Rebirth: How a Loser Became a Prince Charming

Chapter 888: Eye-catching box office

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the rebirth of the big guy to become a male god!

That is nice!

Everyone nodded in unison, the reporters from the audience asked the last question of today.

‘From the perspective of an international superstar, Qin Guan you must have seen many excellent scripts at home and abroad. Talk about your expectations for this movie. ’

The people on the stage are in good shape, and Yushu is in the wind. The words spoken are like broken jade, and they are crisp and sweet.

‘As a commercial film, I think in the context of Chinese film, when everyone is trying to make the commercial film in the most correct way. ’

‘The city is full of gold, I think it’s a very successful commercial film made at this stage. ’

‘It covers several of the major success factors of commercial movies in this film, and the plot inside is not weaker than ordinary commercial movies. ’

'So, although it is not the kind of imaginary art movie that can educate the audience and cleanse the mind, it will give us the most visual enjoyment, the most exciting fights, the most intense color collision, and the richest. Interpretation of the plot. ’

‘I think that at this stage, when everyone is crossing the river by feeling the stones, this is enough! ’

‘But your crazy stone is a small-investment commercial movie, but it has given you a huge return. What do you think of the box office results with such a big investment movie? ’

‘Foul, this is the fourth question! ’

'the last one! ’

'the last one! ’

Qin Guanben didn't want to answer, but in the end yelled in unison, he said two more words.

‘Small investment movies have a small method of shooting, and the props are not enough for the plot. The big commercials have a big production gameplay, which is gorgeous and eye-catching. ’

‘A hundred flowers blooming is the spring, we still have preferences for the eight major cuisines. China should be rich in a variety of movie types in order to bring the richest viewing enjoyment to the audience? ’

Look, look, what is said, how ironing it is.

The audience is satisfied, and the director is satisfied.

As the fake flowers and flowers representing the voluntary small commodity market in a pot of potted winter were put on stage, everyone looked at the entire podium and fell into the chrysanthemum.

Chongyang and chrysanthemum are inseparable.

‘Let’s take a picture with Chrysanthemum, the most important prop seen everywhere in this movie. ’

‘Let’s commemorate the success of the Beijing premiere! ’

‘The audience who came to the premiere this time can draw a lottery on our website thanks to the ticket stubs. ’

‘There are ten lucky viewers who can receive the enlarged photo of our group photo and the signatures of all the actors present! ’


After hearing this last news, the audience on the stage first had a burst of rapture, and after reacting, they stared at the ticket stubs in the hands of the people next to them.

Do not know this thing like waste paper, do they want it?

If you don’t want it, I’ll try to lose it for them.

Are you affected?


It is not known how the people on the stage performed their dreams, but the actors standing on the stage gave everyone a performance like a dream.

Several young actors, led by Qin Guan, surrounded Director Zhang Yimou in the middle of a cluster of huge golden flowers. Under the lens of a professional photographer, they smiled happily and brilliantly.

This is like showing the prospects of this film, going forward on the path of happiness.

The golden screen was staged on the big screen in less than two hours. When everyone admired the magnificent scenery in the scene and the battle scenes of thousands of people, it was rare to hear many vomiting sounds.

Probably because the front station of Promise is too successful, this big investment movie that should have also been questioned, when the audience watched it again, it was a lot more sensible.

The story of Golden Armor is okay, just like fast food, and the convenience of visual impact is what you see.

When the movie ended, the curtain in the movie theater was raised, and the headlights of the exit hall lit up, and they were greeted by thunderous applause from the audience.

This is a etiquette for the audience at the premiere, and it is also a tribute to the director who made the film hard and the film.

The audience accepted the small flaws in the film with a broad mind.

But now their attention is not on the critical side, but all their energy is placed on the role of Qin Guan.

‘Qin Guan is so handsome! If I were the maid beside the prince, would I still be able to climb Jiang Wan? I'm on it myself! ’

Girl, your fate is gone.

‘Yeah, he’s actually playing a princess inside, but he really looks good when he laughs! ’

‘Looking at his smile, I feel that I can make a woman pregnant! ’

Does the sanitation knowledge exam take an exam?

'Yes! It's a pity that Gong Li didn't kiss Qin Guan, I thought he would kiss! ’

'me too! ’

The point of concern seems to be a bit off. The eyes of the young people were all used to talk about Jay Chou, and now the focus is all on Qin Guan.

This is a good thing.

As Qin Guan followed the entire crew, from Beijing to Shanghai, from Shanghai to Guangzhou, and ran a circle around most of China, the box office that was released simultaneously worldwide also followed.

An explosive box office income in the country shocked everyone's attention.

Box office on the day of the premiere, 15 million (RMB), box office at the first week (domestic): 103 million

Box office in the first week (North America): 4.5 million, box office in the first week (global): 55.8 million

With the exception of North America, the entire Chinese film industry did not expect that a film with such a simple plot can achieve such a high box office.

The box office in North America, which was slightly sluggish, has formed a continuous upward trend with the passage of time.

This is because the Americans are a little bit tired of Chinese martial arts films, and the film at the box office is down, but because of the participation of Qin Guan, the longer the promotion time, the more it shows a kind of prosperity.

This movie, which used to be a month old, had a total box office of only 6.57 million in North America. Now that Qin Guan is added, it will break the curse of not more than 10 million in the first week.

Yeah, how could a movie that an actor who successfully became a member of the 10 million box office in the American Actor Association participate in was a box office poison?

After everyone saw that Director Zhang Yimou had once again shown his success, I didn't know the tableware in Ms. Chen's house, there were still a few people left.

The huge box office revenue has attracted the ambitions of a lot of directors in the movie circle.

The directors who had tried the big production and failed, once again ignited confidence.

This mode of operation is feasible. (To be continued.)

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