The sorting ceremony ended quickly, with basically no changes. Ginny came to Gryffindor, and with her was a little gray-haired boy named Colin Creevey, while Luna was sorted to Ravenclaw - the sorting situation was generally similar to the original book. Of course, some unusual things happened, such as the two at the beginning and Prewett who was in the middle of the sorting - Ron was very surprised by this name, and of course Fred and George. As for Percy, Hector said that as a prefect he was sitting too far away, but I guess his reaction was similar to that of these Weasleys.

"Our mother's last name was Prewett,"

Ron explained.

"She had two older brothers, but they died in the First Wizarding War - Mum rarely mentioned it, but we heard about our uncles, Fabian Prewett and Gideon Prewett, when we eavesdropped on her and Dad."

"You mean, there is no one else in the Prewett family except your mother?"

Hector asked, and this time it was Fred and George who answered.

"It's not clear, but our mother is the only one left in Grandpa's line."

Fred spoke first, and George followed suit.

"There may be other Prewetts, such as the one in front of us - after all, the surname Prewett is not common in the Muggle world."

Hector nodded. While they were talking, the Sorting Hat had already made a judgment. After Mr. Evans and Mr. Flamel, this was the third freshman to be sorted into Ravenclaw. This year's Ravenclaw long table was particularly lively, and the first few freshmen were basically included in their bag.

Such a situation has not appeared for many years.

In previous years, the most students were always the inclusive Hufflepuffs, followed by Gryffindor.

The worst students were Slytherin and Ravenclaw.

These two colleges insist on pure blood supremacy, and the other requires a wise mind.

The birth rate of pure-blood families in recent years has been declining, and young wizards with superior IQs are rare - this year is contrary to the norm.

It can be seen that the quality of this year's freshmen is quite impressive.

After the sorting ceremony, Dumbledore, who was sitting in the main seat, stood up. His lines were the same as last year, concise and clear.


Dumbledore said loudly with a faint smile on his face.

"Welcome to Hogwarts, and the start of a new school year! Before the dinner begins, I have a few words to say. That is, idiots! Crybabies! Scum! Screw!"

"Thank you, everyone. The dinner begins!"

Dumbledore's words did not change. He clapped his hands and sat down quickly. A rich variety of steaming food suddenly appeared on the empty table, and the quiet hall suddenly returned to a noisy state. Ghosts from various colleges shuttled between the long tables. They were elegant, graceful, and polite in their speech. However, if you accidentally touched them, you would feel like a bucket of ice water was poured directly on your head in the hot late summer.

"Hector, you've been absent-minded since the Sorting Ceremony."

Hermione, who had taken a large piece of strawberry pie, noticed that Hector was behaving completely differently than usual. The little witch nudged Hector with her elbow and asked with concern,

"What's wrong? Are you feeling unwell?"

Hector came back to his senses. He shook his head and took a thick, juicy roast beef from the plate and put it in front of him. However, Hector did not start eating right away. His eyes were still wandering around the long table of Ravenclaw, trying to find the three little wizards.

"Who are you looking at?"

After finishing the strawberry pie in front of her, Hermione looked at Hector who was sitting next to her.

Soon she found that the beef in front of Hector had not changed much.

Hector looked at the long table of Ravenclaw and subconsciously poked the steak on the plate with his fork.

Hermione looked in the direction of Hector's sight - Hector's sight stayed on the group of freshmen in Ravenclaw, to be precise, on the three young Ravenclaw wizards who left a deep impression on Hermione and made her feel familiar and unfamiliar.

"What's wrong, Hector, do you know them?"

Hector shook his head, he poked the cold steak in front of him with a fork and took a bite nonchalantly - during this time, his eyes never left the little wizards.

It was really strange, Hector had never had such a feeling before, he always felt that he should have seen these little wizards, especially Mr. Flamel. Hector felt a different feeling in him. Looking at their figures, Hector unconsciously felt a sense of intimacy in his heart.

Could it be that he is really a child of the Flamel family, but Nico Flamel is a typical DINK. Before his grandfather fell into a coma, Mr. Flamel never planned to have children. If you have to say it, it is that Nico abandoned the idea of DINK and had a child during his grandfather's coma - this doesn't make sense, Nico But Flamel is over 600 years old, and his grandfather fell into a coma only 200 years ago. Isn't it too difficult for a 400-year-old man to give birth to a baby?

