"So, Mr. Flamel, what do you want to tell me?"

Hector looked at the old man rubbing his hands and asked carefully.

""Hector, if I may call you that,"

Nicolas Flamel still had a smile on his face, but Hector could feel that his smile was not as sincere as before. Hector suddenly became cautious, and his heart was alarmed. Hector quickly reached for his wand, and in order to distract Nicolas Flamel's attention, he also made a gesture to look out the door.

"There is no need to think too much, this room was specially designed by me. Soundproofing is of course the most basic function, and its protective function is also very outstanding. I can assure you that even if Merlin comes, it will take him a while to open it."

A chair flew towards Nicolas Flamel, followed by a table, and they stopped very steadily beside Nico. Nicolas Flamel sat down leisurely. He tapped the table with his fingers, and a metal man on a unicycle quickly appeared in the room, holding a cup of steaming black tea in his hand. The man bowed respectfully in front of Nicolas Flamel, and then placed the golden cup filled with strong tea on the table. Nicolas Flamel waved his hand, and the man rode his unicycle and ran away quickly.

"I think you are looking for this, right?"

Nico took out Hector's wand from his arms while sipping the strong tea and gestured to Hector.

"Sycamore, thirteen and a quarter inches, phoenix tail feathers, some old stuff. A very nice combination, isn't it?"

"How did you get my wand?"

Hector had discovered that the wand in his arms had been replaced by a thin wooden stick. He was very curious about how Nicolas Flamel could have switched his wand despite his extreme caution. In Hector's memory, apart from a polite handshake with Nicolas Flamel, there was no active contact between him and Nicolas Flamel. Mr. Flamel even touched Hector's head, but his other hand had always been within his sight, and it didn't seem like he had any ability to get the wand in his pocket.

How did he get it? Hector tried hard to recall all the details that might have led to the theft of his wand. After much thought, there was only one possibility - when Hector took the pumpkin juice handed to him by the stacked figures, the figure at the bottom took the opportunity to switch Hector's wand.

"It seems you have thought of it. Albus is right. You are indeed smart enough. However, there are some confusing drugs. The dosage is not large, but it can make you ignore some details - such as the matter of switching the bags."

"Why do I feel so much clearer in my head?"

Hector asked doubtfully, but Nicolas Flamel did not answer, but just looked at him quietly with a smile.

"I see. I took some at first and was affected by the drug. But the dose was not large and it wore off quickly, so I felt the clarity of my mind - the effect of before and after.

Nicolas Flamel had an approving look on his face, and he even applauded Hector slightly.

"Very good, very good, very wonderful reasoning, I really like you, Hector, very smart, very brave, and very young.

Nicolas Flamel's tone was still so gentle, but his voice was so terrifying in Hector's ears, but there was one thing Hector hadn't figured out yet,

"You said I overlooked some details, which led to the wand being replaced. That's not right. Wasn't it the dwarves who brought me the drink who replaced it? I didn't even drink the pumpkin juice with hallucinogens, why would I overlook such a detail?"

""Oh, poor child,"

Nicolas Flamel showed a look of pity on his face. He knocked on the table again, and the little man on the unicycle appeared again, but this time he was followed by a team of alchemists. The little man brought a chair and a table, and the little man on the unicycle was holding a large cup of thick pumpkin juice.

After these alchemists finished their work, they consciously lined up in an orderly team. The slightly older alchemist on the unicycle put the pumpkin juice on the table and quickly came to the front of the team. The little man led the team behind him to bow respectfully to Nicolas Flamel, then rode his unicycle and ran away quickly with the team.

"Drink some pumpkin juice, kid, it will make you feel better."

Hector looked at Nicolas Flamel, who was standing behind the chair. His subconscious told him not to sit down. Hector just stood there with a puzzled look on his face. Nicolas Flamel laughed, with contempt in his smile. He looked at Hector, who was full of doubts, and explained disdainfully,

"A brilliant reasoning is not necessarily correct, kid. I just admire your idea, but I didn't say your reasoning is correct."

Nicolas Flamel drank the black tea in his cup by himself, with a comfortable smile on his face. Hector didn't know what to do for a moment. He needed a clear mind to think. Thinking of this, Hector's hand involuntarily picked up the pumpkin juice in front of him. He subconsciously wanted to take a sip and feel the fresh feeling again. Fortunately, Hector realized his behavior in time and quickly put down the golden cup of pumpkin juice in his hand.

