"Oh, Harry, oh, dear, I'm really worried sick. Where have you been?"

Mrs. Weasley hurried over to Harry, holding the handbag she had just received from Mr. Weasley in one hand, while Ginny held her other hand, trying hard to keep up with her fast pace.

"Look at you, you are covered in dust. Fortunately, I expected this before I left the house.

Mrs. Weasley let go of Ginny's hand and rummaged through her suitcase. Soon, a large brush appeared in her hand. Mrs. Weasley carefully brushed off as much dust as possible on Harry's body. Mr. Weasley took Harry's glasses. He took out his wand and tapped the broken lens lightly. The cracks like spider webs disappeared quickly, and the lens was restored to its original state in just a moment. The lens handed back to Harry was like a new one.

"Thank you, Mrs. Weasley and Mr. Weasley."

"You're welcome, Harry."

Mrs. Weasley's smile was particularly warm, which made Fred and George, who were standing by and watching, curl their lips at the same time.

"Harry looks like his son,"

Fred nudged George, and George nudged Fred.

"We are like neighbors next door."

Then they saw Hector standing at the back of the crowd, looking a little lonely.


"Always, Fred."

The two brothers exchanged glances, then quickly and skillfully surrounded Hector on the left and right.

Then, just like they had practiced countless times, the stronger Fred picked up Hector from behind, and George then smoothly touched Hector's waist and skillfully took away Hector's wand, putting Hector's wand together with his own and Fred's in his pocket.

After completing the above series of operations, George helped Fred, and his two big hands covered Hector's mouth tightly on the left and right.

It's difficult to describe, but the operation is extremely smooth and fast. Before Mrs. Weasley found out, Fred and George carried Hector and ran away quickly. Before running away, Fred shouted to Mrs. Weasley who was still chatting with Hagrid,

"Mom, we and Hector will leave first!"

""Don't go to Knockturn Alley—meet at Flourish and Blotts in an hour!"

Mrs. Weasley's shouts pierced through the noisy crowd, and by the time her voice finally reached the ears of Hector and the others, it had become extremely vague. Fred and George carried Hector and quickly disappeared among the passers-by. Only a distant"Got it!" came from the direction where they disappeared.

"Relax, Molly, they are all big kids, they will be fine."

Mr. Weasley patted Mrs. Weasley on the shoulder, and Mrs. Weasley nodded and retracted her worried look.

Back to Hector's side, he was carried by Fred and George for a considerable distance. The two brothers did not communicate with each other during the whole process. They ran in the same direction as planned. Hector soon knew where the two brothers were taking him. He saw the huge sign that was almost hanging in the center of the street - the Jumping and Playful Magic Joke Shop.

Then Hector couldn't see anything. He didn't know whether it was Fred or George's big hand that covered his eyes, and the owner of the hand obviously didn't realize that the position of his hand had changed subtly.

The three of them met an acquaintance at the door, Lee Jordan, a good friend of the Weasley twins.

"Hey, Lee!"

The black boy who was standing at the door of the Magic Joke Shop looked in the direction of the voice, and he ran quickly towards the Weasley twins and Hector.

"Long time no see, Fred. Of course you too, George. And who is this?"

"Who is it? You don't know him, Lee, you must be kidding me."

Fred's reaction was particularly exaggerated, and George quickly followed up with his words.

"If you don't even know him, Lee, you will be expelled from Hogwarts!"

"If I could see his face, maybe I could recognize him?"

Lee Jordan's words made the Weasley twins look at Hector, who was sandwiched between them. Except for the high nose bridge and the exposed forehead, almost all of Hector's face was covered tightly by their hands. Fred and George quickly withdrew their hands almost at the same time, and Hector's eyes were exposed to the light again.

"So we know each other, right? Long time no see, Hector."

"Hello, Lee.

Hector gasped for air and said to Fred and George.

"Can we let go now?"

For the first time, the two brothers had different opinions. Fred shook his head arrogantly, while George nodded sensibly. However, the disagreement was only temporary. Soon, George also changed his mind and began to shake his head.

"Why did you send a shouting letter? That was at home! You don't know how sensitive our mother is to shouting letters. The moment she heard the sound, she appeared at the door of our room!"