Could it be that Wendell Flamel is a time traveler like Hector? This view makes sense, but Albus Evans and Panju Prewett are quite unfamiliar to Hector. And this kind of unfamiliarity is very abnormal, especially for someone with a famous name like Albus. It is quite unreasonable to have a sense of unfamiliarity.

Could it be that three time travelers came at once? This explanation may be reasonable, but it is a bit scary.

If you think about it this way, the young man named Prewett must have the blood of the Prewett family, and Mr. Flamel must have inherited the Flamel family.���The bloodline is not inferior to Hector's Dumbledore. Among the three, only Mr. Evans's last name is not very familiar to Hector, but Hector knows that the system card drawing has a guarantee. Even if there is no strong blood talent, Mr. Evans may have some powerful trump cards.

Looking at the three people chatting and laughing, Hector's heart suddenly became nervous, especially when he felt that these unidentified little wizards seemed to pay close attention to him, who should be a complete stranger.

This made Hector even more worried. Maybe they have formed an alliance, and are they going to deal with him next? Hector was thinking absentmindedly until the main course of the dinner was over, and the steak in front of him was still more than half left.

"Oh my god, Hector, you look so bad, are you feeling unwell?"

Hermione's voice was not loud, but Harry, Ron, Neville and the Weasley twins sitting opposite her could hear it clearly. They looked in the direction of Hector, who had just hurriedly finished the steak full of holes and had already cooled down after being reminded by the vibration of the plate.

"Hermione is right, Hector, why is your face so pale? Did you have a stomachache?"

Fred looked at Hector, and a serious look appeared on his face, which was rare. George continued what Fred said,

"Or did a ghost accidentally pass through your body? You look terrible, Hector. I rarely see you like this. Even when you were doing experiments with us, you looked healthier than now."

Hector shook his head.

At this moment, all kinds of puddings appeared on the table, as well as ice cream of various flavors, and then those greasy sweet pies and fresh fruits.

Harry and Ron each put a pie on Hector's tray.

Neville brought him a large glass of pumpkin juice, and Hermione was responsible for supervising him to finish the food on the plate.

Hector could only lower his head and stop thinking about it.

Of course, he felt something was wrong with his body - mainly the hunger from his stomach.

After eating the pie on the plate and a large glass of pumpkin juice, his condition was obviously improved.

The blood color returned to Hector's face, and his spirits were much better.

The dinner was over soon. Dumbledore this year was obviously much more hurried than he was last year. After hastily announcing the new Hogwarts After introducing the rules and things that freshmen must know, Dumbledore even skipped singing the school song, which was his favorite part, and announced to everyone that the dinner was over.

Since the singing part was skipped, the process of introducing new professors was naturally not carried out.

Lockhart was very disappointed about this.

The several pages in his hand were densely written, and it was obvious that the carefully prepared speech was completely useless.

However, his ability to adjust himself was very good.

It didn't take Lockhart long to get out of his disappointment.

Dumbledore seemed to have something urgent to do.

He said a few words to Professor McGonagall with a serious face, and then left before the little wizard walked out of the hall.

Professor McGonagall did not react much when she heard the news. She remained calm in the face of danger and made arrangements for the work of the prefects very skillfully. The little wizard in the hall Lined up in a line, the first-year students followed their prefects, while the remaining seniors who were familiar with the route were free to move around as long as they returned to their dormitories before curfew.

Hector had no plans to return directly to the dormitory. He was going to the yard to get some fresh air. He thought this would make him more sober - in the face of the impending danger, a clear and calm mind was very important.

Harry and Ron also wanted to go out for a walk. Hermione chose to return to the dormitory. Tomorrow was the first day of the new semester, and she wanted to make some preparations - especially since tomorrow was Lockhart's first Defense Against the Dark Arts class, and the little witch really wanted to leave a good impression in front of her idol. This would help her learn more from Lockhart, Hermione explained.

As for Neville, he also wanted to go back to the dormitory to prepare for tomorrow's classes.

Unlike Hermione, Neville's impression of Lockhart was not bad, but it was definitely not good either, so he was not very concerned about the Defense Against the Dark Arts class.

