The dinner ended quickly in a happy and relaxed atmosphere. It was getting late, and it would be the Hogwarts detention time soon.

Before leaving, Fred and George got ahead of Harry and Ron and surrounded Hector. They talked in secret for a long time. Ron, who wanted to eavesdrop, was kicked out of the discussion circle by Fred and George more than once, which made Ron very angry.

""So secretive, it doesn't look like he's doing anything good."

But this couldn't hide the curiosity that was almost overflowing from his and Harry's faces. The conversation between the two Weasley brothers and Hector didn't last long, and finally the conversation ended with Fred and George patting Hector's shoulders heavily. It was very much their style, and Hector really grinned for a long time.

But they didn't just leave like that, Fred and George turned around and found Ron, who knew something bad was going on and was hiding behind Harry. They soon surrounded their good brother Ron on the left and right as before,

"You never learn your lesson, little Ronnie," Fred said, and George naturally took over Fred's words.

"We just said that it is a bad habit to say bad things about people behind their backs. It didn't take long, didn't it, little Ron?"

The brothers held Ron on the left and right in tacit understanding. Harry, who was willing but unable, could only watch Ron struggle. At first, Ron could still make some noises, but soon Fred covered his mouth, and George's hand was on Fred's.

Well, Ron could only kick his legs symbolically, and his voice could not be heard at all.

""Okay, that's enough, Fred, don't think I didn't say anything to you, George, let go of your hands, Ron can't breathe."

They didn't make a fuss for long before Percy stopped them.

"Pay attention to etiquette, okay? This is not home."

The two brothers put Ron down. Ron was breathing heavily. He looked at Percy with gratitude after surviving the disaster.

At this time, Dumbledore also stood up.

"It's getting late, it's time to go back." Dumbledore said to Harry and the Weasley family with a smile, then turned to look at his brother.

""Thank you again for your hospitality, Aberforth." Aberforth nodded in response.

Dumbledore walked to the door, and Hector took the initiative to help him open the door. Dumbledore patted Hector on the shoulder.

"I think it's time to say goodbye now. I'll wait for you in Hogwarts." Dumbledore smiled kindly.

"By the way, Merry Christmas, Hector."

Dumbledore touched Hector's head and walked out the door. The snow outside had stopped. He dug out a tattered boot from the storage room of the Hog's Head Inn and cast a Portkey spell on the boot.

"We need to speed up and try to get back to Hogwarts before curfew."

Dumbledore said to the young wizards around him.

""Hold the boot together, kids."

Their figures disappeared in the snowy night, and the noisy streets became quiet in an instant. The Hog's Head, which was full of laughter and joy, became deserted.

It was getting late, and Aberforth wanted Hector to go back to the room to rest, and he would do the final finishing work. But Hector refused. He took the initiative to help Aberforth clean up the messy long table and did some things within his ability, such as helping to transport the plates back to the kitchen.

After doing these things, Hector did not rush to bed. He said to Aberforth,

"Grandpa, can you go out with me for a while?"

Aberforth didn't hesitate at all. He picked up the coat on the counter and opened the door first. He didn't even ask Hector what he was going to do. He walked out of the Hog's Head. Aberforth's decisiveness made Hector a little stunned.

"Aren't you going out?" Aberforth poked his head in again, and Hector came back to his senses. He said"oh" and ran out of the Hog's Head Inn quickly.

The snow, which was not heavy to begin with, stopped at some point. The night in Hogsmeade was silent, and the surroundings were quiet. The dim lights on the road cast the figures of the grandfather and grandson holding hands on the white snow on the ground, and even the snow, which should have been cold, was given a hint of warmth.

"Hector, where are we going?"

""Secret," Hector pretended to be mysterious, and he pulled Aberforth forward.

"Come on, Grandpa, I believe you will definitely like it."

Not long after, Hector led Dumbledore to the edge of the Forbidden Forest, where a piece of open space was cleared by humans, and Hector stopped here.

