When Hector walked out of Professor Flitwick's office with a tired body, it was already dark. It was time for dinner. Professor Flitwick had no sense of time when he was busy. It was only after Hector reminded him several times that he realized it.

Professor Flitwick asked Hector to go first. He wanted to prepare tomorrow's lesson plan before going down to enjoy the meal.

"I am really looking forward to this dinner, but I still have to finish what I need to do first."

He said so, which made Hector very emotional. After all, he is a professor, and his diligence is really admirable.

However, Hector had no desire to stay in the office any longer. He wanted to enjoy the hard-earned rest time and the sumptuous dinner. But

Hector did not notice one thing. The wand that was originally in his pocket was carefully pulled out little by little and placed in a corner of Flitwick's office. This scene was very abrupt, but neither the tired Hector nor Flitwick, who was concentrating on the lesson plan, noticed the scene in front of them.

(This power will be mentioned later. It is another almost explicit pitfall to prevent being criticized.)

Hector hurried to the auditorium very quickly. There were too many little wizards coming and going below. Hector's usual free fall was not very easy to use. He could only walk down those temperamental stairs slowly.

However, those stairs seemed to be enjoying the rare rest time of Halloween. They were very considerate and did not move, so Hector quickly reached the first floor.

The door of the auditorium was closed.

Hector pushed open the door and was greeted by the aroma of roasted pumpkin.

The auditorium was particularly noisy on Halloween.

All the little wizards were inside enjoying the extraordinarily sumptuous dinner provided by Hogwarts.

The ceiling of the auditorium There were all kinds of pumpkin lanterns of all sizes hanging on the hall, and about a thousand bats were fluttering on the walls and ceiling.

Above the bats, the wonderful ceiling turned into low dark clouds, giving the entire hall a terrifying atmosphere.

The hall created a strong atmosphere, but the young wizards were not affected by this atmosphere at all.

They were chatting animatedly, exuding the vitality of youth.

Hector first took out a box of chocolate frogs from his pocket and ran towards Dumbledore.

Old Dumbledore was very surprised. The old man still had some complaints about Hector not coming to see him for such a long time since the start of school, but he was still very happy to see Hector come over.

"Oh, Hector, you finally remember me as your grandfather."There was a hint of complaint in Old Deng's words, but the smile on his face was hard to hide.

"By the way, Happy Halloween, Hector"

"Happy Halloween, Grandpa." Hector handed the box of chocolate frogs to Dumbledore.

"Oh, is this your gift for me? Do I have to say trick or treat?"Dumbledore's smile became even brighter. His usual humor made Professor McGonagall, who was sitting next to him, also smile happily. She looked at Hector with a kind face.

"This is mine," Hector took out a box of chocolate frogs from his pocket.

"This is my grandfather, Aberforth, who asked me to bring it to you."

Dumbledore was obviously stunned. He stood up and took the two boxes of chocolate frogs from Hector's hand quite solemnly.

"Oh, Hector, this is a really great Halloween gift."Dumbledore's eyes seemed to be filled with tears. He held two boxes of chocolate frogs in his hands, as if they were some precious treasures.

"Thank you, Hector. Dumbledore said sincerely.

"You're welcome, Grandpa." Hector turned and ran towards the Gryffindor table, but Dumbledore stopped him.

"If you don't give me candy, I'll play tricks on you." Dumbledore winked at Hector playfully, and Hector gave Dumbledore a big smile in return.

Hector was in a good mood, and he quickly returned to the little wizards. However, he didn't see Hermione at the long table of Gryffindor, which made him feel very strange, but Harry and Ron, who were eating with their heads down, were very conspicuous.

Hector sat down opposite Harry, first took a fried golden chicken leg and stuffed it into his mouth, then asked Harry vaguely,

""Harry, where's Hermione?"

Harry's expression froze for a moment, then he quickly lowered his head, avoiding Hector's gaze.

Hector felt something was wrong, and he swallowed the unchewed chicken with difficulty, then turned to look at Ron, who was holding a chicken drumstick in each hand. Ron also lowered his head, and the discomfort on his face was obvious.

Harry was about to take a baked potato from the long table when Hector's eyes turned to him, frightening little Harry so much that he retracted his hand and the potato fell onto the plate.

