Rebirth I Am a Chaebol In Korea

Chapter 471 Flaming Red Lips

In the evening, Zhou Wenhai ate at a famous black pork barbecue restaurant in Jeju City, which is very close to the hotel where Park Zhouyong stayed.

Compared with the barbecue restaurant at noon, it is better in terms of service, decoration, store size, etc. In fact, the taste of the two is similar, and there is nothing special about it.

Pu Zhouyong reserved a private room early on, and he brought Hua Guo's liquor and waited here.

"President Zhou."

After Zhou Wenhai walked in, Park Zhouyong stood up respectfully and bowed to him.

"Sit down, President Park." Zhou Wenhai sat down, and he asked Feng Xiaowei to go out and order something by himself, "Xiaowei, don't cause trouble by yourself."

"Don't worry, Chairman."

The waiter also walked out after grilling the meat for them, and now only Park Zhouyong and Zhou Wenhai were left in the private room.

"President Zhou, do you drink shochu or Huaguo liquor?"

Park Zhouyong put the Moutai he bought on the table and said.

"I drink white wine, how about you, President Park?"

Of course, if you have Moutai, you can drink Moutai, just like who would eat bran swallowed vegetables if you have delicacies from mountains and seas.

"I guess I'll just have soju."

Park Joo-young smiled awkwardly.

Park Zhouyong poured wine for Zhou Wenhai, and then he poured it for himself, "President Zhou, I would like to toast you."

"Okay, President Park, cheers."

Pork belly and lettuce, Zhou Wenhai ate it bite by bite, "By the way, President Park, didn't you say that you came to Jeju Island with your wife, why didn't you see your wife?"

"My wife has a shooting mission at night, so..."

Park Zhouyong continued to pour wine for Zhou Wenhai.

"President Park, you drink too."


Park Zhouyong felt that he would be drunk if he drank two bottles of soju at most. Sure enough, after three bottles of soju, Park Zhouyong's consciousness gradually became blurred. He insisted on drinking the fourth bottle of soju with Zhou Wenhai.

"President Park, otherwise forget it."

Zhou Wenhai persuaded.

"It's okay, President Zhou, I can do it."

Park Zhouyong, who was drunk, couldn't care so much. After he drank the fourth bottle of soju, he was completely drunk and passed out.

"Hey, President Park."

Zhou Wenhai pushed Park Zhouyong who was lying on the table.

"Really drunk?"

After Zhou Wenhai drank a bottle of Moutai, he didn't feel anything except a little headache.

"Xiaowei, come in."

Zhou Wenhai asked Feng Xiaowei to come in and look at Park Zhouyong, he was going to answer the call from Xu Junji himself.

"Hey, Junki brother."

"Hey, Wen Hai, today I have handed over the club's contract termination letter to Xu Xianxi, she doesn't seem to believe it, and she keeps asking me if you know, and if you asked me to do this. "

"Then how did you answer her?"

"I said it was my own decision."

"And then? Didn't she say anything?"

"She said she will wait until you come back from Jeju Island to talk about it."

Xu Xian is not stupid, she will not easily agree to terminate the contract, and she also does not believe that without Zhou Wenhai's order, he would dare to make the decision to terminate the contract with Xu Junji alone.

"I see, how about this, you let Minister Park of Hana Daily announce to the public that our Milkshake Entertainment Club will unilaterally terminate the contract with Seo Hyun."

"Okay, I'll do it tomorrow morning." After a pause, Xu Junji continued, "But, do you really want to treat Xu Xianxi like this? We can all see that she really loves you."


Zhou Wenhai replied with a sneer.

"Forget it, you can deal with the matter between you yourself."

"Brother Junji, I'm dead."


Putting away the mobile phone, Zhou Wenhai came over to pick up Park Zhouyong's mobile phone, and then he asked Feng Xiaowei to lift the other person's head to do face recognition on the mobile phone.

After the phone was unlocked, Zhou Wenhai discovered that Park Joo-young's phone screensaver was a photo of Kim Hee-sun, and in the photo Kim Hee-sun was wearing flaming red lips, which instantly aroused his XH.

It would be great to let her makeup bite me.

Thinking about it, Zhou Wenhai felt that his blood was surging.

Forget it, let's take him back to the hotel first.

Zhou Wenhai used Park Zhouyong's mobile phone to call Jin Xishan.

"Hello, honey."

"Hi, Xi Shanxi, I'm Zhou Wenhai."

"Yes, hello President Zhou, but why are you using my husband's mobile phone?"

"Oh, Xi Shanxi, don't get me wrong, it's like this, President Park and I drank, he drank too much now, are you free to pick him up now?"

Zhou Wenhai simply explained.

"That's right, but I'm still filming now, so I can't come here, why don't I trouble President Zhou to send my husband to the hotel room?"

"Yes, of course, then I'll take President Park back to the hotel."

Zhou Wenhai originally intended to send Park Zhouyong back to the hotel.

"Yes, thank you, I'm sorry to trouble you, President Zhou."

After Zhou Wenhai paid the bill, he hailed a taxi. He asked Feng Xiaowei to help Park Zhouyong sit in the back of the car, while he himself sat in the passenger seat.

Park Joo-young and his wife Kim Hee-sun stayed at the KAL Hotel in Jeju City, which is only more than one kilometer away from the center of Jeju City.

After getting out of the taxi, perhaps because of the wind blowing, Park Zhouyong's stomach was overwhelmed. He pushed Feng Xiaowei away, and staggered to the side to vomit.

"President Park, are you okay?"

In his previous life, Zhou Wenhai often saw in the news that some people died of suffocation due to foreign objects stuck in their throats blocking their airways due to drunken vomiting. He followed up and patted Park Zhouyong on the back.

Park Zhouyong turned his head to answer Zhou Wenhai, but he couldn't hold back and vomited on Zhou Wenhai's pants.

"Hey, Xiba... this smell."

Seeing Park Zhouyong spit out his pants, Zhou Wenhai wrinkled his eyes, eyebrows and nose together, he covered his mouth and cursed in a low voice.


Park Joo-young apologized vaguely.

"Xiaowei, come and catch him."

Zhou Wenhai handed Park Zhouyong back to Feng Xiaowei, and the three entered the hotel room one after the other.

After entering the room, Feng Xiaowei threw Park Zhouyong heavily on the bed, and he was so tired that he was out of breath.

"Chairman, are we going back now?"

"Go back to the fart, my grandson vomited so much on my pants, damn it, it's disgusting."

At this time, Park Zhouyong's cell phone rang, and Zhou Wenhai took out his cell phone from his pocket to answer the call.


"Hello, is this President Zhou?"

"Yes, Xi Shanxi, it's me."

"President Zhou, have you sent my husband back to the hotel? My side is over. If you haven't sent him yet, can I come and pick him up?"

"Xi Shanxi, I have already sent President Park back to the hotel, you can just come back."

"Yes, thank you for your trouble."

Zhou Wenhai looked at the photo of Kim Hee Sun on his phone,

"Xiaowei, you go out first, I'll wash my pants before I come out."

Brothers, count your votes, let's get familiar with each other, okay?

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