"Now, the inventory in Ron's room has been destroyed, and all the products have to be prepared again! In order to complete the order task in time, we haven't slept for several days!"

"Then you shouldn't put the enhanced dung bomb, portable swamp, canary biscuits and those foods together without even making any distinguishing marks! Especially the dung bomb, I haven't seen it before! When I got it, I thought it was a new magic snack. I almost took a bite of it, just a little bit!"

Hector's words made the other three people present stunned for a moment, and then laughed so hard that they fell backwards.

Lee Jordan and Hector could only be regarded as acquaintances.

After hearing Hector's complaints, his laughter was the most restrained; as for Fred and George, the two brothers standing next to Hector almost released their hands holding Hector at the same time after hearing the complaints, and the two laughed so hard that they couldn't even straighten their waists.

George laughed twitchingly, and Fred was not much better.

They both stretched out a hand and patted Hector's back intermittently.

"So, it was indeed our mistake, I'm so sorry - I really didn't expect that there are wizards on this earth who can't recognize the dung bomb."

After a period of exaggerated laughter, Fred tried to restrain his laughter and said this to Hector, and then George spoke,

"But this idea is very good, very magical - candy in the shape of dung bombs will definitely be a best-seller!"

George and Fred clapped their hands vigorously, Lee Jordan also stretched out his hand, and finally Hector was forced to join in.

"I wanted you to buy us some gifts to compensate us, but now forget it. Thank you for your clever idea! Maybe we can develop a dung bomb that is both edible and useful."

"Guess why that thing is called a dung bomb - but maybe you are right, maybe someone likes it."

Hector stretched his stiff limbs.

It was not a comfortable experience to be carried along like this.

However, there was some good news.

Compared with the miserable situation last year when his feet did not touch the ground after being carried by the two brothers, this time, Hector's feet could feel the solid ground from time to time after being carried by the twins.

Although his resistance was still a little weak compared to the twins, the gap was narrowing visibly.

Hector believed that one day, he would be able to crush the Weasley twins in all aspects, both in magic and physics, and that day was not as far away as imagined.

But it was not possible now. The Weasley twins certainly found that it was not as easy as before to carry Hector, so they changed their tactics against Hector. All along the way, it was better to say that Hector was dragged rather than carried. From Hector's feelings, in addition to the considerable emotional value he gained, the rest was full of pain.

"Can you give me my wand back?"

George nodded. After all, it was still summer vacation, and the Ministry of Magic had very strict, even harsh restrictions on the use of magic by young wizards in school during the summer vacation. So it was natural for the Weasley twins to take Hector's wand. They subconsciously thought that Hector could not use magic to do anything to them outside of school.

However, the Weasley twins still overlooked some details.

First of all, this was in Diagon Alley, and most of the people in Diagon Alley were wizards or Muggles who knew about the magical world, so the warning above that"it is forbidden to use magic in front of Muggles" could not be applied.

Secondly, this was Hector, Hector Dumbledore - he���Grandpa Albus, who had few rivals in the world, and Grandpa Aberforth, who could control Grandpa Albus.

The warning from the Ministry of Magic was like waste paper to Grandpa Albus, and even worse than waste paper to Grandpa Aberforth.

The moment Hector received the wand, two leg-locking curses shot out from the tip of his wand, accurately hitting the unsuspecting Weasley twins.

Fred and George didn't even have time to react, and fell straight to the ground with two loud bangs.

"That's it,"

Hector looked at the Weasley brothers who were struggling to remove the curse for him, with a satisfied smile on his face.

"But there are some things I have to tell you in person, which should be good news."

Fred and George supported each other to stand up from the ground, their teeth bared, their faces grim. But compared to the good news that Hector said could only be told in person, the pain seemed insignificant.

"Well, as you said, we are even."

Fred rubbed his knee exaggeratedly, while George held his waist.

"Tell me what the good news is, and we have to tell it to you in person.

Hector pulled Fred and George to his side. Lee Jordan also wanted to join in, but the Weasley twins tacitly pushed him out of the circle formed by Hector.

Hector looked around cautiously. After making sure that no one was eavesdropping, he spoke mysteriously.

"Don't you want to expand your business? I have found a foreign order for you. The scale of the order is quite impressive."

"What country?"

"It’s Austria, specifically Nurmengard."

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