
Two days.

Jiang Feng didn’t go anywhere.

I was in charge of the hotel and it was the end of April.

More and more people are interested in bidding for representation.

Shi Nansheng has also successfully reached an endorsement partnership with the famous singer Michael, who will serve as the spokesperson for Blue Mountain VCD in country M.

“Boss, I have a question. I don’t know whether I should talk about it or not.”

Liang Botao, who was sitting on the sofa in the lounge, looked at Jiang Feng with his legs crossed and red wine in his hand.


Jiang Feng’s eyes did not change and he looked at the TV screen.

Liang Bo said:”Why do we need to find an agent? If we find an agent, wouldn’t it dilute the profits? Might as well open a branch in New York”

“In this way, not only can the market be expanded, but also more money can be made.” hehe…

Jiang Feng smiled,”That’s what I said, but you forgot one thing”

“We are not familiar with the place and place in M country, and we don’t have many connections.”

“Our products are equivalent to innovating home projection technology. Compared with the VSL technology currently used in M country, it is undoubtedly many times more valuable.”

“Once we officially promote it in country M, we will inevitably face the impact of the traditional old forces. At this time, we need helpers and allies.”

Country M claims to be a capitalist market and a free market, and it likes to hold anti-monopoly demonstrations the most.

But who knows, they also like monopoly markets the most.—For example, the video recorder market is actually monopolized by some of their brands.

The manufacturers of these video recorders are inextricably linked to many large American entertainment companies, especially Hollywood.

If we want to launch VCD, it will definitely damage their interests. By then we will have countless enemies and be surrounded on all sides.”

After saying this, Jiang Feng walked to the table and poured himself a glass of water, took a sip, and continued with the tea cup:”That’s why I asked you to send invitations to all the major families in New York.”

“Only in this way can we find a suitable candidate to withstand all kinds of pressure.”

One day passed.

Three days passed.

A week passed quickly.

The time for the reception was getting closer and closer.

Good news came from Shi Nansheng.

During this period, superstar Michael organized his own private team and worked overtime day and night to strive for excellence. Three versions of MTV commercials and 13 superstar posters were shot for Jiang Feng’s Blue Mountain VCD.

After watching it, Jiang Feng had to admit that the entertainment industry in Hollywood in this era, both in terms of technology and talent, was the best in the world. Outstanding.

Not to mention anything else, those three wonderful MTV commercials alone are not something that ordinary people can shoot.

Although Xiangjiang is known as the Hollywood of the East, in Jiang Feng’s view, whether it is technology or art, Xiangjiang’s entertainment There is still a long way to go before Hollywood.

The reason why Hollywood can dominate the world is not only good scripts, actors and even industry rules and models, but also the investment of funds.

And Xiangjiang, whether it is Yongsheng, New Art City, Debao, Even the previous Shaw Brothers all used small means to achieve great results.

Investing three to four million Hong Kong dollars in a movie is considered a large investment.

It is incomparable to the millions or even tens of millions of dollars that are common in Hollywood.

Get advertising After the arrangements were made,

Jiang Feng asked Liang Boxin to formally notify the registered families and home appliance agents.

Invite them to the Hilton Hotel to participate in the new product press conference of Blue Mountain VCD.

After the news was sent out, it was the third day in New York. Families and agents from the upper class who are interested in VCD all gathered at the Hilton Hotel in New York…….

Afternoon, three o’clock.

The conference hall on the fifth floor of the Hilton Hotel will soon become the launch site for Blue Mountain VCD’s new products.

In the bathroom, Jiang Feng arranged his appearance and clothes in front of the mirror.

Yang Jianming stood outside and waited.

Jiang Feng dipped his temples with water to make his hair look more docile, then waved his hand, took the tissue handed over by Yang Jianming, wiped it, threw it into the wastebasket, and asked:”Are everything ready?”

“Ready.”Yang Jianming said

“Then let’s get started!”

Jiang Feng took it from Yang Jianming and put on his suit jacket.

Putting on a navy blue suit, Jiang Feng looked particularly handsome and energetic.

Jiang Feng took one last look at himself in the mirror and nodded with satisfaction:”Let’s go!”…….. conference hall

“Dad, I’m afraid this agency is a bit shaky.”

Zhao Anji had a trace of sadness on her face. This press conference was more than she expected.

She even met the younger generation of the McCormick family.

“No problem.”

Zhao Xicheng was calm and composed, exuding a strong sense of confidence,”Look, these families are too ugly to look at. This Mr. Jiang from Xiangjiang is not so easy to deal with.”

“If they want to make him suffer, I’m afraid these people have made the wrong calculation.”


Zhao Anji blinked and looked at his father with a pair of beautiful eyes,”From your tone, Dad, you seem to know this Mr. Jiang from Xiangjiang very well?”

“It’s not that we understand each other, it’s just that dad called your Uncle Bao and asked about something. Zhao

Xicheng turned to his daughter with soft eyes and said,”I heard from Uncle Bao that this Mr. Jiang started from scratch and became a legend in the Xiangjiang business community in three years. He is even more powerful than Li Jiacheng.””

“oh? Yeah?”

Zhao Anji raised his eyebrows, with an inexplicable look in his eyes.



Zhao Anji looked up and saw a very handsome man wearing a suit slowly walking towards the venue with a few people.、

“it’s him?”

Zhao Anji’s eyes moved slightly and he murmured to himself.

Although the voice was low, Zhao Xicheng still heard it.

He nodded slightly, a pair of eyes flashed, and then returned to normal.

“should be!”

Not only were they observing.

Many people at the venue saw Liang Botao approaching a young man and guessed that the real owner had arrived.

They all looked at Jiang Feng.



Jiang Feng nodded slightly towards Liang Botao,”Let’s get started!””


Liang Botao turned around and came to the stage, holding the microphone and beckoning the participants to take their seats.

The agents then sat down comfortably, leaned on their chairs, and looked at the stage with a contemptuous attitude.

The sample introduction began—

The light came over and shone on Liang Botao.

Liang Botao didn’t say any nonsense, because he knew that these people in the audience were not here to listen to your nonsense.

Therefore, standing on the stage, Liang Botao directly took out the VCD sample machine, set it up, and gave everyone a detailed introduction.

Under the stage, more than 20 ghosts and Asians attending the conference were all sitting quietly on their chairs, listening attentively to Liang Botao’s introduction.

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