After getting on the bus, Zhao Anji, who knew him well, asked:”Hey, what are you doing in Chicago?”

“Go buy a toy.”

Jiang Feng said casually.

Then he closed his eyes and planned to take a nap.

Unfortunately, someone else didn’t close his eyes.


“What toys to buy?”

Seeing Jiang Feng’s eyes closed, Zhao Anji was in high spirits, shook Jiang Feng’s arm, and said coquettishly,”Hey, you’re being slept on, tell me what toys are worth going to Chicago in person.”

Jiang Feng, who was shaken speechless, opened his eyes and said angrily to Zhao Anji:”Your family didn’t teach you that women should be ladies. Look at what you look like. Men and women can’t be intimate with each other. Don’t you understand? ?”

“you are wrong.

Zhao Anji said seriously:”First of all, I have never admitted that I am a lady.””

“As for my parents, my parents never interfered with us…What you said about men and women not being intimate is indeed reasonable, but who told you not to answer me?”

“I’m impressed with you.”

Jiang Feng was really made to lose his temper by this little girl.

He said lazily and feebly:”I plan to buy a team for fun.”


Zhao Anji was stunned.

Then, his eyes widened and he said:”Are you planning to buy the Bulls?”


Jiang Feng responded softly.

There is nothing to hide. Zhao Anji will understand it as soon as he arrives in Chicago.


Zhao Anji took a breath of air.

He looked at him with a plain face, as if the Bulls were really just a toy.

Zhao Anji didn’t know What are you talking about?

This little man actually said that the Bulls are just toys.

Although the Bulls are not as good as the Lakers, since Michael Jordan came out last year, he led the Bulls and won the Bulls’ first NBA championship in 25 years..

It’s not that easy to buy the Bulls.

Basketball is a sport that not many Zhao Anji likes. She still has a certain understanding of NBA teams.

However, she doesn’t understand what Jiang Feng’s purpose is in buying the Bulls. ?

Is it to promote VCD?

This is probably too wasteful!

Besides, using the NBA team to promote Blue Mountain VCD is not very effective. It is better to find Hollywood stars to endorse it.

After all, movies and VCD are still related.

NBA is Sports has little to do with Blue Mountain vcd.

The plane arrived in Chicago and stayed at the hotel.

Jiang Feng ordered Liang Botao to contact the owner of the Bulls.

He stayed in the hotel to study the Bulls.

Basketball, in country m and Rugby and baseball are collectively called the three major ball sports.

However, the NBA (National Basketball Association) ranks last among the four major professional sports leagues.

However, in terms of influence in China and even internationally, the NBA is undoubtedly the largest.

You must know that since the old Jewish man David Stern came to power, the NBA has almost been advancing on the road of internationalization.

In fact, one of the reasons why the NBA can spread rapidly around the world is because the NBA has created a”Basketball King” god”――Michael Jordan.

You know, in the history of NBA, Jordan’s existence is definitely of epoch-making significance.

The previous NBA gave people the most impression of violence, chaos, drug abuse and countless bad factors.

Therefore, many Chinese people, especially the middle class, prefer to watch the NCAA instead of the NBA.

Even Jiang Feng, a fake basketball fan, has watched many Jordan games and is even considered a half-brained fan of the”Flyers”.

Therefore, as a”local tycoon”, Jiang Feng decided to stay in Jordan’s”great” figure on his road to becoming a god.

However, Jiang Feng worried for a long time about how to leave his”majestic” figure.

Although Jiang Feng’s height can be considered a”tall” among ordinary people, in the NBA, a place where there are many people, it is really not enough.

The key is, if you want Jiang Feng to be a”keyboard warrior””、”It’s okay for a”knowing football player” to be gesticulating from the side.

If you let him go on the field and play for real, he will definitely be beaten.

So, Jiang Feng decided to spend money and treat it like buying a”big toy” , so he decided to buy a team – the Bulls.

Of course, Jiang Feng was not stupid enough to buy the Bulls for entertainment.

Buying the Bulls involved Jiang Feng’s Jinxiu Clothing strategy.

