After the initial pleasantries, neither Mr. Malfoy nor Hector continued to speak. They seemed to be waiting for the other to make the first move before responding, which also caused the atmosphere between the two to fall into an awkward silence. Hector leaned back in his chair, quietly watching Mr. Malfoy sipping tea and looking calm.

It was Hector who broke the deadlock. He couldn't control his temper and chose to take the lead in launching an offensive.

"So, I think you have received my letter, Mr. Malfoy."

""Oh, of course, Mr. Dumbledore."

Mr. Malfoy simply nodded and answered. His attention was still focused on the teacup in his hand, and his expression was as calm as ever, as if he had anticipated Hector's questioning.

"So? You're not going to say anything?"

"What should I say? Those are just some unfounded things, some people with ulterior motives slandering me."

Mr. Malfoy put down the teacup in his hand, and his eyes slowly fell on Hector.

"I'm curious, where did Mr. Dumbledore hear such a baseless, unreliable, and even absurd story? Or did you come up with it yourself? If you came up with such a lie, then I have to criticize you, Mr. Dumbledore, lying is not a quality that a good child should have."Mr. Malfoy had a sarcastic smile on his face, and he looked at Hector with contempt, as if he was mocking Hector's overestimation of his own abilities.

"Then Mr. Malfoy, please let me, a little kid, tell you a story. What do you think?"

"Oh, of course, I'd love to, Mr. Dumbledore."

Mr. Malfoy leaned back in his chair, picked up the teacup on the table, straightened his collar, and looked nonchalant.

"A father and son came to Knockturn Alley on a sunny morning.

The father knocked on the door of a shop selling black magic items, and the owner warmly welcomed them.

The father and son seemed to be regular customers of this shop, because the owner was so enthusiastic.

They came this time to deal with the black magic items in their hands and at home - the relevant departments have been very tense recently, and the person in charge of the search happened to be on bad terms with the father.

It was certainly unsafe to have things related to black magic at home during this period.


"However, the father did not dispose of all the dark magic items here.

He kept one item - a diary.

This diary is very special.

It belongs to a friend, but it is more like the father's master who entrusted him to keep it.

The father at that time regarded it as the supreme honor, but now, the past glory has become a huge burden.

The situation is very urgent, and the owner of the item is also quite special.

The father cannot leave it at home, nor can he get rid of this seemingly ordinary diary like other items.

So the father took a very clever way to get rid of the diary that had become a burden.


Hector paused here deliberately. He stood up and stared closely at Mr. Malfoy's cold gray eyes. Mr. Malfoy could naturally hear who the father and son in Hector's story were, but he was still so calm. Except for the usual smile on his face, there was no sign of any emotional fluctuations.

Hector continued,

"The father brought his child to the bookstore, where she happened to meet her mortal enemy, the person in charge of the search operation. The father took the initiative to create a conflict, and through the conflict, he stuffed the diary into the new textbooks bought by his mortal enemy's daughter. Then the father escalated the verbal confrontation to physical friction, and took the opportunity to leave reasonably and quickly."

Hector finished the story, he leaned back again, with a lazy look on his face,

"What do you think of this story, Mr. Malfoy?"

"Very exciting, Hector, please allow me to call you that. It is hard to imagine that you have such a rich imagination at such a young age, and can create such an ups and downs story out of thin air."

Mr. Malfoy picked up the teacup on the table again, took a sip, and then continued,

"But, Hector, a story is a story, and it serves no purpose other than to give a little pleasure to people."

"But, Mr. Malfoy, is this really just a story?"

"Isn't it?"

Mr. Malfoy put away the smile on his face. He suddenly became serious, with a serious look in his cold gray eyes.

"Could it be that Mr. Dumbledore has other intentions? Or do you have any evidence that can prove that the things in the story really happened? If so, I must strongly condemn this despicable behavior and report this matter to the Auror Office. I must find out the culprit and restore the magic world to peace!"

Mr. Malfoy's teacup fell heavily on the table. He seemed to understand something, his eyes narrowed slightly, and he stared at Hector in front of him like a venomous snake.

"Could it be that the father Mr. Dumbledore was talking about was me? Then I have to ask, does Mr. Dumbledore have any evidence? Or is it just slander without any basis?"

Mr. Malfoy's mood changed dramatically in a short period of time, and the seriousness on his face suddenly turned into indignation. Mr. Malfoy looked like he was about to jump up from his chair, his eyes fixed on Hector, and continued,

"It seems that it is not Mr.

Dumbledore who is gifted, but someone is behind it.

��Just tell me, how could a second-grade kid make up such a logically rigorous lie with few flaws - someone must have taken advantage of Mr.

Dumbledore's hatred of evil and confused his brain with sweet words.

The perpetrator wanted to use Mr.

Dumbledore's mouth to discredit the image of the Malfoy family and stir up misunderstandings between families.

Don't be used as a gun and still be unaware, Hector, I'm doing this for your own good.