"There is indeed some medicine mixed in the pumpkin juice, but it is just an antidote - the real drug mixed with the ecstasy is not the pumpkin juice, but the air."

Nicolas Flamel pointed around and said complacently,

"Some tricks���, not presentable. You should remember that I mentioned another friend from the East just now. In fact, that was me."

Nicolas Flamel quickly finished the tea in his cup.

The smile on his face was still very gentle, at least in the eyes of others.

He stood up from his chair and stared at Hector.

Hector felt his hair stand up, his limbs suddenly became stiff, and his breathing became rapid.

His brain was working rapidly, trying to find some points to break the deadlock - if he didn't do something, Hector estimated that he would most likely die here.

A dark side figure who had been hiding in the light camp for so long suddenly wanted to reveal his heart to you, probably It's not that he has a change of heart or has a strong desire to share.

There are only two prerequisites for this to happen.

One is that he is going to die.

A dying man speaks well.

The other is that you are going to die, and before you die, you will know the truth so that you can die with a clear mind.

Hector is also very clear about this.

His hand reaches for a very secret bag on his waist.

He never said that he only has that bag with him, and he never said that he only has one wand.

On the contrary, after repelling the attack of the Death Eaters, Hector has a lot of them.

Hector is very concerned about meeting Nicolas Flamel.

He was very concerned about this, and he made a lot of preparations, including the death wand.

After all, the most direct way to make a wizard lose his fighting power is to break his wand.

Hector knew this very well, so he was naturally prepared.

Nico just frowned, but soon regained his calm expression. After all, he asked Albus indirectly that Hector only had one wand, and he had only been to Diagon Alley once, and basically stayed in Hogsmeade the rest of the time. In addition, the core of the wand was indeed a phoenix feather, which was in line with the characteristics of the Dumbledore family.

Maybe he was bluffing? ? Nicolas Flamel thought so, the plan was basically successful and he had lost his previous vigilance.

There was no way, the plan was going too smoothly, almost without any mistakes.

Nicolas Flamel, who had fooled everyone for so many years, really couldn't pick up his vigilance towards the young boy in front of him.

He thought that even if Hector took out the spare wand, what could a second-grade wizard do? Just a dying struggle.

Nicolas Flamel simply ignored Hector's actions.

He still shared his secrets with Hector with pride on his face.

"No one could have imagined that Nicolas Flamel was actually a Chinese!"

Nicolas Flamel looked a little crazy at the moment, waving his arms. After so long, he finally found someone to talk to. Looking at the expression on Hector's face, in addition to complete shock, there was also a strong sense of vigilance. Seeing Hector's reaction, Nicolas Flamel laughed, and he couldn't straighten his waist with laughter.

"This may seem a little imprecise, but I think you should understand, Hector, if I can still call you Hector���, No one in this world knows what I am talking about better than you."

Hector felt a deep sense of crisis, and his heart was filled with fear. At this time, Hector no longer cared about whether to attack by surprise or not. He directly pulled out the magic wand hidden behind his waist and pointed it directly at the crazy old man in front of him.

""I am Nicolas Flamel, but I am not Nicolas Flamel. This is a magical world, but it is not the magical world you and I know."

Flamel rushed over, but his target was not Hector, but the cup of pumpkin juice on the table. Nicolas Flamel drank the liquid in the golden cup. Hector seemed to be frightened and completely forgot to cast a spell. He just pointed his wand at the old man.

"After more than 600 years, I finally found someone who can understand what I say.

Nicolas Flamel did not wipe the pumpkin juice from the corner of his mouth. He was no longer the elegant old man he was before. Now he looked more like a madman who had gone crazy. He just looked at Hector, and Hector could only look at Nicolas Flamel.

"So, what should I call you? Hector Dumbledore, or are you like me, almost forgetting your name and only remembering a code name.

Nicolas Flamel sat back on his bench and wiped the traces of pumpkin juice from the corners of his mouth with a handkerchief. The previous madness seemed to be a release of six hundred years of repression, and it disappeared like an illusion. He looked at Hector coldly, taking the initiative in the conversation.

"Out of courtesy, I will tell you my story first. Nicolas Flamel tapped his head, thinking about something, and after a long while, he finally said his so-called code name.

"hp10026, if I remember correctly. But there is another more interesting one, I think you will be interested.

Nicolas Flamel leaned forward, and the expression on his face changed from the previous coldness to the current mysterious look. Before Hector could answer, Nicolas Flamel said,

"You can also call me the Forerunner."

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