The crowd in front made way for Lockhart, who came out from behind the long table, grabbed Harry's arm and walked away. As for Ron, who had just shouted, Lockhart didn't even look at him. The short man with a black camera followed behind Lockhart and Harry. After he walked past, the narrow passage quickly disappeared, and the wizards in Flourish and Blotts crowded forward. Everyone wanted to see the 'Boy Who Lived' and the 'Successor to Dumbledore' who was already famous in the wizarding world at such a young age. Flourish and Blotts, which was already extremely noisy, became even more noisy. Almost everyone was whispering, but Lockhart's voice was still very distinct.

"Ladies and gentlemen, what an extraordinary moment this is"

The moment Lockhart opened his mouth, Hector cast an ear-blocking spell on himself, and the noisy environment around him suddenly became quiet. His ears were finally quieter, Hector thought, and he really didn't want to care about what Lockhart was going to say. If he hadn't been paying attention to the people around him, Hector would even have thought of closing his eyes.

However, Hector's ears didn't relax for long. Hermione, who was standing nearby, patted Hector on the shoulder, forcing Hector to lift the ear-blocking spell, and the applause and chattering around him once again filled his ears.

"Hector, are you okay?"

Hermione saw Hector's frown and asked worriedly.

"You don't look well. Are you feeling unwell? There are too many people here. Do you need to go out and get some fresh air?"

"I'm fine, thank you for your concern——"

Then Hector's voice became completely inaudible. Deafening cheers and thunderous applause rang out around him. Everyone's attention was drawn to the person on the podium - Hector and Hermione were no exception.

Lockhart's impromptu speech had entered the final stage.

He was now opening his arms and announcing to the audience around him a piece of news that he thought was very important - the winner of the Order of Merlin, third-class medal, honorary member of the Dark Arts Defense League, and five-time winner of the"Wizard Weekly" Most Charming Smile Award, our"future star of the wizarding world", Mr.

Gilderoy Lockhart, was about to take up the position of Defense Against the Dark Arts professor at Hogwarts, and continue to write a great legend in this place where dreams began.

Then Lockhart went on to sign autographs for those fanatical book fans. His decision significantly improved the crowding of Flourish and Blotts. Order seemed to have returned to the consciousness of these wizards. They lined up neatly, leaving a way for those wizards who signed and walked out to leave - a fairly spacious passage against the wall.

Harry, who was forcibly pulled over by Lockhart to get some attention, was able to get out.

Before leaving, Lockhart sent his assistant to give Harry a complete set of his works.

Those books weighed heavily on Harry's arms, making him stagger a little when he walked.

Harry bent over and walked close to the wall, trying to reduce his presence as much as possible.

From time to time, he poked his head out from the side of the high pile of books and looked for the figures of his friends in the crowd.

There were so many customers in Flourish and Blotts that it was still difficult to find a few inconspicuous children in the crowd.

Fortunately, Harry was lucky.

He met Ginny by the wall.

The little girl was standing timidly next to her new cauldron.

"Hello, Ginny, why are you here? Where is Mrs. Weasley?"

Ginny shook her head, her face flushed, her body pressed tightly against the wall.

"Well, you'd better stay here," said Harry, pouring all the books in his arms into Ginny's new cauldron.

"These are for you, I'll go look for them."

Harry just turned around and ran into a familiar figure. The moment he saw that figure, Harry's eyebrows knitted together tightly.

Good fortune is always accompanied by misfortune.

Sure enough, after meeting Ginny, the first person to find Harry was not his friend, but Malfoy, who always had a mocking smile on his face and had never gotten along with Harry.

By the time Hector and the others arrived, the"friendly" conversation between Harry and Malfoy had been going on for a while.

It seemed that the conversation between the two had also affected Ginny.

But there should be no harsh words, after all, the little girl's face was not angry, but shy - Hector was still a little surprised to observe this.

"Why is it you?"

Ron spoke first, his expression looked like he had eaten something disgusting.

"What a bummer! How come I can see you everywhere? You're haunting me."

Malfoy looked over in the direction of the voice. The moment he saw Ron, Malfoy had a similar expression to Ron's before, but that didn't stop him from retorting.

"What does it matter to you where I am? But I am really surprised to see you here, Weasley."

Malfoy looked Ron up and down exaggeratedly, and the sarcasm on his face became more and more obvious.