Currently, Jinxiu Clothing is in In terms of sporting goods, there is the Anta sports brand.

If Anta wants to go out of the mainland, out of Hong Kong, and into the world, the best way is to acquire a prestigious football team or basketball team.

In contrast, Jiang Feng prefers basketball teams.

The rhythm is faster.

The moment you shoot the ball, the adrenalin rushes up.

As for football, to be honest, although it is a sport that attracts worldwide attention, in terms of the atmosphere on the scene, there is no doubt that basketball is more motivating.

In Taking all things into consideration,

Jiang Feng planned to buy the Bulls and use the Bulls and Michael Jordan to bring Anta to the world.

A day later,

Liang Botao came back and replied:”I have discussed it with the owner of the Bulls, Jerry Reinsdorf. We talked several times.”

Liang Botao looked at Jiang Feng opposite and said softly:”However, after several trials, he repeatedly emphasized that the team is not for sale.”

Jiang Feng looked at him, then picked up a pile of information on the table and flipped through it. Then he handed it over and said with a smile:”It’s not for sale, but the price is not right. His buying the team is just an investment.”

“So what to do next?”Liang Botao looked at the information in his hand and was shocked, but he pretended to be calm and said.

Jiang Feng had previously purchased these information from an agency in New York that specializes in investigation.

It cost hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Jiang Feng After thinking for a while, he said:”Let’s issue an acquisition invitation in the name of the Jiang Family Fund.”

Acquisition of the Bulls.

Jiang Feng has no intention of doing it in a low-key manner.

He just wants to be upright and make the momentum louder.

In this way, Splendid Anta can get more spotlight

“What about the quote? Jerry Reinsdorf bought the team for $9.2 million. Liang Botao said

“In recent years, the Bulls’ attendance has been very good because of Jordan’s presence. If the offer is low, this guy probably won’t let go.

Jiang Feng nodded slightly and asked,”What is the approximate valuation given to the team by professional institutions?” Liang

Botao quickly replied:”According to the valuation given by many institutions we hired, it is about 60 million.””

“Then let’s start with an offer of 60 million in the first round and see what the other party’s reaction is.”

Although Jiang Feng has a lot of money, he is not taken advantage of.

It is better to listen to professional institutions for this kind of matter.

Moreover, even if the other party does not agree with the first round of quotations, they can still increase the price.

It has to be said that

Liang Botao’s efficiency is still Soon, an acquisition offer from the Jiang Family Fund was placed on the table of Bulls owner Jerry Reinsdorf.

Jerry Reinsdorf was not very satisfied with the price.

Now the team The basketball market is so good, and the Bulls with Jordan are still strong contenders for the championship.

However, Jerry Reinsdorf also knows that the actual value of the Bulls is about this price, and obviously the other party still has room for further negotiation..

So Jerry Reinsdorf directly rejected Liang Botao’s offer with the mentality of waiting for the price.

Soon, with Jiang Feng’s consent,

Liang Botao issued another offer of 80 million. Obviously, this price Mr. Jerry was deeply moved.

Soon after, Jerry Reinsdorf responded in kind to Liang Botao and invited Liang Botao and the boss behind him to watch the Bulls’ home game against the Knicks.

Although Jiang Feng in his previous life was Houston has watched the Rockets game.

At that time, the little giant Yao was the banner of basketball in the entire summer, but he had never watched the game of Joe Gang Leader.

Now, the Bulls led by”Qiao Gang Leader” faced their mortal enemy. I’ve definitely seen the”New York Gang” led by Gorilla Ewing.

In the luxury box of the Chicago Stadium,

Jiang Feng finally met Jerry Reinsdorf, the current owner of the Bulls!

A Dai A middle-aged man wearing glasses, his casual attire does not suit his status as a lawyer.

“Hi Liang! Presumably, this is Mr. Jiang, right?”

Jerry Reinsdorf brought a middle-aged man with him. After passing the inspection by Jiang Feng’s bodyguard at the door, he saw his old acquaintance Liang Botao talking with a very young man as soon as he entered the box.

