Regarding the candidates for the military industrial group, Jiang Feng planned to make Flood the apparent person in charge and Salina the actual controller.

And he hid behind the scenes.

After all, the things involved in the military-industrial complex are too sensitive.

It would be more practical for him to be the boss behind the scenes.

As for where the headquarters is located.

The Middle East, Africa, or Southeast Asian regions such as Myanmar and Laos are acceptable.

In short, SHIELD Group must be in an area where the political situation is turbulent, but not too turbulent.

The SHIELD Group was the name Jiang Feng gave to this company.

However, the preparation of the SHIELD Group still needs to wait for Salena.

The plan for polar bears has reached its most critical moment, and there is no room for distraction at this time. this day.

The mansion Zhao Anji found for him has been found.

Located on the west side of San Marino.

The entire villa estate covers an area of 21 acres, approximately 93,000 square meters, which is the size of 13 football fields.

Private swimming pool, horse farm, wine cellar, private golf course, etc. are all available.

Even Jiang Feng, who had seen many luxury houses, was shocked by the scene in front of him.

This is not a villa, it is a proper palace.

It took 3 minutes to drive from the iron gate of the manor to the main house of the villa.

The oversized lawn allowed Jiang Feng to fully understand what a real mansion is.

At this time, the mansions in Xiangjiang were not on the same level as the mansion in front of me.

After a tour.

The two came to the hall of the villa and sat down

“How about it? I spent several days choosing this manor for you.”

Zhao Anji said as if he was taking credit.

“Not bad indeed. Jiang

Feng nodded with a smile, looked around, and said,”I didn’t expect there to be such a big villa here in M country.”…It’s more than ten times bigger than the Xiangjiang side.”

“This is quite big, it can only be regarded as average. You have never seen a really big one. It covers an area of one hundred acres and the entire mountain is”

“Some even buy the entire island…It’s not a small island, it’s the kind of island with a private airport, covering an area of more than 6,000 acres….”


As expected, capitalist society is so corrupt.

Over 6,000 acres.

How big should the villa and estate be?

It is estimated that it will take more than half an hour to drive from the entrance of the manor to the manor villa.

Tsk tsk…

If this were in China, no matter how rich you were, you would not dare to buy such a large piece of land to build a villa….

Jiang Feng stood up and walked out to the garden. Looking at the endless garden, Jiang Feng narrowed his eyes for a while and asked,”How much does this villa cost?””

“The owner urgently needs to sell, so the price is already very low, requiring $80 million.”

Looking at Jiang Feng, Zhao Anji said with a sweet smile.

She chose this villa and manor after looking at more than a dozen properties.

Not only are the decoration facilities of the villa brand-new, but more importantly, there is a horse farm and a large garden. , this is her favorite.

It’s a pity.

Although the Zhao family’s villa is also very large, it is not luxurious enough to have a racecourse.

80 million US dollars?

This is close to 620 million Hong Kong dollars.

Sure enough, it is indeed a luxury house.

620 million Hong Kong dollars!

It has caught up with a listed company in Hong Kong.

However, it is expensive now.

But if it is stored for more than ten years, it is estimated that the price will increase several times.

Of course, Jiang Feng didn’t buy the villa with the intention of making money.

He just wanted to enjoy life. That’s it.

Just think about it.

Holding a cocktail party, partying, and dating famous models or movie stars every day must be very exciting, right?


What do those rich people buy such big villas for?

After shopping around, Jiang Feng was already sure

Zhao Anji quickly contacted the owner of the villa and estate. He was a typical white man.

He was the boss of a listed company.

Because the company’s capital chain was broken, he was selling cars and houses and wanted to rescue the company.

So. , after learning that Jiang Feng wanted to buy a house, he came over very happily.

Under the witness of the lawyer, the two parties signed the transfer contract and the sales contract.

The only thing left is to go to the relevant land department to transfer the title.

As long as there is money in M country, there is no way It does not need to take 3-5 days to transfer like in Xiangjiang or the Mainland.

It only requires the presence of both parties and the transfer can be completed in one hour.

Jiang Feng and Zhao Anji, who received the property rights certificate, returned to the villa manor.

The housekeeper responsible for the daily maintenance of the villa manor also received this The owner of the private manor changed. It was the young couple who came to see the house in the morning.


Jiang Feng and Zhao Anji were regarded as a couple by the servants and housekeepers of the villa.

In country M. In many states, the legal age for marriage is eighteen Years old.

The housekeeper of the villa is a housekeeper in his fifties. He used to work as a housekeeper for some declining royal families and princes and nobles in Europe.

Later, he was poached to country M. After wandering to this villa Manor.

Then I stayed there for seven years….

He is considered a loyal and reliable servant. Under his management, the entire manor is managed well.

Jiang Feng fully understands this.

When you step into the manor, you see the lawns trimmed all over the ground, as well as the floors and walls of the entire villa, which are all clean and tight.

For such a hard-working and loyal housekeeper, Jiang Feng would naturally not resign without a better candidate. at this time.

In the living room on the first floor.

Jiang Feng was chatting with housekeeper Hester Dennis

“Dennis, don’t be nervous, everything will continue as usual, I will continue to employ you as a housekeeper until you retire.”

Jiang Feng tried his best to make his face as kind as possible.

Hearing that Jiang Feng continued to hire him as the key, Dennis relieved his nervousness.

Then he respectfully bowed to Jiang Feng and said,”Thank you, sir, Dennis. I will live up to your trust and take good care of the manor.”


Jiang Feng nodded with satisfaction.

“By the way, you can make arrangements to recruit a few chefs who can cook Chinese food.”

Let him eat Western food every day. To be honest, he is still not used to it.

Still, rice is delicious.

“OK, sir, I’ll make arrangements right away.”

“Well, go for it.”

After giving the instructions, Jiang Feng called the bodyguard captain Duan Jianbai to expand his bodyguard team.

In the past, he was only responsible for the villas on the Xiangjiang side.

Now here in M country, even if he does not live there permanently, there must be bodyguards here. Just watch.

The previous 20 people were far from enough.

Now we need to expand to at least 50 people, or even 100 people.

These days, the most indispensable thing is people.

As long as you have money, you can find all kinds of talents.

In Jiang Under the charm of money.

Soon, some M country SEALs, Green Berets, Delta and other retired elites formed.

Presumably fighting.

They are more willing to work as bodyguards for the rich.

Not only can they enjoy high salaries several times higher than those of the military, but the risks are also small..

Soon, Jiang Feng recruited a security department composed of 50 elite former M Army.

In addition, a large number of servants were also recruited.

In addition to the people brought by Jiang Feng himself, the entire villa Including bodyguards, maids, etc., there are almost 150 people.

One month’s labor expenses alone require 600,000 US dollars. 7.2 million

US dollars in one year. Although it costs a lot of money, safety is guaranteed. , the experience is also more comfortable.

On the day of moving in,

Jiang Feng held a banquet and invited all business partners in country M, as well as its company executives, etc….

Celebrate it lively.

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