Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the rebirth of the big guy to become a male god!

This post-80s actor, with the calmness of a middle-aged man, does not swell and is not complacent. If he is asked to run for the best actor again, it is simply to let him bully people.

And only the Asian Outstanding Contribution Award is his attribution to this film festival.

Even if it is not awarded to Qin Guan this time, even if he does not stop there, ten years later, twenty years later, at a certain film festival, the final award winner will still be him.

Why not take advantage of his prosperity in his young age and increase his momentum, let the whole of Asia become the power behind him, add a handful of firewood to his momentum, and achieve his reputation as the world's top actor?

The times make heroes, but the Japanese are one of the most heroic kingdoms.

So the crazy factor is bursting out on every film jury!

This time Qin Guan won the award which shocked the audience with a superb pass rate of the judges.

Qin Guan on stage, the testimony of the previously prepared actor, is no longer suitable for the awards received at this award ceremony.

And in the moment when everyone is shocked, everyone on the stage will not care what this person said on the stage.

Everyone is thinking about how much explosive news this award will bring to the future, and what benefits they will get in the wave of this news.

When Qin Guan thanked all the people who could thank him, when he shook the trophy of the golden cherry blossom logo in his hand, all the members of the venue were as good as they had discussed, and stood up to cry for this award of Qin Guan Cheer.

Because this award is worthy of everyone to do such a move, and because the people on the stage can make people cry for it.

Pay attention to Qin Guan's Yamaguchi in front of the TV, and finally pressed the button. The atmosphere of the tension was just a moment ago, and the people around her thought that they were hallucinating.

‘These people at the Tokyo Film Festival still have a little vision. ’

With the girl's last sigh, just like the screen of this TV, the end of a legendary image was shown.

The thunderous applause finally ended, just like this Tokyo Film Festival, even if it dropped the biggest bomb before the end of the year, it would end at the moment.

Qin Guan, who was sitting on the return bus, recovered his surprised expression only behind him, while Wang Liying, who was already holding the cherry blossom trophy and the lucky bag thrown by Yamaguchi, couldn't say a word.

Is it the function of blessing?

The film festival is on fire, and it will be Qin Guan and the whole team behind him that will meet the storm in the entertainment circle tomorrow.

Early in the morning of the next day, Wang Liying set the earliest flight to Beijing. The purpose of returning early was also to be able to cope with the storm created by the various entertainment media that was coming.

Sure enough, not long after Qin Guan just returned home, the hurried Wang Liying ran directly to Shuangjing.

In the daily life of the office, there is no change, and Wang Liying, who is still dragging his luggage, is stunned on the spot after seeing Xue Wanyi, who is at ease behind the desk.

‘Sister Xue, did the news from today’s Tokyo Film Festival come out? ’

‘Is it out? ’

‘No negative news, or negative effects? ’

Looking at the worried Wang Liying, Xue Wanyi's last little worry was put down.

This young manager is really dedicated to his entertainers, and his former agent, who is already in charge of the company's later business and is involved in the general direction, can finally rest assured.

She kindly gestured Wang Liying to sit down, and face-to-face shared the secret of Qin Guan with Comrade Xiao Wang a long time ago.

For example, the composition of the members of the earliest fan club in the mainstay, and the identity background of the president of the Tokyo Fan Club. Even Qin Guan’s little life-saving move in New York, did not forget to tell Wang Liying.

Then there are dozens of reports from mainstream Japanese media, as well as news from the latest Chinese newspapers and websites, and all the information is handed to Wang Liying.

After understanding the final secret, the young manager was even more shocked.

For the first time, she understood why such controversial and topical news did not attract any trend in Japan.

The one-sided shouting, whether it represents the right-wing or left-wing mouthpiece media, everyone is as unspoken as they are in praise of the Tokyo Film Festival's actions.

This has become the support of a country. In the moment of common external relations, this country has such a strong unity.

Even if it is black, they have always claimed to be white, only because they Japanese said so, and did so.

This unreasonable approach used in Qin Guan's awards this time is simply perfect.

On the contrary, some small countries in Southeast Asia, as well as Taiwan and South Korea, began to talk about Qin Guan’s award.

The discussion is nothing more than a point. What is the final meaning of the Outstanding Contribution Award?

Is it based on seniority, a pension award, or a heavy-weight award that is distributed according to needs and gets more work?

The discussion was in full swing, and the Chinese media were still.

No matter how much you discuss and how comprehensive the analysis is, Qin Guan has already won this award, and he can’t return it.

Official recognition, as well as supporters of the entire Chinese fan community, let those who jump up and down, such as jumping clowns, can only return without success.

Among them, the most unwilling person because of this news is the Busan Film Festival, which ended a week before the Tokyo Film Festival.

With the rise of the Korean wave in recent years, not only in Asia, but also in the European and American music scene, they also have their Korean fans.

This intentionally held a little earlier than the Tokyo Film Festival, a more novel local film festival, it desperately creates everything and may expand its own news of its influence.

For example, to question the picking of the Tokyo Film Festival, after all, this is the latest world-class film award held in all 9A-level film festivals.

For example, the ridiculous Japanese hills of the Japanese entertainment industry, those eras dominated by Japanese dramas and Japanese fashion trends, are gone forever.

Another example is to mock the aesthetics of the Japanese, the fake appearance of the Japanese, everything that can reach the Tokyo Film Festival, the Busan Film Festival has done it.

I thought that as the influence of Korean entertainment expanded year by year, this subtle work could continue. Eventually, the fame of the Busan Film Festival would replace the Tokyo Film Festival and become the new leader in the Asian film circle.

But just yesterday, the scene at the Tokyo Film Festival, let their original efforts, all of a sudden return to pre-liberation.

ps: Tweet the book, "Dreaming in the Dream" by Meng Feiyang (To be continued)

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