"Well, we are here."

Hector let go of Aberforth's hand and took out his wand.

"First of all, I have to tell you that this is a Christmas gift from Fred and George, you know, the Weasley twins."Hector kindly reminded Aberforth, which made him very unhappy.

"Of course I remember, two very interesting little guys, they came to the Hog's Head before you came, and they came more than once." Aberforth rolled his eyes at Hector

"Hector, your grandfather is not senile yet."

""No, how could it be? You're just talking nonsense," Hector immediately waved his hand and denied three times in a row. In order to divert Aberforth's attention, he pointed his wand at the bushes in the distance. The surprise prepared by the Weasley brothers - of course, homemade fireworks - flew into the air not long after, and bloomed with a bang in the high sky.

Hector had expected this.

Recently, the brothers' fireworks business has been quite big.

The excellent quality and relatively low price of Weasley's products quickly and unreasonably occupied the hearts of the young wizards in Hogwarts.

All fireworks can be delivered to the door quickly and attentively - this is much better than the suffocating delivery speed of the joke shop in Diagon Alley.

What's more, the Weasley brothers' fireworks can be customized - this is thanks to Hector's technical support in scientific research.

This must be customized, Hector thought to himself, but he didn't know whether it was the lion of Gryffindor or a phoenix symbolizing Dumbledore.

The fireworks that flew into the sky first scattered in all directions, and then the fireworks in the sky stopped in the air as planned.

Next The process is to form a pattern.

Hector is still very confident in the products of the Weasley brothers, or in other words, his own scientific research results.

However, he is still looking forward to the one prepared by the Weasley brothers for Aberforth.

According to them, it is a test model obtained after the latest adjustment of the formula.

Of course, the brothers have patted their chests and assured Hector that there will be no problems.

However, the pause time is a bit too long. These fireworks in the air seem to be thinking. This pattern must be very complicated. It is obviously not like a lion or any other animal. Hector has participated in the research and development of basically all fireworks, and he has never seen this before.

Hector feels that the fireworks in the sky seem to form the shape of a person, but the face of that person looks very blurry.

He guessed it, and this naturally did not stump the smart Aberforth. The bright and colorful fireworks in the sky did not let them wait any longer, and soon formed a familiar old man with gray hair-Aberforth."Aberforth" in the sky smiled kindly and waved to Hector and Aberforth on the ground.

"I must give these two little guys a beating." Aberforth had a warm smile on his face, but his words were still so cold.

"This doesn't look like me at all - I'm much more beautiful than this."

Hector didn't say anything. He felt Aberforth's big, warm embrace - Aberforth was hugging him from behind.

They on the ground were looking at the old man in the sky, and the old man in the sky was also looking at them on the ground.

Aberforth and Hector just looked at the sky quietly. The image of Aberforth in the sky didn't last long. He finally waved to the two people on the ground, gradually faded, and finally disappeared into the night. But Fred and George also thought of this. They also prepared many other tricks. Many vivid magical animals appeared alternately in the sky. The dark sky provided a very good stage. The whole night sky became bright because of them.

"Grandpa Albus asked me to bring you a gift, and of course my gift." Hector looked up at Aberforth, who was concentrating on the sky, and thought this was a very appropriate time.

""Merry Christmas, Grandpa."

Aberforth lowered his head, his face was calm.

Aberforth took the gift box, and he casually put Albus's gift into a pocket of his coat.

Aberforth treasured Hector's gift much more.

He took Hector's gift box in his hand very solemnly, and then put it in the small bag inside the lining - Aberforth put Hector's gift closest to his heart.

The fireworks show prepared by Frege and George ended, and Hector jumped in front.

It was the first time he felt so happy since he came here.

Happiness and relaxation, everything is so beautiful, friends, family, Hector likes everything now, if only nothing would change.

