Rebirth I Am a Chaebol In Korea

Chapter 597 She Is Your Chairman's Wife


Kim Taeyeon had to go to the Five Star Group in Seongnam City to ask Zhou Wenhai for clarification, but Quan Yuli was no match for the other party, so she could only follow him to Seongnam City.

When she reached the gate of the Five Star Group, Taeyeon rushed in, but she was stopped by security personnel as soon as she entered the gate.

"who are you looking for?"

The security personnel recognized this person as Kim Taeyeon, and he stopped him out of duty and asked.

"I'm looking for Zhou Wenhai."

Kim Taeyeon gritted her teeth and said.

"Please wait a moment."

The security personnel told the receptionist about the situation, and the receptionist used the front desk phone to call the secretary's office and asked, "Hi, Taeyeon Xi from Girls' Generation said she is looking for the president, does she have an appointment?"

It happened that the person who answered the phone was Cui Xueli, and she said decisively: "No, the president is not in the club."


The security personnel came back and said to Kim Taeyeon: "Taeyeon xi, I'm sorry, the chairman is not in the club, and you don't have an appointment."

"Do you have to call him?"

Kim Taeyeon immediately took out her mobile phone, "Hey, where are you?"

"I'm on my way back to the club, what's wrong?"

"I'm in your club, and the security personnel won't let me in."

"Give your phone to the security guard."

Kim Taeyeon handed the phone to the security personnel to answer the call, "Yes, Mr. President, yes."

After the security personnel returned the phone to Kim Taeyeon, they immediately opened the door to let her and Kwon Yuri in, and Kim Taeyeon went straight to Zhou Wenhai's office.

At the door of the chairman's office on the 18th floor, Kim Taeyeon and Kwon Yuri found that Cui Xueli was sorting out the scattered documents on the desk for Zhou Wenhai in the office.

Seeing Kim Taeyeon and Kwon Yuri standing at the door, Cui Xueli asked in surprise, "Oni, why are you here?"

"I came to find Zhou Wenhai, is he really not in the club?"

"Didn't the front desk tell you that Oppa is not in the club?"

Cui Xueli said impatiently.

"How do you know? You didn't let us in, did you?"

Kim Taeyeon realized that Cui Xueli should have been obstructing it just now, she asked angrily.

"Yes, according to the rules of our club, you can't come into the club without an appointment."

Cui Xueli said proudly.

"Then what about Mrs. President?"

Kim Taeyeon sneered.

"Of course the president's wife can enter and leave the club at will, but Ernie, you are not the president's wife."

Cui Xueli said back.

"I'm not, and you certainly aren't either."

Kim Taeyeon sneered after walking over and sitting down.

"Not necessarily."

"Hahaha..." Taeyeon suddenly burst into laughter, "Hey, our Shirley, you are so pitiful, so you don't know anything."

Seeing that the other party seemed to know some inside information that she didn't know, Cui Xueli asked modestly, "Know what?"

"When Zhou Wenhai comes back, you can ask him yourself." Kim Taeyeon waved to Kwon Yuri, "Yuri, come in and sit down."

Kwon Yuri sat down beside Kim Taeyeon, and Cui Xueli sat opposite them.

After the three of them waited in the office for twenty minutes, Zhou Wenhai finally appeared in front of them, but there was another person beside him, and that person was Xu Xian.

"Why is Seohyun O'Neil here?"

After Cui Xueli glanced at Xu Xian, she stared at Zhou Wenhai and asked.

"Shirley, you go and inform all the leaders above the director level that the meeting will be held in the conference room at three o'clock."

Zhou Wenhai didn't answer Cui Xueli's question, he walked to the president's seat and sat down and said.


Calling all high-level and above personnel to the group meeting, Cui Xueli thought that something important was about to happen, so she had to first inform everyone to come to the group meeting.

After Cui Xueli left, Zhou Wenhai said to Xu Xian: "Zhuxian, you should go out and close the door."


Xu Xian turned around and went out to close the door.

After Xu Xian walked out, Zhou Wenhai looked into Kim Taeyeon's eyes and said, "If you have anything to say, just say it."

Kim Taeyeon first took a deep breath to adjust her breathing and then asked, "Are you really going to get engaged to Joohyun?"

"Yes, I will introduce Zhuxian to the people in our club later."

This is why Zhou Wenhai asked Cui Xueli to call all the managers above the top level to the group meeting room for a meeting.

"Then you once said you love me, is it a lie?"

