Rebirth I Am a Chaebol In Korea

Chapter 176 You Can't Die

Ching Ying showed his police ID, and the other five looked at Xu Mingjiu behind him.

"You're lucky today, boy, let's go."

Xu Mingjiu took the lead in running.

"Shang Min, catch them."

Cha Ying and Cui Shangmin rushed up to arrest them, but there were too many people on the other side, they only caught one of them, and the remaining five all fled by car.

"Are you all right?"

Cui Sangmin controlled the captured man, and Cha Ying asked Gao Yongtai who was standing behind him.

"Yes, I'm fine, thank you, Chief Che."

"It's fine, please go and record a statement with us."

Dongjak-gu, Seoul

Tongque District Police Station, Ching Ying handed over the prisoner to prosecutor Huang for interrogation, while he took notes for Gao Yongtai.

"Yongtaixi, thank you for your cooperation. When the interrogation is over, we will tell you who ordered them to trouble you."

After finishing the record, send Gao Yongtai out of the police station, said Chaying.

"Yes, thank you so much for today."

Gao Yongtai bowed to Chaying Ying to thank him, and then he drove away.


Two days later, in the evening, Gao Yongtai received a call from Chad Ying, who asked him to meet at a coffee shop in Tongque District.

"Yongtaixi, I have some bad news to tell you."

Cha Yingying's facial expression was heavy, which made Gao Yongtai vaguely feel a little uneasy.

"Yes, Chief Che, please tell me."

"The kid didn't say anything. The prosecutor let him out yesterday. I think the person who instructs them must not be simple."

Now, Gao Yongtai is almost sure that the instigator is Park Sunwoo.

"Thank you, Officer Che."

The two didn't talk for long, and they went out together without even drinking a few sips of coffee.

"By the way, Yongtai Xi, where are you going?"

"I'm going to Jiangnan District."

"I happen to be going there too. If it's convenient, can I take your ride?"

Lane Ying asked without driving.

"Yes, of course."

They were all on the way, and the other party had saved him, Gao Yongtai couldn't refuse because of emotion and reason.

The car passed through Seocho District, and Chaying found a van following them through the rearview mirror.

"Yongtaixi, speed up, we seem to be being watched."


Gao Yongtai also saw through the rearview mirror that there was indeed a white van following them all the time. He stepped on the accelerator hard, and the speed of the car soared instantly. After making two turns, the van behind him finally disappeared.

Just when Gao Yongtai thought that nothing happened, the van suddenly appeared behind them again, and accelerated to hit it.

"Don't stop, hurry up, speed up."

Cha Ying shouted hastily.


When the car drove into the busy street, Gao Yongtai finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"Yongtaixi, who on earth has such a big hatred against you, and insists on killing you."

"I don't know either."

Gao Yongtai didn't dare to tell Chad Ying what he thought in his heart.

"Yongtaixi, you'd better think about how to deal with this matter. If you can't solve it, you won't be so lucky next time."

"Chief Che, the Republic of Korea is a country that respects the rule of law. I don't believe anyone would dare to kill me."

Gao Yongtai insisted.

"Of course the other party doesn't dare to kill you, but do you know what cases I have handled recently?"

Cha Ying stared at him and asked.

Gao Yongtai shook his head.

"Recently, the most cases I have dealt with are the victims who either had their hands or feet cut off. I looked at their miserable conditions and thought of the rest of their lives. It's really worse than death."

Gao Yongtai's words made Gao Yongtai deep in thought.

"In your opinion, what should I do?"

"I don't know your situation. I think only you know what to do."

Cha Yingying got off the car at a bar in Jiangnan District. Before getting off the car, he gave the other party his contact number. Gao Yongtai went home alone in fear.

The next day, Gao Yongtai went to find Cui Shuyuan, but the other party was not in the club, so he had no choice but to go to Cui Shuyuan's house to find her.

"What are you doing here?"

It was Park Sun Woo who opened the door to speak.

"I'm here to find Teacher Cui."

Gao Yongtai suppressed his anger and said.

"She's not here. She went to Busan two days ago, so hurry up."

Park Sun Woo said without a good face.

"Ah, Park Sun-woo, what do you want to do?"

Gao Yongtai couldn't suppress the anger in his heart anymore, he asked.

"What did I do?"

Park Sun-woo said with a smirk.

"Yeah..." Gao Yongtai wanted to do something because there were only the two of them here.

"Yeah, look behind you."

With a sneer, Park Sun Woo said.

As soon as Gao Yongtai turned his head, Pu Shanyu kicked him down, "Idiot."

Looking back, the two of them who came out of the house and chased him down in the underground parking lot that day.

The other party showed a knife in his hand, and Gao Yongtai ran to the elevator. He kept pressing the down button of the elevator, but the elevator was still on the first floor.

Xu Mingjiu chased after him with a knife, and then stabbed Gao Yongtai's stomach with a knife. Before stabbing, he deliberately exposed only a small part of the knife, so that even if Gao Yongtai's belly was pierced, the wound would not be deep. No internal organs were injured, so he would not die.

Gao Yongtai, whose life was hanging by a thread, pushed Xu Mingjiu away vigorously, and then he ran into the emergency exit and ran downstairs from the stairwell.

The white shirt was stained red with blood, Gao Yongtai did not dare to drive his own car, he took a taxi to the hospital.

"Hey, Section Chief Che, I was stabbed by someone. The man who stabbed me is called Pu Shanyu. Go and arrest him."

Gao Yongtai called Chad Ying and said.

At nine o'clock in the evening, Cha Ying came to the hospital in Jiangnan District. He saw Gao Yongtai who was resting in the ward.

"Yongtaixi, are you okay?"

Sitting beside the hospital bed, Cha Ying asked with concern.

"Chief Che, Park Sun-woo?"

Gao Yongtai is more concerned about whether Chaying has arrested Pu Shanyu.

"Hey" Cha Ying shook her head, "The prosecutor said this is a conflict between you, let you negotiate and resolve it yourself, they didn't approve the arrest."

"These guys."

When he got angry, Gao Yongtai bruised his wound.

"Yongtaixi, you can rest at ease and recuperate."

"Chief Che, what should I do?"

Gao Yongtai pinned his hopes on Chad Ying. The people he met through Cui Shuyuan before had all communicated with Park Shanyu, and they would definitely not help him.

"Yongtaixi, I actually know the Pu Shanyu you mentioned."

"You know?"

Chad Ying's answer was beyond his expectation.

"Yes, I have dealt with this Pu Shanyu before, he is a very ordinary person, he doesn't look like the kind of person you said."

Lane Ying said seriously.

This Pu Shanyu, if not because of Cui Shuyuan, would he dare to be so rampant?

Gao Yongtai fell into deep thought.

"Chief Che, to be honest, Park Sun-woo is so complacent because he has climbed up to an important person, and we all know this person."

"In this case, if you can make that person abandon Pu Shanyu, wouldn't it be fine?"

Gao Yongtai said with a wry smile, "If only I had that ability."

"Then there is only one last way."

"any solution?"

"Seize the handle of the person behind Park Sun-woo and threaten him with it."

What Ching Ying said was equivalent to saying nothing, so Gao Yongtai could only laugh, "That person is not something we can afford."

"Why not? As long as he breaks the law, he must be convicted."

Cha Ying said solemnly.

"Chief Cha, if possible, why wasn't Park Sun-woo arrested?"

I’ve been in the hospital recently. Thank you for your votes and support. I don’t have much time, so I won’t thank you one by one. Anyway, thank you for your votes and rewards.

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