"These things are not cheap, Weasley. Considering your family situation, if you buy these things, your parents will go hungry next month."

Ron threw the book in his hand into the crucible. He rolled up his sleeves and wanted to fight with the annoying Malfoy. Fortunately, Harry and Neville quickly stopped him. However, their obstruction made Malfoy even more unscrupulous. Malfoy directly pointed the finger at Neville.

"Hey, Slug, don't think you're great just because you learned a few things. You were just lucky last time. Don't think you're so great, Longbottom. You never act like a Gryffindor."

Unfortunately, Malfoy's ridicule did not have the corresponding effect. Neville did not make any response. He just buried his head and picked up the books scattered on the ground as if he didn't hear it. However, Hector on the side responded to Malfoy,

"Hey, Malfoy, the slug you're talking about not only got much better grades than you, but he also helped Gryffindor win the Hogwarts House Cup that school year."

The expression on Malfoy's face suddenly fell, his arrogant look disappeared, and the overflowing sarcasm was hidden somewhere. Now Malfoy's face was full of embarrassment and anger. But Hector didn't intend to show any mercy to Malfoy, he added,

"If I remember correctly, if our respected Lord Malfoy hadn't accidentally deducted a full fifty points for his Slytherin House, perhaps this year's House Cup would still belong to Slytherin House - you say, am I right?"

Malfoy rarely stays calm when facing Hector, which is very different from his performance when facing Harry. Although Malfoy told himself more than once in his heart to stay calm, to think like a Malfoy, like a Slytherin, but when he saw Hector's calm face, even with a little smile, all the psychological preparations he had made before lost their effect.

Especially when Hector continued to speak relentlessly,

"Mr. Malfoy, I have always been curious about one thing. Although Harry and his friends were deducted 50 points, they got them back in the end. And you, Mr. Malfoy, why don't you do something to add some points to Slytherin? Is it because you don't like the feeling of adding points?"

Malfoy's face flushed red, and his eyes were filled with anger and vicious curses. He subconsciously reached for the wand on his waist, and at this time, a hand suddenly appeared behind Malfoy and stopped him.

""This gentleman's speech is very powerful," the voice came from behind Malfoy, and a tall man with elegant clothes, a snake-head cane, and long golden hair appeared in front of Hector - it was Mr. Malfoy. Mr. Malfoy's hand was on Draco's shoulder, with a faint smile on his face.

"Draco, are you going to introduce yourself to me?"

Mr. Weasley appeared behind Hector at this time. He had been watching for a while until the man appeared. Mr. Weasley came over.

"Oh my god - look who it is, the Ministry of Magic's number one busy man, Arthur Weasley."

Mr. Malfoy's smile became exaggerated, and that smile was full of sarcasm - exactly the same as his son's

"Lucius, this is a child.���You wouldn't be so bad-tempered as to interfere in this matter."

Mr. Weasley was not so hypocritical. He just nodded slightly and said coldly.

"I just wanna get acquainted, what's the problem, man?"

"You'd better think so. Don't think I don't know you"

"Look, you are anxious again, aren't you? For so many years, your bad temper has not changed - it is also difficult to change. After all, you are busy with official duties every day, so many inspections, how can you have time to improve yourself? However, no matter how busy you are at work, you must not neglect family education."

He reached into Ginny's cauldron and accurately found a tattered"Beginner's Guide to Transfiguration" from a pile of Lockhart's new books.》

"Like I said, at least we have to buy some new textbooks. Fudge is really something, how come he doesn't even get overtime pay for such a complicated job? It's really pitiful."

Mr. Malfoy casually flipped through the"Beginner's Guide to Transfiguration" which was so worn that the cover was almost falling off, and put the book back - his movements were very delicate and very fast, but Hector still noticed the slight movement of his sleeve.

"I have always had a question, Arthur, if you can't even get a good reward, what's the point of being a scum among wizards?"

"We have very different ideas about who is the black sheep among wizards, Malfoy"

"Of course, Weasley, so, can you make way? I want to see the gentleman just now - after all, the one in front of me is hopeless."

Mr. Weasley didn't know when he stood in front of Hector, and now he had no intention of making way. Mr. Malfoy standing opposite also noticed this.

"Am I wrong, dear Arthur? Looking at the friends you have made, I thought your family had fallen to the limit."

To know what happened next, please listen to the next episode.

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