re all blind. "(Unfinished to be continued.)

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