Harry and the others were so scolded by Professor McGonagall that they couldn't even raise their heads. They could only leave the restricted area on the fourth floor in shame and walk silently towards the common room.

"Don't think you are more powerful than a bunch of spells!"Professor McGonagall's words echoed in my ears. Her words revealed anger and her voice was particularly loud.

""Stop fooling around, Potter! If I see you here again, Gryffindor will lose another 50 points! Fifty points for each person! Believe me, I will definitely do this."

Harry temporarily gave up the idea of going to the restricted area. He swore that Professor McGonagall was definitely waiting for them nearby. Gryffindor must not lose another 50 points, absolutely not.

They returned to the common room, and Ron looked at Harry with a sad face, thinking about doing something to comfort Harry. He said,

"At least Hermione is still watching Snape."

Harry nodded. He had just sat down in the armchair in the common room when the portrait of the Fat Lady was pushed open. A figure he least wanted to see came in from the hole - it was Hermione. She looked very flustered, which made Harry stand up from his chair again.

"I'm sorry, Harry," Hermione's voice was sobbing, she lowered her head and looked like she was sobbing.

"Snape came out and asked me what I was doing. I said I was waiting for Flitwick. Snape went straight to find Flitwick, so I had to run away. I have no idea where Snape is now. I'm sorry, Harry."

Harry could only nod. It was not Hermione's fault at all. Snape was just too cunning. What should I do now? This made Harry very distressed.

Professor Dumbledore was not here, Quirrell had disappeared long ago, and even the most reliable Hector left without saying goodbye. He did not return to the dormitory last night.

Harry had never thought that things would be so bad. For Snape, it would be too easy to get the Philosopher's Stone in this situation.

We can't let Snape succeed so easily. We have to do something. Harry seemed to have made up his mind. He looked at the three little wizards around him and said firmly,

"Well, this is the only way now," Harry continued, facing the questioning looks from the other three.

"I will sneak out of here tonight and try to get the Philosopher's Stone before Snape does."

"You're crazy!" Ron, who had always been the most supportive of him, was the first to raise objections. Ron's eyes widened and he almost shouted this sentence, but fortunately there was no one else in the common room at this time, so Harry's plan was not leaked out.

"You can't do this, didn't you hear what McGonagall and Snape said? You will be expelled!"Hermione stood up from her chair, she stared at Harry, hoping that he was just joking.

"Besides, you don't know if Snape is going to steal the Philosopher's Stone tonight. What if you come up empty-handed? How are you going to explain to Professor McGonagall and Dumbledore that you have the Philosopher's Stone in your hand? You will be considered a thief, and that will let Snape succeed!"

"Why are you all so confident about getting the Philosopher's Stone?" Neville asked the most reasonable question.

"That was the protective spell cast by Dumbledore and the professors - even Snape took so long to figure out how to get through all the levels.

Hermione and Ron nodded in agreement, but Harry had made up his mind and didn't want to listen to Ron and the others.

"Professor McGonagall said that Dumbledore will be back tomorrow.

He will never be fooled again after being fooled once - Snape can only act tonight.

I can't just stand there and watch.

If Snape gets the Philosopher's Stone, Voldemort will come back!

Don't you know what the wizarding world was like when he dominated the world? If he succeeds, there will be no Hogwarts anymore!

Losing points is not important.

If he comes back, what does it matter if Gryffindor wins the house cup? I will never turn to the dark forces.

Voldemort will never let me go!

You are right, Neville.

I don't know how to get through the magical protection set by the professor, but I must try.

I can't just wait to die here!

I will definitely go through that trapdoor tonight, and no one can stop me!


Harry's emotions became more and more excited. He gasped for breath and glared at the little wizards in front of him.

Even Hermione, who was the most opinionated, didn't know what to say for a moment. The air suddenly became quiet. Everyone was thinking, this is a very important matter, and it is destined to be done by them.

"You are right, Harry."Hermione said softly. She seemed to be completely convinced by Harry. Ron and Neville also nodded in agreement. They had all made up their minds. Yes, Harry was right. If Snape got the Philosopher's Stone, if Voldemort came back, it would not be as simple as deducting points. Compared with Voldemort's return, the House Cup was really insignificant.

"I'm going to use my Invisibility Cloak," said Harry.

"But can it cover all four of us?"

"We - the four of us?"

""Don't be silly, Harry, what? Do you think we will let you act alone?" Ron crossed his arms and said seriously, and Hermione took over Ron's words in time.

"Of course not. Neville is right. Harry doesn't know how to solve the magic set by the professors, but don't we still have us? I believe there are always some books that have the solution."

"I can help you deal with Snape," Neville also said.

"I'm not that bad, am I? Twelve Malfoys can't match me, that's what you said"

"And of course me," Ron continued.

"However, I am very dissatisfied with your thinking so badly of us. Is this how you view your friends?"

"If you get caught, you will be fired too!"

"Just like you said, if Voldemort really comes back, will Hogwarts still exist? Besides, there is Hector. Don't forget, his last name is Dumbledore."

Hermione's words were a little playful, but when the name Hector was mentioned, the mood of several young wizards could not help but become a little depressed.

"If only Hector were here,"

Neville muttered, and Hermione and Harry nodded.

"I don't know where he went."

"Hearing you say that, why do I feel that I am not missing, but dead? It is not good to say that behind my back, Neville."

The portrait of the Fat Lady was pushed open, and a familiar voice came from the hole. Everyone raised their heads at the same time and looked towards the hole of the Gryffindor common room with expectant eyes.

"Hello, or should I say, long time no see?"

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