Rebirth: How a Loser Became a Prince Charming

Chapter 865: Sisters in the clouds

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the rebirth of the big guy to become a male god!

On the high platform, a huge square table with a length of five meters is placed in the center of the round high platform, indicating the meaning of the traditional Chinese sky-round place.

And it was at this place where the sight was the grand scene that a group drama belonging to all the actors in the field began.

There are four different angles on the stage, and the camera is set up. The director group under the high stage issued the instruction to start shooting.

After receiving the order, Zhou Runfa was the first to act. Above this platform, within this kingdom, he was the real master of everyone.

Under his majestic glance, he was also the first to speak.

'busy? ’

Zhou Runfa looked in the direction of Qin Guan, even if the other party was his pro-prince, but it was also the least successful of his three sons.

And naturally, Zhou Runfa's eyes had a trace of contempt.

At this time, Qin Guan shrank his original straight body unconsciously, and he felt great pressure in front of Ji Wei's very heavy father.

He was a little weak, with a little breathlessness, he made his own request: ‘I think of Qingzhou Shubian, I hope my father Wang Chengquan. ’

Ha ha, Jay Chou has been fighting for three years. You as a prince also want to fight. I am still dead, your old son, thinking about the military power in my hands?

In fact, Zhou Runfa had thought too much about it, just like the prince's fool, can he have such a mind?

He simply wanted to escape the aggressive stepmother, and the guilt for his wife who stole the father made him want to escape.

Unfortunately, he thought it simple, but the king couldn't make him do it.

Qin Guan, who was rejected, squeezed a little embarrassedly, and silently retreated to his seat.

But seeing the gravitation of the stepmother, neither the second prince nor the third prince, did not feel any surprises.

This useless brother, in front of the two Yushu Linfeng, smart and wise brothers, used this lens to fully reflect his disrespectful status in the brothers' minds.

Without virtue, dare to steal the crown of the prince.

This short collision shot, on the surface is the king's persecution of the queen, but in fact it staged a secret battle between the family, the princes, the father and son, belonging to the family of heaven.

In this short five-minute drama, the people who were stunned by this circle gave a dull momentum that oppressed the audience.

It should have been a family feast for a family reunion, but in the complex battle between people, people did not feel a trace of warmth.

'it is good! ! ’

After shooting the scene with Gong Li's close-up of taking medicine for ten seconds, director Zhang Yimou, who was in front of the stage, finally shouted the end.

‘The actors are taking the time to rest, except for Qin Guan and Li Man. You quickly dress up and filmed today’s two of your little rivals! ’

'Hey! ’

Qin Guan, who has been accustomed to high-frequency filming, agreed naturally, but for the 18-year-old girl Li Man in the crew, the director group asked specifically.

‘Is Li Man tired? Give you ten minutes to take a breath? ’

This little girl from Northeast China shook her head diligently: ‘Not tired! Not tired, I can do it! ’

I'm going to shoot a love scene with Qin Guan soon. What a shameful thing, even if I get tired and get down, I have to stand up.

Yes, Ni Dahong's daughter, Li Man, the medical doctor responsible for the Queen's medicine, is the prince's little lover in private.

The two of them were under the eyes of the queen, kissed me and tasted the intense and exciting underground feelings.

In order to film this scene, the pretty girl Li Man thought of tightening her proud **** again.

The looming upper girth is simply not what an 18-year-old girl can develop into.

The girl who was admitted to the national dance troupe from an early age may have cut off her path to continue dancing because of this chest. She could only turn her head to apply for the Central Academy of Drama to find a path that she was not familiar with.

It was also the girl's good luck that she was just freshman, and was directed by Zhang Yimou. Her first drama was such a big movie.

What's more, I also met my idol in the play. I didn't take advantage of the filming and wiped Qin Guan's oil, I'm sorry for the face of their northeastern chick.

As a result, Li Man, who was ready to go, lay in the prince's palace early. At the moment when Qin Guan pushed the door in, the girl also quite deliberately pinched her two arms in the middle.

White tender and soft, with the charming smile of the girl's rich charm, with the joy of seeing her own love, she supported the gorgeous mantle and stared at her man with affectionate gaze.

And Qin Guan did not lose his playful prince, he flicked two big sleeves against the wind, showing his joy when he saw Li Man.

The next moment was to walk in front of the girl and hold the colorful silk wrapped around her. With a vigorous effort, Li Man was pulled into his arms.

What this set of actions do is run through the clouds, and the skill points of the girl are basically full.

A few people who had started drinking and chatting outside the court started pointing at Qin Guan's performance.

‘Jay Chou, you have learned a little bit. You have learned the strength of Qin Guan, and you will be sure to chase the woman with the pinch and grab a pinch. ’

Jay Chou looked at the kind-hearted senior Zhou Runfa's explanation, and his heart was collapsed. Now one Jolin Tsai is in full swing. If another one comes, he doesn't want to live.

Before he could intervene, Zhou Runfa said again: ‘Look, let’s lie down, look carefully! ’

Hey, look, why are you so excited?

Can you be excited? The little girls around are no longer arguing for the sophistication for Jay Chou's appearance. Some of them directly staged the whole martial arts in order to grab the position in the shooting field.

This series of actors and actresses has been used by tens of thousands of people, and at the door of this indoor play, there are around thirty or forty girls.

They were excited because Qin Guan, who was already lying on the bed halfway, put Li Man in his arms, and he groped the girl’s soft shoulder with one hand, and the fingers of the other hand touched Li directly. On Man's lips.

With a little teasing, Li Man's lower lip slowly pressed down, and after the index finger slightly loosened, the girl's delicate lips bounced back under the influence of inertia.

Sexy, fragrant, little by little, trembling trembling.

This belongs to Li Man's lips, and gently contained Qin Guan's index finger.

Her white teeth did not dare to bite the prince's hand, but she could use her softest lips to playfully replace the function of her teeth. (To be continued.)

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