Rebirth: How a Loser Became a Prince Charming

Chapter 880: Princess ~ Happy birthday to the bookworm

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the rebirth of the big guy to become a male god!

‘How is my place? its not bad, right? Your room is also ready, you just think of it as a home here, just live. ’

"Following you..."

With the introduction of Xie Hanren, the servant who originally led Qin Guan from the airport to the main building bowed slightly towards Qin Guan.

‘It’s the Thai guide I’ve arranged for you. If you have any requirements, just talk to him. As long as it’s not too big in Thailand, he can do it for you. ’

‘And, if you’re not used to eating outside, tell him, I’m telling you, my chef here is also everyone who covers the eight major Chinese cuisines, you want to eat everything. ’

‘I don’t have a curfew here. When I come back, the servants are there. I can do it for you if you are hungry in the middle of the night. ’

'how about it? Are you satisfied with the arrangement? ’

Satisfied, too thoughtful, a bit embarrassed to be thoughtful.

After chatting, the two people turned to this meeting.

Because of the series of cooperation between Qin Guan and Xie Han in China, when Xie Han's father discussed the operation of the subsidiary with his son, they discovered the accounts they made through Qin Guan's accounting company in China. It's a bit more precise.

In addition, the profit point is a little more than usual, and the charges are very reasonable. The domestic accounting firm is used. When dealing with industry and commerce and tax, it will not be relatively different because of different economic concepts. Inconvenience.

This makes this old man who has been talking about the group a lot, and he has a heart for this medium-sized accounting firm.

I also heard that the big boss behind this accounting firm turned out to be Qin Guan, which he had also heard of, and that the movie "The Da Vinci Code", which had been released in Thailand, made Qin Guan a favorite actor. one.

So in this discussion, everyone intends to regard Qin Guan as the object of the Xie family's second generation of equal exchanges. As the most patriotic Xie family, their connection with the mainland is closer than that of other merchant families. Minute.

Now that the Chia Tai Group is flourishing, the richest man in Thailand still has his name on his head, but in the past ten years or so, the male lions who are not able to maintain their health can also age.

At that time, the three brothers of the Xie family, plus the dozens of brothers and sisters of the Xie Han generation, as soon as everyone's assets were split, the name of the richest man could not be guaranteed.

At this time, whether it is assets in Thailand or assets in China, friends of all parties are required to appreciate the face, and those relationships that have been established in advance must also be prepared early.

So, whether it is business circles or politics, it is like an invisible web. At first glance, unrelated people or things are actually inextricably linked to each other.

This gathering of friends who seems to be a small family banquet is actually the formation of a grid, and Qin Guanben is not disgusted with the way in which such benefits and emotions are fused together.

But what the **** is that Thai princess?

The Thai dynasty, a dynasty that was established by its own army and armedly couped, is still closely connected with the entire country's military system today under the constitutional monarchy.

Once upon a time, the so-called democratic system of the new society forced by the army to rule the constitutional monarchy, in fact, because of the fact that the gun was out of power, and at all times, under the watch and intervention of the royal family, it carried out the so-called democratic national policy.

The top leader of the Thai government today is Thaksin, a leader who puts the interests of the poorest people first in the development goals of the entire country.

Because his series of actions are really for the welfare of the working masses, but they have inadvertently hurt the interests of the upper-level wealth control groups.

Since the interests were harmed, naturally he was dissatisfied with Thaksin's ruling.

So it was the Yellow Shirts protest group that they pushed out, and those who defended Thaksin's dominance were naturally the Red Shirts.

No matter what the original intention of the top leader of Thailand is, but now Thailand is troubled by his ruling policy, there are daily red shirts and yellow shirts.

Because of their influence, the image of the entire foreign country of Thailand has become unstable, and the groups who have recently visited Thailand have also suddenly declined.

This makes the people of the whole country relying on tourism to become more dissatisfied with the current government.

But the business of the businessman has achieved a certain degree, and this level of turmoil has not been paid much attention to by them.

Qin Guan in this environment may still be a bit worried, but it is quite normal for the Thai merchants who are native to them.

Although Thailand is now a constitutional monarchy and the king’s power is indeed not that great, the authority and fame of the members of the royal family are still very useful in the eyes of ordinary people.

So, I don’t know how the Thai princess heard that the private relationship between Xie Han and Qin Guan was good, and I heard that Qin Guan had preparations for a private visit to Thailand. This young girl directly passed her wishes through the royal family. The member's waiter conveyed it to Xie Guomin.

Want to meet? Is it a fan?

See you then, seeing one is also seeing, seeing a group is also seeing,

In Thailand, there are not many princesses in the royal family. The little princess born to the first princess of the Thai crown prince can also be regarded as a real golden branch.

On the night of the next day, Qin Guan, who had rested, attended the small-scale family party held by Xie Jia Group for Qin Guan on time.

Invited to attend were all big entrepreneurs with well-known surnames in the business community, as well as a mysterious female guest-Princess Pacha La Tiyapa.

Before that, Xie Guomin also made a special trip home, and there were several brothers of the same generation of Xie Han.

Qin Guan's good manners at the dining table and his gentle treatment of people, plus the addition of his face, let these few people who saw Qin Guan for the first time have a good sense of his senses.

Even if the extra points of the appearance are thrown away, for the heirs of their family group, it is very clear that a self-made person can achieve the present-day career without a little real knowledge and success.

So, when I saw these few people in Qin Guan himself, when I communicated, I was a little more sincere.

Qin Guan, who had been tested by their Xie family, could also appear in front of Princess Diyapa without any doubt.

What if the person I introduced to the princess is a skeptic?

Although the royal princess is a symbol, in Thailand, where the glory of the royal family has long been in the hearts of ordinary people, that is still a major event.

Even if you meet privately in secret, you need to be well protected. (To be continued.)

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