Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the rebirth of the big guy to become a male god!

In front of what awards, what scenes were filmed, the track and field team leader didn't care, he heard that Qin Guan is also a big boss, and his relationship with international fashion brands is a bar.

Since Liu Xiang's fans, is there any possibility that the General Administration of Sport will endorse endorsement agreements and fees with so many sports brands at home and abroad every year? Can you sponsor some unpopular sports industry?

Wait until today's game is over, find a chance to talk to others!

Two people whose thinking is not on the same line at all.

There is one theme for everyone. Contact Qin Guan to create more amazing publicity effects, promote the influence of the national sports cause among the people, and seek the maximum welfare for the State Sports General Administration.

Qin Guan in the stands didn’t know that he had been exposed to all interested people just now. He and Xu Xiaoxiao, in the preparation of the referee, had sat quietly in the audience waiting for the referee. This tense moment comes.

Although out of patriotic sentiment, no matter what kind of achievements Liu Xiang ran under, both of them supported them wholeheartedly.

But the two sane people, looking at the black skin under the stands, with a yellow one in between, still had a little liver tremor.

‘How did Liu Xiang reach the finals this year, I remember what the professor of ethnology at the university said about the racial characteristics of the black race? ’

‘Natural physique and muscle distribution ratio are among the three races, the most suitable for the sports industry? ’

‘Probably, it’s possible...hahaha...’

The two brothers smiled embarrassingly, and heard the sound of a sharp gunshot.

'Snapped! ’

With this shot, eight people on the starting line flew out like arrows.

‘Lausanne is a good place for Liu Xiang. He had ran the World Youth Record for 13 seconds and 12 in his youth match, and now he stands in Lausanne again.’

‘Let’s see, Liu Xiang didn’t start very fast, only ranked fifth among the eight players. ’

‘The three hurdles have passed, Liu Xiang is still behind, and now the player on the third runway is ahead! ’

‘The fifth column! Liu Xiang suddenly worked hard! Oh my god, mid-range sprinters are rare! ’

‘His pace and rhythm are perfect, not affected by the opponent’s running frequency. ’

'it is good! Successfully passed the last column, Liu Xiang rushed across the starting point! The first place, the 110-meter hurdle of the Lausanne Grand Prix, was born! ’

At the moment of crossing the finish line, the excited Qin Guan and Xu Xiaoxiao jumped up in the audience.

At this time, they can only express their excitement by shouting, shouting, screaming and waving the five-star red flag in their hands.

The sense of honor of the indescribable Chinese can only be felt by those who are present.

But at this time, all the images and throats were rushed to the back of the head by the people on the stage. He just wanted to vent the overflowing emotions about the motherland.

And Liu Xiang, who crossed the finish line before, had no time to be interviewed by the reporters of the conference, and sat down on the 12-second timer that showed him breaking the world record.

The young Liu Xiang is still at an age where he likes to show off, and it is such a wanton flying, but it is more popular with domestic and foreign media.

Around him, surrounded by a group of journalists from all over the world, Liu Xiang's slightly immature face, with the most striking smile in the world, waved his arms and cheered for himself.

Xu Xiaoxiao and Qin Guan, who had calmed down on stage, watched the sports reporters who had crossed the runway and surrounded Liu Xiang, and suddenly wanted to laugh.

‘Hey, Qin Guan, is this the first time you have watched an idol’s story with the eyes of a fan? ’

‘Look at what he likes in it, maybe I still don’t understand, what does this result mean for him? ’

‘More applause from flowers, every move under the flash. ’

‘Training in full view, the ardent hope of hundreds of millions of people, and the pressure of infinity. ’

‘Is this boy after 80s ready? ’

Yeah, is he ready?

Eating carrots lightly and worryingly, Qin Guan distracted Xu Xiaoxiao, who loved deeply, with his shoulders, but put more attention on the person under the stands representing the hope of Chinese track and field.

No matter how dazzling the achievements are, there are moments when the song ends. As an audience, Qin Guan, who does not want to attract the attention of others, wants to leave early because the Grand Prix is ​​not over yet.

But he and Xu Xiao Xiao just rolled up the banner and stuffed it in their bags. It was only two minutes before the **** left the seat.

There are many local Swiss audiences in this stand, but there are more sports enthusiasts from all over the world.

In the United States, which is a big track and field country, there are countless people who come from groups. Since the moment Qin Guan forgot to wave a red flag on the big screen, he has locked their idol.

Americans who consider themselves to be stars-hunters are quietly focusing on Qin Guan's seat with telescopes, cameras and other lenses.

When Qin Guan left, those few people moved.

Markers and white T-shirts are essential tools for finding sports stars' signatures, and today's unexpected joy has brought them to Qin Guan's hands.

As Qin Guan walked toward the exit door, more and more fans got up.

In the hearts of people, there is no distinction between race and national boundaries.

Those who hadn't noticed Qin Guan originally also inquired because of other people's actions.

So, after passing through dozens and hundreds, everyone moved with the trend, even if they didn't pay attention to Qin Guan, and even didn't even know who he was, he took out the signature pen that he carried with him.

Qin Guan on this side reversed his signature. He felt regretful about buying a ticket without cooking wine for Han. As soon as he retreated to the exit, he was dragged to the side by a pair of big hands for the athletes to leave and rest. Inside the side door.

'Hey! Qin Guan! ’

As soon as he turned his head, he found that Xu Xiaoxiao, who had been swallowed up by a side door, hurried into the gap with the door closed.

The crowds at the door crowded with signatures were blocked by the security staff of the conference.

It's temporarily safe!

Before waiting for Qin Guan to breathe and thank him, he found that his life-saving benefactor was a very kind middle-aged man with two to eight points.

Also Chinese. (To be continued.)

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