Mr. Malfoy's mood suddenly changed from excited analysis to persuasive guidance. He relaxed again and leaned back in his chair, with the word"kind" almost engraved on his face. But this"gentle" expression did not last long, and his face returned to the contemptuous and sarcastic smile at the beginning,

"In other words, Mr. Dumbledore does have the talent to write stories, but his mind has become distorted due to his unbearable family education. I have always been worried about Mr. Albus Dumbledore's teaching style. I have never agreed with many of his views. Now it seems that it is not a wise thing to let Dumbledore be the headmaster of Hogwarts."

Mr. Malfoy's contempt became even stronger. He stood up, stretched his body as much as possible without leaving the chair, and got as close to Hector as possible. There was a cunning look in Mr. Malfoy's eyes, and his words were still full of sarcasm.

"Speaking of family education, I have always believed that the teachings of parents are very important, even more important than the education received in school. Such an important task naturally cannot be entrusted to a person who is accused of abusing magic on goats. I have to say, Hector, your parents' behavior is really too unwise."

At this point, Mr. Malfoy showed a surprised expression on his face, and he covered his mouth with his hands, as if to hide his surprise. Hector knew very well that Mr. Malfoy's surprise was definitely his superb performance-not only did Hector make detailed preparations for this conversation, it seems that Mr. Malfoy attaches no less importance to this conversation than Hector.

""I'm so sorry, I almost forgot, your parents have passed away a long time ago? This is such a pity, I can't imagine how angry they would be to see you being taught like this."

Lucius Malfoy's tone was cold, and each word was spoken slowly, the provocation in it was self-evident.

Hector said nothing, staring at Mr.

Malfoy closely, his hands already in his pockets.

He held his wand tightly, his eyes spewing endless anger, and he just wanted to take out his wand immediately and shoot an evil curse at Malfoy's cheek that was close to him.

Just when the flames of anger were about to break through the barrier of forbearance in his heart, Hector suddenly met Mr.

Malfoy's gray eyes.

There was an expectation in those eyes that was almost overflowing, and when he noticed Hector's gaze, the expectation quickly faded and turned into a strong mockery.

Hector noticed Malfoy���Mr. Malfoy's change was so obvious that the restrained thoughts in his mind finally suppressed the impulsive flame. He took a deep breath and loosened his tightly grasped wand. Hector took the strong tea that had been placed there for a long time and had completely lost its temperature, and drank a big sip.

Mr. Malfoy's face showed disappointment, which was almost undisguised. He sat back in his chair again and looked at Hector calmly.

"You must be disappointed with my reaction, Mr. Malfoy."

Hector finally regained his composure. He put down the teacup in his hand and his tone became extremely calm, as if the conflict just now had never happened.

"Some, I guess,"

Mr. Malfoy nodded, his arms folded across his chest, looking at Hector's nonchalant expression, but still showing a puzzled look.

"To be honest, you really don't look like a Gryffindor. You don't have the impulse of those stupid lions at all - if the people sitting in front of me were from the Potter family or the Weasley family, they would definitely cast a few evil curses on my face."

Mr. Malfoy's tone was particularly calm, completely different from the villain image full of malice and sarcasm before.

"In fact, I really thought about it for a moment just now,"

Hector smiled brightly, picked up the teacup, and tasted the tea in the cup lightly like Mr. Malfoy.

"However, I can sense that you are deliberately provoking me, wanting me to do something irrational, and then packaging yourself as a victim - if I am not mistaken, there are quite a few reporters you hired near the Three Broomsticks."

Mr. Malfoy smiled, picked up his teacup, and did not answer.

"Actually, I don't know why you asked me to meet you, but thank you, Mr. Malfoy, I almost understand it now."

As Hector said this, he took out a glass cup that he brought from home from his inconspicuous bag.

"Mr. Malfoy wanted to remove Albus Dumbledore from the position of headmaster of Hogwarts, whether it was meeting with me or giving Tom Riddle's diary to Ginny Weasley - discovering Voldemort's old things in Hogwarts was undoubtedly dangerous, and this danger could be attributed to Dumbledore's dereliction of duty as headmaster."

"How dare you say this name!"

Mr. Malfoy, who was calm, suddenly became angry. He had always performed well and his emotional management was completely defeated by this simple word. Mr. Malfoy's face twitched unnaturally, and a raging fire burned in his gray eyes. This time, he stood up from the chair and looked at Hector with undisguised malice, but Hector thought it was more of anger caused by fear.

Hector, who was being stared at, relaxed and leaned back in his chair. While playing with the glass jar in his hand, he said calmly,

"I always thought you were a decent man, Mr. Malfoy, please don't get excited."

Hector glanced at Mr. Malfoy who stood up, straightened his body, and now it was his turn to launch the offensive.

"Is your fear of him or is it your fear of your own secret being revealed? Have you been secretly working for You-Know-Who, or as you Death Eaters call it, the missing Dark Lord?"

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