Zhou Wenhai said "I love you" to himself many times, and Kim Taeyeon didn't believe that these were all fake.

"Taeyeon, I won't say this to you again in the future, the previous ones are all fake."

Kim Taeyeon kept shaking her head, sometimes she laughed, sometimes covered her face and cried, "Why did I come here, I know it's all fake."

She said as she walked out.


Xu Xian looked at Kim Taeyeon's grief-stricken look, and she wanted to hold the other's hand.

"Xiba, get out of here, you betrayer."

Kim Taeyeon really thought that Zhou Wenhai and Xu Xian broke up, that's why she told him all her thoughts, but the other party lied to her again, the last time was when she was fighting with Lin Yuner.

Kim Taeyeon staggered to the elevator door, and Kwon Yuri was by her side the whole time.

Taeyeon's reaction was beyond Zhou Wenhai's expectation, if he knew it was like this, he would not have provoked her in the first place.

I will go down to see the senior management of the Five Star Group later, now is not the time to cry, Xu Xian suppressed the tears abruptly, and went to the bathroom to touch up her makeup.

"Zhuxian, I promise you, this kind of thing will never happen again in the future."

Zhou Wenhai decided to calm down, he took the initiative to promise Xu Xian.


Xu Xian didn't know whether he should laugh or cry.

Cui Xueli, who had notified everyone of the meeting, came up in the elevator and found that Kim Taeyeon and Kwon Yuri were gone, and only Xu Xian was left by Zhou Wenhai's side.

"Master President, I have notified everyone."

"Okay, Shirley, you can join the meeting later."


From half past two, in addition to the people from the headquarters of the Five Star Group, people from other branches and factories entered the conference room one after another. Pei Jiaen and others who were talking outside also returned to the group before three o'clock.

At exactly three o'clock, all the high-level personnel above the director level of the five-star group and its branches arrived at the conference room. Zhou Wenhai walked in quickly with Xu Xian and Cui Xueli.

"Zhuxian, you wait here for a while."

Zhou Wenhai whispered to Xu Xian that he asked the other party to stand and wait beside the rostrum in the conference room, and most people in the audience focused their eyes on Xu Xian.

Zhou Wenhai walked slowly to the rostrum, and Cui Xueli brought him a microphone.

"Everyone, in order not to waste everyone's time, the meeting can end after I finish speaking."

Zhou Wenhai made an opening statement first.

"I called everyone here today to announce to everyone that I am getting engaged."

After saying this, Zhou Wenhai paused on purpose, he wanted to watch everyone's reactions.

Sure enough, everyone exclaimed, "Wow..."

"Let me introduce to you my fiancée, Miss Xu Zhuxian."

Zhou Wenhai walked over to hold Xu Xian's hand, and the two walked to the rostrum together, "There will be news reports tomorrow, so please keep this a secret for now."


Everyone replied in unison.

"Starting today, Ms. Xu Zhuxian will gradually get to know and understand the work of our club. President Pei, President Han, President Xu, President Li, President Ma, and Lawyer Jin. You guys should give good guidance to your president's wife in the future, you know? ?”


After finishing speaking, Zhou Wenhai winked at Xu Xian, he gave up his position, and the other party walked to the position before him knowingly and bowed to the following: "I will leave it to everyone from now on."


Everyone below stood up and bowed.

"Okay, that's it, the meeting is over."


Zhou Wenhai stopped Pei Jiaen and the others, and he told them that he was going to hold an engagement ceremony the day after tomorrow, "At that time, everyone must come to the engagement ceremony between Zhuxian and me."

"Yes, President, don't worry, we will definitely come even if you don't invite us."

President Han said with a smile.

"Wen Hai, have you really thought it through?"

Seo Jun Ki, who was still immersed in shock, asked inappropriately. After he realized it, he bowed to Seo Hyun and apologized: "I'm sorry, I said something wrong."

"It's nothing, you don't have to worry about it."

Xu Xian said with a smile.

"Brother Junji, in order to punish you, you are responsible for arranging the scene of the engagement ceremony for us. The place is at the five-star hotel in Yangchuan District."

Zhou Wenhai


This kind of errand that costs money is not a problem for Xu Junji.

"Please take care of me in the future, Mrs. President."

Pei Jiaen stretched out his hand, and Xu Xian immediately reached out to catch it, "I will trouble President Pei a lot in the future."

While Xu Xian and Pei Jiaen were talking, Zhou Wenhai walked up to President Han and asked in a low voice, "President Han, have you made all the arrangements?"