Aberforth walked neither fast nor slow, as if he had something on his mind. He took out a package from his pocket with great effort. It was a gift from his brother. Aberforth hadn't received a Christmas present from Albus for many years. Aberforth hesitated for a while, but he still opened the not very big package.

Aberforth was really curious.

After opening the package, an object appeared in front of him.

Aberforth took out his wand,

"Fluorescent light flickered."

It turned out to be a small wooden statue, a very cute little girl. There was no trace of magic on the wooden statue. The little girl was motionless, her eyes staring forward, with a sweet smile on her face. Aberforth held the little girl in his palm like a treasure.

The little girl was his and Albus's sister, Ariana.

Aberforth placed the statue next to Hector's gift box, facing his pounding heart. As for the box, it returned to a pocket of his coat alone.

""Hurry up, Grandpa!"

Aberforth heard Hector's voice in front of him. Hector had run far away without knowing when.

""Coming!" Aberforth quickened his pace. The lights of the Hog's Head Inn were already vaguely visible.

The person is gone, and can only be hidden in memory; the splendor in front of us can still be cherished with all our heart.

Christmas Eve passed, and on Christmas morning Hector received a lot of packages, which were neatly placed beside Hector's bed.

Hector opened them one by one.

Harry gave him a"Guide to the Use of Flying Broomsticks" and a toy broom.

Hector felt that his emotional intelligence was really worrying.

Ron gave Hector a big bag of fudge, which was in line with his careless and sloppy style.

The little witch Hermione gave Hector a big box of chocolates, which she said were bought from France.

Hector accepted the kindness, but he still put the box of chocolates at the end, because that box of chocolates always evokes some not-so-good memories.

The gifts from other people were all similar.

Hector knew they were all kinds of books without even opening them.

Professor McGonagall's gift was many copies of"Transfiguration Today", and there were her , this gift is really very practical, Hector likes it very much.

Professor Flitwick's gift is his own study notes, which are very detailed with the spell casting techniques.

He hopes that this gift can help Hector, and Hector also treasures the notes and puts them into his storage bag.

As for dear Grandpa Albus, Hector has high hopes for his gift, but Dumbledore's package only contains a few boxes of chocolate frogs and several pairs of thick cashmere socks - coincidentally, the ones Hector gave him are similar.

Aberforth's gift was not with them. Hector went downstairs and saw the big package on the table at a glance.

Hector couldn't wait to open it, and what caught his eye was a flying broom - the Silver Arrow, which was made by Leona Jox himself. The broom handle is made of white oak, and the broom tail has been carefully groomed and tightly rolled together. The whole broom shows an extremely beautiful streamlined shape, which looks very suitable for flying.

"Last time in Diagon Alley, you were eyeing the Nimbus 2000, but I heard that the Nimbus 2001 was going to be released, so I thought about buying a better one - so I asked someone to buy this Silver Arrow." Aberforth leaned back in his chair, drinking tea, and didn't notice that Hector looked a little ugly.

"I know that first-year students are not allowed to bring brooms to school - you can practice at home and bring them next year. I really hope that you will be selected for the Gryffindor Quidditch team, and I will definitely go to watch your game when the time comes."

Hector scratched his head. He knew how precious this flying broom was, so he didn't want to disappoint Aberforth. He could only force a smile and said to Aberforth:

"Thank you, Grandpa, I like your gift very much."

"As long as you like it,"

Aberforth smiled happily, and with a wave of his wand, all kinds of food floated out from the kitchen.

"Enjoy your Christmas dinner."

Time passed very quickly.

Before Hector had enough of enjoying the warmth of home, he received a letter from Hermione.

The little witch wanted him to join the team to find Nicolas Flamel.

Hector thought about it and decided to go back to join.

Hector still remembered that there seemed to be a magic mirror of Erised, which was said to be able to see what people wanted in their hearts.

He wanted to try it.

Hector also wanted to know what he really wanted.

He would be able to see Hermione soon, and Hector was looking forward to returning to school.

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