From then on, Harry and Ron devoted themselves to observing the restricted area on the fourth floor every day. Every time Hector went back to the Gryffindor common room with them, Harry and Ron would always deliberately take a long detour to that corridor - Harry said that they were confirming whether Fluffy was still growling in there, at least they could be sure that Snape was still helpless against Fluffy.

Not only that, their views on Professor Quirrell had also changed. Ron, who had said more than once that Quirrell was a coward, now began to persuade others not to laugh at Quirrell, and Harry, whenever he saw Quirrell, would give Quirrell an encouraging smile.

This caused Quirrell to be particularly embarrassed every time he met Harry and the others. Hector saw Quirrell awkwardly pulling out a stiff smile as a response more than once, and then he quickened his pace and left as if he was escaping. After that, Hector and the others rarely met Quirrell, but the number of times they met Snape increased sharply. Snape always walked around the school in big strides, which made Harry and Ron more determined in their ideas.

"He must be searching for information." Harry repeated the consensus he and Ron had reached, which he had instilled in Hector more than once.

"Poor Professor Quirrell, he must have been exhausted dealing with Snape - don't you think he's getting worse? He looks terrible. Hector, do you know of any restorative potion? We could sneak some to him."

Hector shook his head at Harry, who was helping his enemy without knowing it. Harry sighed. He had thought about mixing some stimulants, even some tranquilizers. Quirrell looked pale and looked like he hadn't had a good sleep for a long time.

Speaking of mixing potions, Harry had to admit that Snape's evaluation of him in the Potions class,"slightly smarter than a troll," was relatively fair. Harry felt a headache just looking at the complicated steps, not to mention the production. Harry looked at his product and suspected that he was brewing poison.

As for Ron, the evaluation he got from Snape was"the same as a troll.

" Harry really couldn't count on him.

Hermione has been busy reviewing for the final exams recently.

Although there are still ten weeks before the exams, this does not prevent the little witch from arranging her own review plan every week while caring about the Philosopher's Stone.

Although Hermione supports Harry's idea, she thinks reviewing and previewing are more important than mixing potions, which is a time-consuming and labor-intensive task.

"There is not much time left, Harry, do you know that we have to pass the final exam to be promoted to the second grade?"Hermione looked at Harry's face and shook his head, looking quite disappointed, and she continued,

"The final exam is really important, and Harry, I think you should trust Professor Quirrell more - after all, he is also the professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts at Hogwarts. Maybe he has caught a cold recently?"

All in all, it is unrealistic to count on Hermione, so Harry had to find the last option - that is Hector. Hector has been very busy recently, and he always showed an undeniable attitude towards the indisputable consensus that Harry thinks is"Snape is the villain." Hector is more inclined to believe that Quirrell,"the warrior" in Harry's eyes, is the real villain, but every time he is asked to provide evidence, Hector always hesitates, as if he has something to hide.

So Harry finally gave up the idea of asking Hector to help prepare the potion. He was afraid that Hector would be"confused for a moment" and give Professor Quirrell's potion to Harry. If there was even a little bit of private goods in it, it would be the end of it.

Then they found the Weasley twins, the most famous middlemen in the school. The two Weasley brothers were also very loyal and sold Harry a large bottle of tranquilizer at a bargain price.

Then Hector never saw Quirrell again that day. Harry heard from him that he mixed the tranquilizer into Professor Quirrell's pumpkin juice. It seemed that the tranquilizer was quite effective. Fred and George were always very conscientious in doing business.

But Hector has been very busy recently, of course not busy with reviewing.

Didn't Hector plan to train Neville well before? Idea? Hector put this idea into action - he spent a lot of time and effort to teach Neville for a while, and then he found that this kid's learning attitude was really good, but he was also surprisingly slow to learn.

Unlike Harry and Ron, Harry and the others were not interested in this at all.

Neville always took Hector's class very seriously.

He carefully absorbed the knowledge Hector taught and actively interacted with Hector from time to time.

This made Hector gain a lot of emotional value, and then after entering the actual operation, Hector was surprised to find that Neville's performance was better than Harry and Ron.

Well, worse.

Harry and Ron could still make some sparks come out from the front of their wands. As for Neville, Hector even suspected that he had brought a branch from a tree to school.

Hector didn't believe it was a problem with his teaching. He tried to ask Neville a few questions about the knowledge points they had just learned, and then found that Neville had a pretty good grasp of the theoretical knowledge.

It shouldn't be a problem with Hector's teaching. Hector looked Neville up and down, and finally Neville took his wand in his hand - the wand looked very old, as if it had experienced many battles, and the wand looked scarred.

"This is not your wand, Neville." Hector asked Neville, Neville shook his head, he and Hector explained,

"This is my father's wand. My grandmother hopes that I will be a brave man like my father and live up to his expectations of me."

Hector returned the wand to Neville and said to him very seriously,

"That won't do, Neville. Your grandmother's intentions are good, but a wand that doesn't suit you won't be able to fully exert its power."Hector took out the Fawkes feather that Dumbledore left for him from his pocket.

"But you don't have to worry about how to tell your grandmother, Neville. I'll ask Grandpa Albus to write a letter to your grandmother. I believe you will have a new wand of your own soon."

Hector pointed his wand at the red feather, and the feather automatically burned. After a while, Fox appeared in front of him.

"Hello, Fox," Hector borrowed a quill and parchment from Neville. He lowered his head and wrote, while Fox stood on his shoulder and slowly looked at him.

""Help me take this letter to Grandpa Albus, please." Hector rolled up the parchment, and Fawkes took it in his mouth. Hector touched its feathers, and Fawkes rubbed her head against Hector's, then flapped her wings and flew into the air.

A group of very bright sparks bloomed in the air, and Fawkes's figure disappeared from the sight of Hector and Neville in an instant.

A few days later, Hector received a reply from Dumbledore, but it was sent by owl. Dumbledore said in the letter that Fawkes had a lot of objections to being a messenger, so he could only choose this traditional way. However, in the envelope, old Dumbledore still gave him a phoenix feather.

Neville also received a letter from his grandmother a day later. He seemed very excited.

""Hector, thank you. My grandmother said she will take me to buy a wand for me during the Easter holidays." Neville looked at the wand he had.

"But I will keep it as a souvenir. This is my father's wand. I want to be like him."

Hector patted his shoulder.

"Not entirely true, Neville, I believe you will become a better person than him."

Hector said seriously,

"After all, there is no Dumbledore beside your father."

The two looked at each other and laughed heartily at the same time.

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