What Neville was really interested in was the Herbology class tomorrow morning.

He was very interested in those magical plants full of magic, and his research in this area was even more in-depth than Hermione, who was nicknamed"Miss Know-It-All".

However, Neville also agreed with the suggestion of going out for a walk, and going back later would not affect his plan to prepare for the lessons.

Unfortunately, the plan of the four little ones soon failed.

After instructing the prefects on relevant work matters, Professor McGonagall quickly walked towards Hector and the others.

Looking at Professor McGonagall's gradually approaching figure, Hector and the others quickly reviewed in their minds a series of things they had done that might violate school rules since entering Hogwarts.

There was no way, Professor McGonagall's sense of oppression was too strong.

Not only the Gryffindor students, but also the little wizards of other colleges would think about the mistakes they might have made when they saw her coming over with a serious face.

Fortunately, the school had just started, so the possibility of making mistakes was very small, and Professor McGonagall's target was very clear, which was Hector in the middle of the team.

"Hector, please come with me."

Harry, Ron and Neville all breathed a sigh of relief, and then they all looked at Hector with sympathy. Hector was a little surprised when his name was called. He wanted to ask why, but Professor McGonagall stopped him with a look.

He could only nod, and he walked out of the team and stood behind Professor McGonagall.

"Rest in peace, brother."

Harry's voice was as soft as possible, but it still couldn't escape Professor McGonagall's ears. Professor McGonagall, who was about to leave, turned around and���Harry and the others on the opposite side all lowered their heads again.

"Aren't you going back to the dormitory to rest?"

Professor McGonagall said sternly. She swept her eyes over the little wizards standing in a row with their heads down, and then said very impolitely,

"Or do you plan to break some school rules on the first day of school, such as going out at night, and then cause Gryffindor to lose a lot of points - this year you may not be as lucky as last year to make up for your mistakes at the last minute."

Few people dared to say anything under the pressure of Professor McGonagall, especially the three Gryffindors who had lost points. However, Professor McGonagall's eyes were not only on Harry and the others in front of her. Hector was very keen to notice that her eyes lingered on him for a while.

So Hector lowered his head and stared at his toes silently as if he had done something wrong.

""Are you like those freshmen? Don't you know where the Gryffindor Common Room is? Do you need me to take you there?"

Professor McGonagall's tone was still so stern. Harry and the others shook their heads in unison after hearing this, and then pushed each other and left the hall as quickly as if they were escaping.

"Since there is no one here, let's just talk here."

When Harry and the others disappeared outside the door, the hall had become empty, with only Hector and Professor McGonagall left.

Hector was stunned for a moment, then quickly raised his head. Professor McGonagall saw his awkward look, and she found it very interesting. The corners of her mouth rose unconsciously, and the seriousness on her face was completely replaced by kindness.

"Relax, Hector, it's not a bad thing.

Professor McGonagall looked at Hector who was in a state of embarrassment and said with a smile,

"First of all, the Transfiguration Club will hold its first group activity on the second Thursday after the start of the school year. Didn't you have health problems last year? I guess you have recovered a lot in the summer vacation."

Professor McGonagall looked up and down at Hector's taller and stronger body, with a satisfied look in her eyes.

"It looks like this, so I hope to see you at the event that day, and I hope you don't neglect your studies during the holidays. Is there any problem?"

Hector shook his head quickly, and Professor McGonagall patted Hector on the shoulder and continued,

"I will inform you of the location of the event when the time comes. You can rest assured about that."

At this point, Professor McGonagall quickly put away her kind smile, and her expression turned serious in an instant.

"There is a second thing, Hector.

Seeing Professor McGonagall's serious expression, Hector's nerves also became tense. He stared at Professor McGonagall, just as Professor McGonagall stared at him.

"Albus asks you to go to his office as soon as possible.

Professor McGonagall paused, a look of hesitation on her face, but she still said it.

"It's about the Book of Admission. Remember to inform Aberforth. Albus needs to see him too."

In Slytherin's secret room, there was a hoarse voice, and the silver door with a coiled snake carved on it slammed open, and a snake egg was placed in the secret room.

"Will things change?"

It was a cold voice.

"I hope not."

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