Malfoy didn't stay arrogant for long. Dumbledore arrived soon. After the pale-haired figure appeared in the young wizard's sight, the noisy hall gradually calmed down.

"Another year has passed!" Dumbledore said happily, his bright eyes swept across the little wizards in the audience, and a kind smile appeared on his face.

"Before you enjoy these delicious dishes, there are some things that must be said. I'm sorry to bother you to listen to an old man's clichés."

The little wizards below laughed in unison, and scattered applause broke out from the crowd. Dumbledore nodded, and after the laughter and applause ended, he continued,

"What a wonderful year! I think you must have learned something new this year, and your brains must be richer than before, and I am very happy about this.You have a whole summer vacation ahead of you. Before the new semester begins, you have plenty of time to digest and familiarize yourself with the knowledge and prepare for the new knowledge in the next semester."

Dumbledore walked down from the podium, walked to the front of the long table, looked at the little wizards with joy on their faces, and then said,

"Now, according to the rules, we should hold the award ceremony for the House Cup."

Cheers suddenly rang out from the Slytherin table. The culprits who interrupted Dumbledore were Malfoy's followers Crabbe and Goyle. They had no sense of embarrassment at all, and actually stood up and applauded exaggeratedly. Their boss Malfoy, with a red face, pulled the two stupid guys back to their seats.

"Not now, you two idiots!" Malfoy deliberately lowered his voice, but it still sounded a little loud in the quiet hall.

"It seems that some of the kids are very confident in their own colleges."

Dumbledore still looked so kind. He smiled at Goyle and Crabbe who realized their mistakes and lowered their heads timidly, and then stood back on the podium. Dumbledore continued,

"The scores of each college are as follows: fourth place is Gryffindor, 262 points, third place is Hufflepuff, 352 points, second place is Ravenclaw, 426 points, and first place is Slytherin, 472 points."

At this time, thunderous applause and cheers broke out at the Slytherin table. They stamped their feet exaggeratedly and made piercing screams. Goyle and Crabbe stood up again, while Malfoy banged the table vigorously with his goblet. Only the little wizards of Slytherin were celebrating to their heart's content. The long tables of other colleges were silent. They silently looked at the Slytherins who were baring their teeth and claws, and could not make a sound.

Gryffindor's score was ridiculously low.

Even the third place Hufflepuff was almost a hundred points higher than them.

Hector almost never took the initiative to answer questions since he suffered those unwarranted accusations, and the points added by others would be very accurately deducted by Snape.

Hector did not look at those The dejected little Gryffindor lions didn't care about the little Slytherin snakes who were celebrating wantonly.

Their attention was on Snape.

At this moment, Snape didn't feel any joy for winning the championship for seven consecutive years.

On the contrary, Snape's face was livid, his hands were wrapped around his chest, and his cold eyes were staring at Dumbledore.

It seemed that Dumbledore had told him all his plans. Hector admired Grandpa Albus's ability to control people very much. It was outrageous to only give him a big stick without any sweet treats. How did Dumbledore make Snape work for him for so many years without any complaints, and even sacrificed his life? Was it really because of Snape's love for Lily? Hector didn't know, and of course he didn't dare to ask.

"Yes, yes, very well done, Slytherin. Dumbledore suppressed the passionate celebration of the little snakes of Slytherin and continued,

"Something has happened recently, and I think it must be taken into account."

The auditorium suddenly became quiet again, including the little snakes who were celebrating. The smiles on their faces were not so arrogant anymore.

"Um, I have some final points to assign, let me think about it, by the way"

Dumbledore cleared his throat and looked towards Hector.

"First, Mr. Ron Weasley."

Ron, who was called, became flustered. Everyone's eyes were on him, which made Ron's face flush red. Dumbledore looked at him with a smile and continued,

"He won the most exciting game of chess in Hogwarts in all these years. No one had ever passed the test of this game before. I think Gryffindor can add 50 points for this."

Now it was the turn of the little wizards of Gryffindor to cheer. The little lions that were huddled together suddenly dispersed. Their voices were about to overturn the enchanted ceiling above their heads. Hector noticed that the stars in the virtual sky were even trembling faintly. Percy's voice was particularly prominent in the celebration.

