It was Aberforth. His tone changed the moment he saw Hector, and his excitement quickly calmed down.

Along with Aberforth, there was also the phoenix Fawkes on his shoulder. Fawkes looked exhausted. At her age, she seemed unsuitable for such a long journey.

"Your phoenix seems to be ill, Albus. It's so tired just to walk a short distance to me."

Aberforth said this as he sent Fawkes to his shelf. Dumbledore also responded.

"She is not ill, but old, just like the rest of us, only she has less time left—and Fox sent a letter to Paris for me before coming to you."

"To Paris? Who is the letter for?"

Hector and Aberforth asked in unison, and the name popped up in their minds at the same time.

"Nicolas Flamel?"

Aberforth asked.

"Why are you writing to him?"

"There is a new student at Hogwarts this year, and his last name is Flamel."

Dumbledore explained, and Aberforth then asked,

"Nico's Flamel?"

"I think so, Aberforth."

Dumbledore Aberforth took the complete letter brought back by Fawkes. After reading it, Dumbledore's expression became more serious.

"However, Mr. Flamel did not have any descendants, and the Flamel family did not have any descendants."

"And now there's a new kid named LeMay? Is that the problem you're talking about?"

"Not only that, there is also a Prewett at Hogwarts this year. But I am sure that there are no more Prewetts, except Molly Prewett - now she is Molly Weasley."

Dumbledore's explanation did not satisfy Aberforth. After he finished speaking, Aberforth quickly took over Dumbledore's words.

"Albus, I admit that what you just mentioned is very strange, but what does it have to do with Hector and me? You can leave it to Minerva or Snape, they will definitely give you a satisfactory answer."Dumbledore shook his head, pointing to the admission book spread out on the table, and said seriously,

"If only it were that simple, Aberforth."

Dumbledore pointed at the three golden names on the Book of Admission. Seeing that Aberforth still had a puzzled look on his face, he waved his wand and the 1992 on the page turned into 1991. Now both

Aberforth and Hector knew why Dumbledore was so anxious to see them.

At the end of the parchment belonging to 1991, there were two names.

The name written in silver ink was Hector Perenelle Aberforth Dumbledore.

The name written in gold ink was exactly the same.

Hector Perenelle Aberforth Dumbledore.

——————Dividing line——————

After seeing the last two names, Hector felt his head explode with a buzzing sound. He felt that the world in front of him became blurry, and Dumbledore's voice continued to ring in Hector's ears.

"The entire book has only been changed twice, one is the three names you just saw, and the other is this place."

Dumbledore held his chin and stared at the golden words on the admission book in fascination, but he continued,

"Logically speaking, these two modifications should have occurred at different times - this is easy to see, the access book only reported the latest violent intrusion, and did not mention the malicious tampering that occurred last year or earlier, as if it had not discovered it at all."

"Why was Hector's name mentioned twice?"

Aberforth asked with a serious expression.

"I don't know."

Dumbledore's answer was straightforward and direct. Aberforth did not doubt him and continued to ask Dumbledore,

"Has anything like this happened before?"

"There has never been one, no matter the students in the past or the students who will enter in the future. Even the names of the other three written in golden ink only appear once."

Dumbledore said solemnly, he paused, and then summed up the conclusion.

""There is only one person like Hector whose name appears twice."

After saying that, Aberforth and Albus Dumbledore looked at Hector who was in a trance.

After noticing the gazes of the two old men, Hector quickly came back to his senses. He tried his best to look innocent and suppress the trembling in his voice.

"Please, Grandpa, how could I know. Before you found me, Grandpa Albus, I didn't even know what Hogwarts was."

Aberforth nodded, and he quickly stood on Hector's side and defended Hector.

"Hector is right, Albus. The child came back from France, and the Pen of Acceptance and the Book of Admission can only cover the British Isles. Perhaps this is the reason for the golden handwriting?"

Dumbledore's expression eased a little, but this explanation was not perfect. He still asked questions about the details.

"Why does the name appear twice? And why is the second name written in golden handwriting like the first ones?"

"There are still differences, Albus. After all, Hector's name did not cause the Book of Admission to react, but the names of the following little guys caused the Book of Admission to have obvious resistance - the problem should not be with Hector, but with those little wizards."

Aberforth's debate was getting better and better. He���The words were firm and powerful, and they cleverly diverted the conflict. Dumbledore didn't really want to pursue the issue with Hector. After all, there were too many strange things that happened to his great-nephew. Maybe this golden name was a mark for the prophet? Dumbledore found a reasonable excuse for himself, and used Aberforth's words to shift the conflict to the three little wizards on page 1992.

Of course, Hector was completely unaware of this series of clever verbal skills and the complex psychological changes of the two Dumbledores. Now he behaved extremely abnormally. Hector obviously realized that there was something wrong with his body, and this problem brought him great pain. This extreme pain started when Hector saw his two names on the Book of Admission.

This feeling of pain does not come from any part of the body, but it is more like acting on the soul and presents a tearing feeling-it is not the first time Hector has had this feeling.

"Are you okay? Hector."

Dumbledore's voice came over, and Hector looked up. Dumbledore and Aberforth stopped talking, and their eyes fell on Hector's sweaty and extremely pale face. Hector shook his head, but his weak legs betrayed him. Before

Hector fell, Aberforth and Dumbledore's big hands supported him on the left and right.

"I may be too tired,"

Hector said weakly. The pain in his soul made him want to go back to his bed as soon as possible instead of fighting wits with the two wise Dumbledores.

"Can I go back to my dorm to rest? It's getting late."

Dumbledore nodded, and Aberforth was ready to move.

"Do you need me to take you back to your dorm, Hector? Or to the school infirmary, you look terrible."

Hector shook his head and rejected Aberforth's kindness. After saying good night, he walked out of the principal's office under the concerned gaze of the two Dumbledores.

Until Hector walked away, there was still a strange calm between Dumbledores and Aberforth - the two Dumbledores, each with their own thoughts, looked at the direction of the spiral staircase and kept silent in tacit understanding.

It was Dumbledores who spoke first to break the silence,

"do you know"

"I know."

Aberforth responded briefly.

"When did you know?"

"In the Beginning"

"Why didn't you show it?"

This time Aberforth's response was much longer, but still as sharp as ever.

"He is my grandson, Albus, and your great-nephew."


"No buts, Albus."

Aberforth looked at Dumbledore seriously.

"He calls me grandpa, and he calls you grandpa too"

"that's enough."

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