"Yes, Mr. Chairman, according to your order, the department stores in Yangchuan District will be closed from six o'clock. It's just right for you to go there now."

President Han received Zhou Wenhai's order to suspend business after six o'clock this afternoon. At first he didn't know why, but now it seems that the answer is very clear.

"We still have to go shopping, so let's go first."

Zhou Wenhai took Xu Xian's hand and turned to leave. The moment he turned around, he saw Cui Xueli's dumbfounded look.

"Yes, Mr. President, Mrs. President, you go slowly."

Pei Jiaen and others said later.

"Shirley, let's go."

Zhou Wenhai said with a dry smile.


Cui Xueli said with an expressionless face like a robot.

After leaving the club, Zhou Wenhai and Xu Xian first went to the duty-free shop in Jiangnan District to buy some jewelry and evening dress for the engagement ceremony. Zhou Wenhai also bought a brand new black suit.

"Aren't we buying rings?"

I bought everything except the ring, Xu Xian couldn't help asking.

"What ring?"

"engagement ring."

Zhou Wenhai looked at his hands and said, "I don't like wearing rings."

"What? Will wearing a ring affect your ability to find other women in the future?"

Xu Xian said angrily.

"No, I just simply don't like it."

Zhou Wenhai smiled with his mouth twisted.


"After dinner, let's go to the department store in Yangchuan District to buy some gifts for your parents."



Zhou Wenhai and Xu Xian went to a five-star hotel in Yangchuan District to eat western food. Before the dishes were served, he called Li Fuzhen.

"Hello, President Li."

"Yes, President Zhou."

"I have something to tell you."

Zhou Wenhai intends to tell Li Fuzhen about his engagement with Xu Xian before the news reports come out, which is a respect for her.

"What's up?"

"I'm getting engaged."

"President Li, are you still there?"

The other party didn't speak for a long time, Zhou Wenhai asked softly.

"Yes, the signal was not very good just now, President Zhou, did you say you are getting engaged?"


"Then let me congratulate you first, who is your fiancée?"

"It's Seo Joo Hyun, Seo Hyun from Girls' Generation."

Zhou Wenhai was afraid that Li Fuzhen would not remember Xu Xian, so he deliberately added the prefix of Girls' Generation.

"Yes, it turned out to be Xu Xianxi, congratulations."

"Thank you. The day after tomorrow, Zhuxian and I will hold an engagement ceremony at a five-star hotel in Yangchuan District. Can you come to attend then?"

"Yes, if I have time."

Li Fuzhen didn't say anything to death, she was still debating whether to go that day.

"Yes, are you still in the club?"

"Yes, I'm still in the club."

"Then go home and rest early."


"President Li, goodbye."

"Yes, President Zhou, goodbye."

After talking with Li Fuzhen, Zhou Wenhai could feel the other party's mood at the moment.

Xu Xian was not very happy to see him, she asked, "What's wrong?"

"It's nothing, President Li said that she might not be able to come on the day of our engagement."

Zhou Wenhai forced a smile.

"That's right, that's really a pity."

Xu Xian hopes in her heart that Li Fuzhen can come. She wants to have a good relationship with the other party so that she can learn from him in the future. She thinks that Li Fuzhen has a lot to learn from him.

"Zhuxian, after you get engaged, you should reduce your activities. After you get married, you can no longer appear on any programs."

"Yes, I know."

For this day, Xu Xian has long been mentally prepared.

"We will live in Yangpyeong County in the future. If uncle and aunt agree, they can also live in Yangpyeong County with us."

Yangping County will be Zhou Wenhai's base camp in the future, and he will live there most of the time.

"Yes, anyway, it's in the Republic of Korea. If Mom and Dad don't agree, let's take more time to go back and see them."


"How much gift money do uncles and aunts need?"

When Zhou Wenhai thought of the bride price, influenced by Confucian culture, South Korea, Japan and Huaguo have this custom.

"I don't know either. I'll ask my parents when I go back tonight."

Xu Xian didn't know anything about it, and she didn't think about the bride price at all.

"Okay, let's ask together tonight."

"Yes, but are we going to live together after we get engaged?"

Although the two lived together before they were engaged, they could live together openly and aboveboard after they got engaged. Xu Xian was thinking about where they should live in the future.

"Where do you want to live? An apartment in Dongjak District, a villa in Yongsan District or Seocho District, you choose one."

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