Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the rebirth of the big guy to become a male god!

The Xie Han people, who couldn't get an answer from Qin Guan, instantly turned their attention, and immediately turned the topic to their original farce on the balcony.

At this time, the Xie Han people wiped their arms a little and shared the secret he just heard with Qin Guan: ‘Qin Guan, do you know that JOY that first fell into the balcony? ’

'do not know. ’

I am a Chinese and totally unfamiliar with the Thai entertainment industry.

‘I’m telling you, I said that after the girl in the red dress just said the name of JOY, the few people who would play the most went away instantly. ’

'Do you know why? ’

Stop selling crowns, JOY and I are not familiar with it.

‘Because JOY is a transgender, she was originally a man. ’

Okay, you scared me.

Just that tearful, unspoken, white girl in three tears was originally a big old man?

Thinking of this, Qin Guan couldn't help shivering.

Can he say, is it really Thailand?

‘This girl recognized her sexuality and her heart from a young age. She still has a little money at home. As you know in Thailand, the level of improvement in this aspect is relatively high. ’

‘She is not a semi-finished product like those shemales, but has undergone a major transformation from beginning to end. ’

After remodeling, let me take a chill.

To be honest, it is no wonder that these second generations no longer showed any interest in this white lotus. The so-called straight men like shemales, which is simply nonsense.

One by one, the cute sister who said something she liked the most. In reality, she really rushed over this one and ran faster than anyone else.

After all, in Thailand, that is the sign of existence at the bottom. Many people who are unwilling to live for their livelihood are forced to embark on this path.

This unhelpful action, how long can these people full of sad tears live?

How will they survive those works that do not conform to the aesthetics of tourists when they grow up?

This malformed behavior is the same as and different from JOY, which looks squarely at the wrong gender.

One is willing, the other is forced by life, but the strangeness in the hearts of the people received, and the kind of unclear eyes, are the same.

Therefore, we have more scheming.

Sighing with a sigh, Qin Guan did not understand their hearts, but would not comment on such a choice.

I don’t understand, it’s not a party, no one has the right to comment.

Seeing that Xie Han, who did not have a cold for this gossip, Qin Guan shifted the topic. He just reminded Qin Guan that he shouldn't do it because of his friend's obligations.

Nowadays, Qin Guan, who is not good, has been noticed, and all his attention is placed on Xie Guomin and the princess.

When he saw a simple conversation between the Thai princess and the family of Xie, and Xie Guomin appeared in the face of Qin Guan never seen before, he had a hunch that the phone just now was not that simple.


After the two had finished talking, Xie Guomin suddenly stood on the little stage of the ball, clapped several palms towards everyone in the hall, and then pointed in the direction of the second floor of his luxurious building.

‘Today, first of all, I would like to thank you all for coming to Xie’s house as a guest. Of course, the friends and friends who can come to this dinner are basically my Xie’s family. ’

‘Once again, we are fortunate to have invited Thailand’s most beautiful princess, Pattila Tipa. ’

‘So at the end of the party, I’m going to surprise everyone with this dinner. ’

‘Everyone knows that my hometown is in China? ’


‘And today, I’m going to show you that my collection of treasures belongs to China! ’

‘This is my private collection, but I don’t see it on the market! You are blessed tonight! ’

Hearing that there was such a good thing, the people present were a little tired, and they planned to say goodbye to the dismissal, and were raised again.

Everyone is a person in this circle, and their interests and hobbies are basically the same. How wonderful will the richest man's collection be?

So, with the help of the surrounding waiters, a crowd of people, led by Xie Guomin, went to the second floor.

Xie Hanren, the son of Xie Guomin, bit his ear beside Qin Guan while following Da Liu.

‘It’s weird, just my dad’s baby, I usually want to see, he is staring at me like a wolf. ’

‘How can I be so generous today, that this group of people have gone. Don’t you fear that so many people will blow up and blow up his porcelain? ’

Things that have been repeated many times can be blown away.

When the last person at the dinner party followed everyone's footsteps on the floor of the second floor, the servants who were stationed on the first floor quietly immediately withdrew from the room in the hall.

Even the messiness left at the reception was too late to clean up.

What followed was that a team of well-trained and sturdy security companies poured into the lobby.

In a more chaotic country, those security companies that existed in peacetimes cannot play the role of the rich in protecting their wealth.

Because their professionalism is not enough to allow them to cope with unexpected dangers that can happen at any time.

But there is a strange group called mercenaries in this world.

There is naturally the kind of people who desire and love the war environment, but there are also many. You only need a high salary to make them your best security personnel in a peaceful environment.

Naturally, the so-called security personnel who appeared in the Xie family are the latter kind of people we call. Nowadays, the security work of the whole house has entered a state of security under the order of Xie Guomin just now.

Naturally, such a situation does not conceal allergic Korean boiled wine. This man, who was once a Chinese special soldier, had an unusual smell as early as the distant suffix behind Qin Guan, after the phone of the Thai princess.

Although this child had wandered to the United States because of some early mistakes, it was still mixed for a while on the streets of Chinatown.

But his basic qualities as a former special soldier, like the blood flowing in his body, became an instinct indispensable.

Just after he fell behind Qin Guan and heard the conversation of the Thai princess with one ear, he instinctively told him that there was an unpredictable event or danger that was happening.

Therefore, when everyone went to the second floor and followed, Han Bo, who was supposed to be waiting at the door, whispered with Qin Guan through Wang Liying, followed by the two of them, and went to watch the treasure together. Large room. (To be continued.)

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