Hector looked at Mr. Flamel inquiringly. Mr.

Flamel looked very serious. He stared at Hector seriously and said,

"If I'm not mistaken, Wendell should have come to find me, right?"

Hector nodded, and

Mr. Flamel nodded thoughtfully. His expression became relaxed, and he spoke more easily.

"No wonder I felt you looked so familiar the first time I saw you, Hector. To be honest, you two look like two peas in a pod."

Mr. Flamel paused and looked at the two Dumbledore brothers who were talking.

"The young men of the Dumbledore family have a lot in common, not just in appearance, but also in Dumbledore's blood."

When people get old, they like to reminisce about the past, not to mention Mr. Flamel, a living fossil in the wizarding world who has lived for six centuries.

But now is not the right time to look back on the past. Before Mr. Flamel began his long speech, Hector took the lead in raising his own question.

"Mr. Flamel, since he came to find you, can you tell me where Wendell went?"

"To be precise, you want to know when he went, right?"

Mr. Flamel replied, and Hector nodded, his eyes full of expectation, but unfortunately, Mr. Flamel shrugged and shook his head, meeting Hector's gaze, his face showed a look of regret,

"I'm so sorry, Hector. You know, there's something wrong with my memory. A large part of it is lost. So, I just have an impression, but I can't remember the exact time."

Then what are you talking about here?

Hector rolled his eyes and muttered in his heart,

"But I think I can still help you."

Mr. Flamel seemed to have heard Hector's inner monologue, and the smile on his face did not diminish. He stretched out his wrinkled old hand into his arms, and soon, a compass that looked a little old appeared in Mr. Flamel's hand.

"This is a compass, Hector. Of course, it is not an ordinary compass that points to a direction."

Mr. Flamel put the compass in Hector's hand, and Hector carefully held the old object in his palm.

The compass in front of him was not exquisite, but it was heavy and felt heavy in his hand.

In addition, the compass seemed to have the function of automatically generating heat. Its old, even patinated surface was not cold. The metal shell carried a heat flow, a heat flow that was a little too warm.

It should not be Mr. Flamel's body temperature, Hector thought. The compass that fell into his palm The compass trembled slightly for a few times, and soon it calmed down. The temperature of the compass surface also calmed down. Before long, the compass in Hector's hand was no different from ordinary ones.

Hector frowned, staring at the compass in his hand with a curious look on his face.

As for Mr. Flamel standing opposite him, if Hector raised his head, he would definitely notice a hint of excitement passing across the old man's face.

But it was only for a moment, and Mr. Flamel's face soon calmed down, but the smile on his face was much more relaxed.

Mr. Flamel continued,

"To be more precise, this compass cannot help you determine your direction at all. Its needle is not affected by the magnetic field and points to the south."

"Pointing to what I want most in my heart."

Hector interrupted Mr. Flamel's narration. Mr. Flamel paused, then nodded.

"That's right, Hector. It will guide you to find what you desire most in your heart, and the closer you get, the higher the temperature of the compass will be, and the more obvious the vibration will be."

Hearing this, Hector raised his head, and Mr. Flamel looked at him in advance as if he had expected it. Under the gaze of Mr. Flamel's silver-gray eyes, Hector moved his eyes away uncomfortably. At this time, Mr. Flamel spoke again,

"Treat it with care, Hector. What you have in your hand may be the most exquisite and mysterious alchemical product in the entire magic world and the entire alchemical field. Its pointer is not made of ordinary magnets, but the bones of a unicorn - this is why this compass has the ability to peek into people's hearts."

Mr. Flamel's face showed a fanatical look. He looked at the compass with fanaticism, but more of a pilgrimage. Hector naturally noticed this, and this time it was finally his turn to speak.

"So, Mr. Flamel, this compass is not your work?"

"Of course not, Hector, the conception and ingenious combination of this compass completely transcends the scope of magic. It doesn't seem to be made by mortals, but more like the work of gods."

Mr. Flamel said this while pointing to himself and then to the sky.

As for why he did this, perhaps the two Dumbledore brothers, who seemed to be a little far away from them but had their ears pricked up without concealing, could well explain Mr. Flamel's mysterious and confusing actions.

"When I got it, I was confused, Hector. I had no idea what it was for. Until I met you, everything became clear. The owner of this gift was not me, but you, Hector. It just stayed with me for a short time.

Mr. Flamel deliberately lowered his body, took a step forward, and stood in front of Hector.

"As long as your mind is clear, it can find what you desire. Of course, the premise of all this is that you open the compass and hold it firmly in your hand."

Mr. Flamel motioned to Hector to open the compass, and of course Hector did so.

With a crisp sound, the lid of the compass popped open automatically, and a crystal clear pointer lay quietly and steadily in the center of the compass.

The interior of the compass was extremely simple, with a series of clearly spaced scale lines engraved on the dark gold bottom.

The place where the direction should have been marked was replaced by two words, one above and one below: future, past.

There were also two words written on both sides of the compass, two identical words, now.

The tip of the pointer fell steadily in the direction of the past, and no matter how Hector shook it, it could not move at all.

"Amazing, isn't it?"

Mr. Flamel's voice sounded the same as usual, but Hector still heard the boasting and pride between the lines.

"Of course, its magical properties are far more than these, and you will know when the time comes - just remember one thing, when you lose your way, just ask it, and the compass will give you the answer.

Mr. Flamel paused, his eyes left the compass and fell on Hector again,

"By the way, don't you have some questions? I'm happy to answer them for you."

"Oh, yes, I do have some questions."

Hearing Mr. Flamel's words, Hector temporarily shifted his attention away from the compass. He looked at the old man standing in front of him and asked very seriously,

"I heard from Albus and the others that there seems to be some kind of time fortress.——"

"You can rest assured, Hector. Traveling to any time in the past and any distance will not be affected by the Time Fortress. There are indeed restrictions on traveling to the future, but don't worry. The time you have is enough to support you to complete three to five travels to the future timeline."

"Only three to five times?"

"No more than five times, Hector, no more than five times, so please be careful."

When Mr. Flamel said this, his expression was particularly serious. He looked at Hector very seriously and said earnestly,

"Time is a precious asset, but it is also a demon that plays tricks on people's hearts. Don't be fooled by time, and don't fall into its trap. Take care, Hector."

Mr. Flamel ended his words here, and he turned and walked towards the Dumbledore brothers who were standing in the distance and had already stopped arguing.

Following behind him was Hector, who had made up his mind.

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