The young wizards, their curiosity exhausted, could no longer stand the smell and the extremely hot environment in the house. Hector and his friends did not stay in the hut for long before they all said goodbye to Hagrid. They lined up like they had when they came, and walked out of Hagrid's hut one after another, heading towards Hogwarts.

"How can there be so many things to do in one day?"Walking on the road, Harry looked at the sky, he sighed, Ron nodded, and then said,

"Yes, I really want to know what a peaceful and tranquil life is like."

Contrary to their wishes, the days that followed were even more difficult.

Every night, they had to stay in the library to complete a lot of homework assigned by the teacher.

Hermione had completed a round of review.

She thoughtfully prepared a detailed review plan for her friends (including Neville who joined later).

Hector never expected that Hermione had even done her own part.

But it didn't look like Hector was going to review the first-year courses.

The more Hector looked at it, the more it looked like a preview plan.

The schedule was tight, and Harry and the others were so busy that they couldn't even raise their heads. The complicated schoolwork was driving them crazy. They had no time to complain, because the final exams were getting closer and closer, and even Ron, who was the most carefree, felt the pressure from the final exams.

Until one morning, Harry's owl Hedwig brought them a note from Hagrid, on which there were only four words - hatching soon.

Ron was very excited when he heard the news. He didn't want to attend the Herbology class anymore. The fact that the dragon had hatched had completely captured Ron's heart. His proposal received widespread support, and even Hector was interested, but Hermione held him back, and the little witch seriously rejected Ron's request.

"Come on, Hermione, we only get to see a Charmander hatch a few times in our lifetime - this is a rare opportunity to observe the whole process up close!"

"We have classes to attend, and there are four of you. It's too obvious! It will cause trouble. What's more, if someone finds out what Hagrid did, he will be in big trouble - it's not a good idea to keep a dragon in captivity."

Hector had noticed a blond figure approaching quietly, and Harry also noticed it, and he stopped Hermione from talking in time.

""Stop it, Hermione." Harry warned quietly. Malfoy was standing a few steps away from them. Harry didn't know how much Malfoy heard, but the expression on his face was very annoying.

"Why is he still haunting us?" Ron looked at Malfoy's receding figure, frowning in disgust.

"He won't hear it, will he? Hector, do you know any forgetfulness spell to make Malfoy forget about it completely?"

"Come on, just think of it." Hector's face was full of disgust, and he continued,

"There are only two colleges of students in total, so it is too obvious that there are so many fewer people in the Herbology class - but if we go during the morning break, there won't be any problem except that it will be a little rushed."

Harry nodded, and Ron could only reluctantly walk with them to the Herbology classroom. But he didn't have to wait long, and the bell for the end of class came very quickly.

Hector and the others immediately put down their shovels and hurried out of the greenhouse the moment they heard the bell.

Harry and Ron ran in the front, Hermione followed closely behind them, and Hector was actually left at the end of the team.

As for Neville, he followed him slowly.

Ever since he learned spells under Hector, Neville has been sticking to Hector like a follower, even in his favorite Herbology class.

Hector saw Hagrid's huge body standing at the door from a distance, his face flushed, and he was very excited.

"Come in quickly, Hector," Hagrid's eyes were shining, and he waved excitedly at Hector

"It's almost out!"

The egg was no longer on the stove. It was now lying on the table. A deep crack could be seen on it. Something was moving inside the egg. Hector could even hear the rustling sound of claws rubbing against the eggshell, followed by a funny clicking sound.

Suddenly, everyone involuntarily pulled their chairs closer to the dragon egg.

They all heard the eggshell making a clicking sound - the crack became more obvious, and the friction between the claws and the eggshell became clearer and clearer.

Finally, the egg cracked, and a black little dragon, like a wrinkled umbrella, crawled out of the eggshell.

The little dragon's wings looked extremely thin, and were covered with dense spikes.

Those spikes were much larger than his body.

He also had a long nose, the inside of the nose was white, and there were horns on the little dragon's head.

The eyes were orange and protruded outward.

Its eyes were not fully open yet, so it should not be able to see clearly, but the big nose was very sensitive.

The smell in the room made it sneeze, and sparks flew out of its nostrils.

"It's cute, isn't it?"Hagrid's mouth was almost upturned to the sky. He looked at the cute little dragon shaking its head while walking, and couldn't help but stroke it. However, in sharp contrast to its cute appearance, the little dragon had a bad temper. It showed its long fangs to Hagrid's thick fingers.

"Oh my god, look, it knows its mother!"The aunt's smile on Hagrid's face looked very warm, his eyes were completely glued to the little dragon, and one hand was groping for the chicken blood and brandy he had prepared.

"Hagrid, have you ever thought about how big a Norwegian Ridgeback is?"

Hagrid was about to answer when he saw a figure at the window. The window had been opened from the outside, and the cloth covering it was gone. Hagrid's face turned pale, and he jumped up and ran to the window. Harry also noticed the figure outside the window, and his reaction was also quite quick. Harry���He quickly opened the door and looked in the direction of the footsteps.

The man had already run quite far away, but Harry still recognized him easily.

"It's Malfoy!" Harry swore, Hagrid's face had completely lost all color.

"I definitely won't be mistaken. I would recognize him even if he turned into ashes."

Ron looked at Hector and said seriously,

"Maybe I need your forgetfulness spell now, Hector."

Hector stared at the Norwegian Ridgeback and did not answer Ron. The little dragon's eyes finally opened completely, and it looked at the blue eyes curiously. Hector stretched out his hand, and the little dragon first took a step back, then slowly and tentatively moved its head towards Hector's fingers.

Hector felt that the little dragon's skin was cool, which was in sharp contrast to its hot temper.

Isn't Dumbledore's talent to be close to the phoenix? Why does the dragon seem to have a good impression of him? Hector couldn't think of the reason, but he enjoyed the little dragon's intimacy.""Well, you guys hurry up and leave!" Hagrid couldn't hide the panic on his face. He hurriedly drove the little wizard out of the house and slammed the door.

Hector and the others were not in the same good mood as before they came. They lowered their heads and didn't say a word.

Malfoy knew that Hagrid had a dragon. Nothing could be worse than this.

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