
Private Dinner.

Jiang Feng met with the then President of Country M.

As the 41st president of Country M, Busch has had mixed reputations and reputations. He is also a rare president in the history of Country M who failed to be re-elected.

During his term of office, the army of country M swept across the then clamoring country of Babylon, which caused a sensation in the world.

Military victory does not bring him good luck.

At that time, the polar bears disintegrated.

After losing its goal, M country, a large number of domestic military factories closed down, and encountered the economic crisis after the Cold War. The entire M country’s economy fell into a quagmire, and even experienced a six-month recession.

The fiscal deficit is increasing year by year, and the unemployment rate has risen to 7.8%. However, Lu Shi only knows military affairs and has weak economic capabilities.

When he ran for re-election, he was defeated by Clinton.

From the perspective of Country M, it launched the Gulf War, beat the Devil King wildly, liberated the country of Kuwait, changed the pattern of the Middle East, and made great achievements.

It is a pity that for the people of Country M who were in urgent need of economic relief at that time, this soldier was naturally not supported. Moreover, the enemy of Country M, the polar bear, also completely fell in this year.

Naturally, there is no need for a strong military resume president.

Clinton, who understood economics, was favored by voters and successfully won the presidency.

Of course, the success of the Busch family is inseparable from one of the core figures, Barbara.

This person has no power, but is the most satisfying first lady in the hearts of the people of country M.

Of course, these are all things for later.

At present, Bashi has just taken office less than three years ago and has defeated the Babylonian Kingdom, and his reputation is at its peak right now.

Lu Shi was also very curious about Jiang Feng, a Xia man from Xiangjiang.

After all, the other party has stirred up troubles in Country M during this period. As long as he inquires a little bit, he can find out.

At the same time, he also knows Jiang Feng’s strength better than ordinary people.

Not to mention anything else, once these four major group companies under Jiang Feng are all listed, the 24-year-old Xia Ren in front of him will become one of the richest men in the world, worth hundreds of billions.

There will be at least 60 to 70 billion US dollars.

Faced with such a super rich man, Xiushi, as the president of country M, did not dare to neglect him easily.

After Zhao Xicheng and Zhao Xiaolan introduced them, the two chatted.

Afterwards, they came to the small lounge of the banquet hall and the two started talking.

“I heard from Mr. Zhao that Mr. Jiang has something important to do with me?”

After chatting for a while, Lu Shi was the first to ask.

To be honest, he really didn’t have much free time.

If he didn’t want to meet this super rich man from Xiangjiang, he would generally not participate in such entertainment.

“There is indeed something going on.”

Jiang Feng put down the red wine glass in his hand, smiled slightly, and said,”Here’s the thing, I plan to acquire a company, um…The company is called Apple, and it is a company that focuses on computer research and development.”

“At present, we have negotiated with the major shareholders, but the regulatory agency has not yet approved it, so…”

Before Jiang Feng could finish speaking.

Lu Shi opened his eyes wide and looked at Jiang Feng in surprise:”You want to acquire Apple?”


Jiang Feng nodded:”Yes.””

“Mr. Jiang, I advise you to give up. Apple will not sell to people outside of country M. This involves the laws of country M….”

Baoshi also wanted to learn more about science from Jiang Feng, but Jiang Feng was not interested in listening.

He already knew this.

Otherwise, I wouldn’t have come to see you.

“Mr. Busch, I understand everything you said.”

“This is not…I only have trouble with you, the current president of the country….”

Looking at Xiushi, Jiang Feng said with a smile.

Lu Shi smiled:”Mr. Jiang, do you think I will betray the interests of Country M?”

“Mr. Busch misunderstood!! I didn’t ask you to betray the interests of country M. When I acquired Apple, I was simply optimistic about Apple and didn’t want to move it away from country M.

After a pause, Jiang Feng showed a faint smile on his face and said,”Of course, this favor is not in vain. As long as you are willing to do this, I guarantee that you will be re-elected as the next president.””


“Mr. Jiang, are you joking?”

“If Mr. Jiang had so much energy, I’m afraid he wouldn’t come to me.”

Looking at Jiang Feng, Boshi’s eyes were full of contempt.

Do these damn Xia people think of him as a fool? They even boasted that they would ensure that he would become the next president. This was simply nonsense.

At this time, he regretted coming to see Jiang Feng. It’s amazing.

The Jiang Feng in front of me is so arrogant….

Jiang Feng smiled.

Jiang Feng didn’t care in the face of Xi Shi’s sarcasm.

He said in a very calm tone:”I may not have strong connections, but who told me that I have more money?””

“As long as you are willing to help, I can provide you with $300-500 million in campaign funds when you run for President of Country M in the next term.”

“Besides, I never joke.”

When he heard that Jiang Feng was willing to provide 300-500 million U.S. dollars in campaign funds, Shi Shi’s eyes lit up.

Country M is a capitalist country.

If you want to run for president, you have to spend money to win votes.

For example, look at the founding history of Country M. Is there a real civilian president?


They are all controlled by consortiums.

When these people climb to the throne of the president, they naturally want to reciprocate and provide various benefits to the groups that support him.

They even sign decrees to sell state-owned assets at low prices. , sold to a consortium.

This kind of thing is tacitly understood in the upper class society of country M.

Otherwise, why do so many people, even if they lose everything, still want to ascend to the throne of the president?

This is something that

Bo Shi is very clear about..

He came to power because of the help of the Jewish consortium behind him.

Now, if Jiang Feng is really willing to pay and support him, it will be equivalent to an extra insurance.

Thinking of this, Lu Shi’s attitude was no longer as firm as before, but he pondered. After a while he said:”I need to consider this matter carefully before I can reply to you.

Jiang Feng shrugged and said with a smile,”No problem.””

“However, I hope as soon as possible”

“In addition, I would like to advise you, don’t rely too much on the Jewish consortium behind you in the next term….”

“What’s the meaning?”

Lushi frowned and said

“You will know then.”

Jiang Feng gave Lu Shi a mysterious smile.

In addition to external factors, the reason for Lu Shi’s failure in re-election was also due to the fact that the Jewish consortium gave up its support for him, or to be precise, the support was not strong enough. There was pressure from both sides….

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