"Well, Hector, this is what happened."Harry and Ron exchanged glances, and finally decided that Harry would tell Hector what happened in the afternoon.

But Hector already had an impression of what happened in the original book. He stared at Ron, the culprit of the whole thing. Ron also put his beloved chicken leg on the plate in front of him, lowered his head, and did not dare to look Hector in the eye.

It really did not make Hector worry at all. I hope there is still time to make up for it. He stood up and patted his pocket.

The wand was gone.

Hector remembered that he had put it in when he left, and the empty pocket proved that he was wrong.

Fortunately, the free fall method was not used just now, otherwise the consequences would be unimaginable.

Harry saw Hector stand up, and he stood up too, and Ron naturally followed closely behind.

"Listen, Hector, Ron didn't mean it."Before Harry could finish his words, the door to the Great Hall was pushed open with a bang. It was Professor Quirrell, who rushed into the Great Hall. His purple scarf was tilted on his head, and it looked like it would fall off his head soon.

Professor Quirrell's face was full of fear, and everyone was staring at him.

He quickly rushed to the professor's desk and leaned on the desk, looking exhausted. Professor Quirrell was panting, and he said intermittently,

"Trolls - At Hogwarts——"Professor Quirrell took a deep breath and looked into Dumbledore's blue eyes.

"I thought you should know that."

After saying that, he fell to the floor and looked like he had fainted.

The whole hall suddenly became quiet, and only the sound of bats flapping their wings on the ceiling could be heard.

At this moment, Neville accidentally knocked over the cup, and the sound of the metal cup falling to the ground seemed particularly crisp in the hall at this moment.

Just like a fuse was lit, the hall suddenly became a mess, and the young wizards all stood up from their seats and rushed to the door in a swarm. The professor's shouting had no effect. At this time, old Dumbledore stood up and put his wand to his throat.

""Quiet!" Dumbledore's voice was amplified and frighteningly loud, effectively stopping the chaos. Everyone looked at the old and majestic figure standing at the front of the hall.

""Prefect," Dumbledore said in a low and firm voice,"take the students from each college to their dormitories immediately!"

All the prefects stood up, and Percy's voice soon rang out.

"Come with me! Don't get separated, first-year students! As long as you listen to my instructions, you don't have to be afraid of any trolls!" His tone still sounded so high and mighty, but the little wizards of Gryffindor quickly gathered around him.

""Okay, follow me closely! Make way, the first-year students are going to pass! Excuse me, I'm the prefect!"

Hector, Harry and Ron were dragged out by the little wizards. Hector stopped Harry who was about to continue explaining. The current problem was beyond his ability. According to the speed of the plot, it was too late to go to the eighth floor to find the wand, which might be in Flitwick's office. Therefore, he needed help without a wand.

There were two very good helpers in front of him, two brave and guilty little wizards.

"I don't care what happened now." Hector said very seriously to the two little wizards who lowered their heads in front of him.

"I didn't see Hermione in the group, and I'm sure you didn't see her either - where is Hermione, I don't think she knows about the troll yet."

Ron bit his lip hard, he looked extremely guilty.

"Hermione has been in the ladies' room all afternoon, I think she's still there." Harry muttered quietly.

"I was wrong about this matter." Ron took over the conversation and raised his head as if he had made up his mind.

"We listen to you, Hector. Harry nodded firmly.

"Let's go, let's find Hermione first." Hector lowered his body, and Ron and Harry followed closely behind him. The three of them mixed in with the Hufflepuff team and walked in another direction. After the main group had passed, Hector led them to quietly slip through an empty side corridor and hurried to the women's toilet.

Suddenly, footsteps were heard not far ahead, and Hector stopped immediately. He quickly pulled the two reckless men who were rushing forward behind a large statue of a griffon.

"Is it Percy?"Ron was very nervous. He shrank in the corner and asked in a low voice.

They looked from behind the stone sculpture. It was not Percy, but Snape. He was still wearing a black robe and his steps seemed very hurried. Snape quickly crossed the corridor and disappeared from their sight.

"What is he doing? Why doesn't he stay in the dungeon with the other teachers?" Harry's voice was also very low, for fear that Snape would hear him.