""That's my brother! You know, my youngest brother! He was the one who successfully passed Professor McGonagall's giant chessboard!"

Dumbledore pressed his hand down, and it took a long time to calm the excited Gryffindor wizards.

"Secondly, it was Miss Hermione Granger. Facing the raging fire, she was still able to calmly perform brilliant logical reasoning. I give her fifty points for this."

The hall was completely blown up. No one could sit still, especially the little wizards of Gryffindor. They jumped up and down excitedly, and cheers and whistles filled the hall. In just a few minutes, Gryffindor got a full 100 points!

But everyone soon quieted down again. Everyone stared at Dumbledore, looking forward to what Dumbledore would announce next.

"Then, Mr. Neville Longbottom, who has mastered the knowledge of botany, has skillfully dealt with a series of complex plant obstacles such as the devil's vine. I reward Gryffindor for this, fifty points."

The noise was deafening. Now it was one hundred and fifty points. They celebrated and calculated something. Now there were sixty points left for Slytherin, and there were only two left, Potter and Dumbledore. As long as each of them could get thirty points, Gryffindor would be able to complete the Northern Expedition and turn from the last to the first. The little wizards in Gryffindor were looking forward to it, and the guys in Slytherin were no exception.

"Then, Mr. Harry Potter," Dumbledore's words made the hall return to silence. Everyone didn't dare to breathe and just looked at him nervously.

"He showed great courage and bravery in the face of danger, and for this, Gryffindor House shall add another 60 points."

The hall was boiling, and the young wizards told each other that Gryffindor's score was completely tied with Slytherin at this moment, and those arrogant guys in Slytherin had to take out the trophy that had been put into the bag again.

The young wizards cheered and jumped, they whistled with hoarse voices.

Hector and his friends were surrounded by people, and the previously spacious seats became crowded.

Everyone was celebrating wantonly, except for the little snakes in Slytherin - the expressions on their faces were now the same as those of the dean Snape, all tense.

It was Hector's turn, and everyone's eyes were on Hector. Hector saw expectation, hope, envy and even admiration in their eyes, and the previous disdain and disgust were completely gone. Hector felt a very strong sense of discomfort from the bottom of his heart, he tried to force a smile, and then cast his eyes on Dumbledore.

"Finally, Mr. Hector Dumbledore showed a solid grasp of spells and his skillful use of them, especially in the area of the Luminous Charm. So, I want to award Mr. Dumbledore ten points."

The hall seemed to explode, and the cheers from Gryffindor grew louder and louder.

Harry and the others stood up, which made Hector, who was sitting, leave his seat.

He could understand why Dumbledore only gave himself ten points.

First of all, Gryffindor only needed one point to completely surpass Slytherin, so it didn't matter whether it was ten points or a hundred points.

Secondly, Dumbledore was mainly protective of Hector.

Compared to the previous fifty or sixty points, Hector's ten points did not seem so prominent.

Dumbledore obviously didn't want others to know exactly what happened outside Hogwarts that night.

So adding only ten points was probably a layer of protection Dumbledore gave to Hector.

But there was no need to think too much now.

Hector tried his best to look happy and joined in the celebration.

Out of the corner of his eye he saw the arrogant Malfoy - now he looked surprised and panicked.

The words he said before now hit Malfoy hard in the face.

The former hero has now become the target of public criticism.

The little snake of Slytherin began to blame Malfoy for causing Slytherin to be deducted fifty points.

Malfoy was speechless.

Now he just wanted to find a crack in the ground to crawl into so that he wouldn't have to face so many mocking eyes.

"This means," Dumbledore had to shout loudly so that his voice could barely be heard over the thunderous cheers of the three houses in the hall.

"We need to make some changes to the decorations here."

Dumbledore waved his hand gently, and the green hanging ribbons turned bright red, and the silver ribbons suddenly turned golden. Snape stood up and shook hands with Professor McGonagall very gracefully. If only the congratulatory expression on his face was more natural.

For the little wizards of Gryffindor, this was an extremely wonderful night.

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