Jiang Feng stood up and stood beside him. Liang Botao quickly introduced:”Boss, this is Mr. Jerry, the owner of the Bulls.”

“Hello, Mr. Jerry.”

Jiang Feng reached out and shook hands with Jerry Reinsdorf, and then said:”Who is the gentleman next to you?”

Jerry Reinsdorf quickly introduced:”This is Mr. Jerry Kraus, the team’s general manager.”


The four sat down separately.

At this time, the players below began to enter the field. Obviously, Jordan, as the darling of Chicago, received a tsunami of cheers and applause from the audience. The game started soon. As the”Four Four” in the 1990s Ewing, one of the”big centers”, easily grabbed the ball.

The Knicks of this era are not the weak team of later generations. The”New York Gang” with”Gorilla” Ewing is definitely a strong contender for the championship.

It goes without saying that the Bulls team has”Master Joe”. Moreover

, before the game, the boss Jerry Reinsdorf has given the team a”must win” order.

Therefore, the two sides entered the game as soon as the game started. In an anxious state, the fight was extremely intense.

When the fight started on the court, the negotiations for the box also began.

Although he is the general manager of the Bulls, Jerry Krause really doesn’t know what the purpose of today is.

But when he first entered the box, he was startled by Jiang Feng’s formation.

“Reinsdorf, our boss’s offer is already very high. You know, according to the estimates of professional organizations, the Bulls are not worth the price at all.”Liang Botao said straight to the point.

After hearing Andy’s words, Jerry Krause just knew that his boss was going to sell the team.

This was a shock to him, because there was no sign before.

Jerry Reinsdorf ignored Jerry Krause’s frequent questioning glances, thought for a while and said:”I have devoted a lot to this team and love this team very much!!”

“85 million.”

Jiang Feng, who had been staring at the field, directly interrupted Jerry Reinsdorf’s words and said lightly.

The two people present were stunned, and then they realized that they had met a rich man.

Could it be that this big man in front of him���Is the person a Kaizi?

Just as

Jerry Reinsdorf was thinking about things.

On the court, Jordan received a pass from Pippen and dunked successfully, directly detonating the atmosphere of the entire stadium, and the cheers almost tore off the roof of the stadium.

“You see, how good our Michael is, and the market has always been so hot. Who in the league right now can be as good as Michael?”Jerry Reinsdorf took the opportunity to say proudly.

Jiang Feng knew that this guy was waiting for him to increase his stakes.

So he moved his eyes from the court and said:”Mr. Jerry, I admit what you said, but if not Michael, how much do you think the Bulls are worth?”

Jerry Reinsdorf smiled awkwardly, but continued:”Mr. Jiang, I don’t think 8500 is worthy of a championship contender.”

“So what’s the price you deserve?”

Jiang Feng groaned, and then asked

“120 million.”Jerry Reinsdorf said a number that surprised both Liang Botao and Jerry Krause.

Jiang Feng sneered in his heart.

Judging from the development trend of Jordan and the Bulls, the team is definitely worth this The price is even much lower.

But now, the Bulls are definitely not worth this price.

This price can completely buy the Lakers or Celtics.

So, Jiang Feng stared at Jerry Reinsdorf and said:”Mr. Jerry, sometimes don’t be too greedy.”

“Let’s do this, 90 million, this is the highest price I can offer”

“You can think about it carefully and give me the answer before the game is over.”


For a moment, the entire box fell silent.

Everyone’s eyes were on the court, but they didn’t know what they were thinking.

On the court, the Bulls had slowly gained an advantage.

But the Knicks They played very tenaciously, so the scene was still very intense.

In the end, the Bulls, led by”Master Joe”, defeated the New York Knicks 112:102.

In this game,”Master Joe” once again scored a game-high 33 points..The

“Gorilla” also scored a double-double of 23 points and 12 rebounds.

When the Bulls players and fans cheered for defeating a powerful enemy, they did not know that in the box, team owner Jerry Ray Ernsdorf has made an important decision!

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