"Who knows," Hector responded to Harry.

"But I think we can follow Snape. I have a feeling that by following him, we can find Hermione."

Harry and Ron agreed with Hector's suggestion. The three of them walked out of the shadows behind the statue and followed Snape from a distance. They listened to Snape's footsteps and walked quietly along another corridor.

""He's heading to the fourth floor," Harry said, but soon stopped talking. At this time, Snape's whereabouts were no longer so important, because they smelled a foul odor. The last time Hector smelled something similar was when he knocked over his grandfather's bottle of fermented bean curd. That smell was really pungent and lasting for Hector - almost the same as now.

""Do you smell it?" Ron covered his nose,"It's the smell of stinky socks and an unflushed toilet."

Before Hector and Harry nodded, they heard a low mutter and the sound of huge feet dragging on the ground.

It's a troll.

The three people had this thought almost at the same time, and they all shrank into the shadows in the corner.

Not long after, a huge shadow appeared at the end of the corridor.

The shadow moved slowly in the direction of Hector and the others.

The pressure brought by the shadow made the three little wizards hold their breath at the same time.

The troll soon appeared in front of them.

It looked terrifying, and its huge body was in sharp contrast to its small and pitiful head.

The troll was about twelve feet tall, and its skin was dull and the same color as granite.

Its short legs were like thick stumps covered with mud, and underneath were a pair of flat, rough big feet.

Hector, who was not far from the troll, clearly smelled the smell emanating from there.

The troll was holding a long and thick wooden stick in his hand. His arms were extremely long, and because of this, the stick dragged on the ground, making a harsh sound. The troll walked past the three people. His stupid brain and dull sense made him ignore the three little wizards who were very close. He continued to move forward clumsily and slowly, and suddenly stopped at the door of a room.

The troll peeked into the room, his long ears swinging back and forth to detect the movement in the room. After a long time, the troll's not-so-bright little head finally made a decision. He lowered his head, lifted the big stick, and slowly got into the room.

When the troll's figure completely disappeared into the door, Hector and the other two quickly rushed out of the dark corner. They resisted the urge to vomit and quickly came to the door following the stench left by the troll.

"The key is in the lock," Harry suggested quietly, looking at Hector who was peeking into the house with his nose pinched.

"Why don't we just lock the door? Then the troll can't get out."Harry thought this was a really good idea, and Ron seemed to agree with it. When Hector retracted his head from the room, Harry slammed the door shut, and Ron locked it in tacit understanding, then took out the key and threw it hard into the darkness at the end of the corridor.

Hector had no time to stop it, and watched the key disappear before his eyes.

Hector looked at Harry and Ron's proud expressions, and pointed to the sign above his head speechlessly.

"It's a good idea - but this is a women's toilet, brother, you threw the key away, maybe Hermione is in there!"

Harry nodded thoughtfully, and Ron held a glimmer of luck.

"It can't be such a coincidence." Ron also poked his head into the room.

"There are so many girls' toilets in the school, Hermione may not be here."

It turns out that you can't take any chances no matter what.

Then they heard a terrible scream. It was Hermione's voice. She sounded terrified. Ron's face turned pale.

"It's over," Ron put his head in his hands.

"The key is gone and the door can't be opened. I won't kill Hermione, will I?"

Harry also seemed very panicked. He completely forgot his identity as a wizard and kicked and kicked the locked door like a Muggle. He didn't even notice that his wand fell from his robe pocket to the ground.

Hector swore that he had never seen this plot in the original book. It was obviously not so difficult. First, the wand was not brought, and then the key was thrown away. But the current situation did not allow him to think too much. Hector picked up the wand on the ground and

"Get out of the way, Harry, and close your eyes," Hector pointed his wand at the wooden door.

""Alaho! Open!"

Harry's wand tip emitted a dazzling light, and the door opened with a bang. However, the light at the tip of the wand was reluctant to dissipate until Hector threw the wand on the ground, and then the light slowly dissipated.

"What was that just now?" Ron recovered.

"I don't remember Hermione having this effect."

"Never mind that!" Hector rushed to the front, Harry picked up his wand, and followed behind him with Ron.

"Hermione!" the three said in unison.

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