The sky is full of clouds, and the sky is full of clouds.

This is a world with only stones, no sea, no forest, only endless emptiness, and occasional strong winds.

[Ding Dong, activate the Heavenly Dao system. ]

Who wakes up first from the big dream? I know it myself.

Jiang Tong was awakened from his deep sleep by the voice from his mind.

"What the hell?"

Jiang Tong just woke up and found that he couldn't open his eyes. It felt dark and he couldn't move.

Just that sentence just now caused thunder in the small world.

Jiang Tong only remembered that he went to sleep after drinking last night, but he didn't expect to wake up like this.

A huge amount of information poured into Jiang Tong's mind, and Jiang Tong felt that his worldview was impacted.

Jiang Tong became the Heavenly Dao consciousness of a small world due to unknown reasons. He could not wake up originally, but was awakened by the Heavenly Dao System. If there was no such system, Jiang Tong would slowly disappear with the world in his sleep.

These small worlds are formed naturally in the universe, and small worlds are born and die every moment.

However, Jiang Tong soon accepted the current result. There is no worse result than the death of both parents, the mother has been single for 30 years, the loan of one million has not been repaid, and he is suffering from a terminal illness.


[The Heavenly Dao System serves you. ]

"What functions do you have?"

[Provide the host with a basic data panel and an intelligent assistant. The rest of the functions will be released after the world is upgraded. ]

"Let me take a look at the panel."

[The panel is expanding...]

The panel materialized from Jiang Tong's mind. It should be described like this. Jiang Tong doesn't know if he has a mind now.

[World: Nameless Small World lv1 (World Level is Decreasing)]

[Heavenly Dao: Jiang Tong (Disappearing)]

[World Area: 3458 Square Kilometers]

[World Specialty: None]

[World Description: A small garbage world full of stones, no living creatures, containing a small amount of metal, suitable for being used as a garbage dump for a large world, and the area eroded by the void is constantly decreasing.]

[World Power: 3.71 ounces (three decimal places omitted)]

What a simple world panel.

"What about the smart assistant?"

[I'm here.]

"What are you for?"

[Help the host to develop the world, analyze and count the data, and save the host a lot of time.]

"What will happen to me if the world disappears?"

[The host will disappear in various senses.]

"Can I become a human again and return to Earth?"

For a while, Jiang Tong was still a little uncomfortable with coming to this place.

[Yes, but the current host level is not enough, and there is no way to get back. Please raise the host's level. 】

"How long will it take for this world to disappear?"

【According to Earth years, there are still 10 billion years, and according to Heavenly Dao years, it is 10 years. 】

"Then how can I improve the level of the world?"

【Expand the world area, improve the energy level, develop intelligent creatures, enrich the world species, increase the upper limit of biological energy, and encroach on other worlds...】

【Warm reminder: Please find a way to reduce the current loss of world materials and strengthen the world barrier. 】

So, is the loss of materials related to the world barrier?

Jiang Tong checked the whole picture of the world through the smart assistant in his mind. An irregular continent was wrapped in a thin white transparent barrier, and the edge of the continent was constantly drifting towards the barrier.

"Can the power of the world be used to strengthen the barrier?"

【Yes, but because the rules of the small world are incomplete and the internal circulation cannot be achieved, the power of the world cannot be regenerated at present. 】

"How are these world powers generated?"

[When the small world was first formed, the barrier was relatively intact and the matter did not leak out. For a period of time, some creatures were generated and formed a local cycle, so some world power was accumulated. Later, the barrier was damaged by the cosmic tide and all the creatures became extinct. 】

Jiang Tong understood a little bit, so the integrity of the world barrier is an important factor in the generation of creatures, so the barrier must be strengthened.

"How much world power is needed to strengthen the world barrier?"

[Currently, 3 ounces can be consumed to complete the repair of the world barrier and stop the speed of material loss. Strengthening the barrier requires the world to upgrade and consume 300 ounces of world power. 】

"Then repair the world barrier first."

[It takes 10,000 earth years to consume world power to repair the barrier. 】

10,000 years?

[Repair completed. 】

10,000 years so fast? But Jiang Tong couldn't express any emotions now.

Jiang Tong began to think that the emergence of life must have water, so this world needs water.

"Can water be produced by consuming world power?"

[World power can be converted into any substance. This is the law of the universe, but this is a huge waste of resources. ]

"First, 0.2 ounces of world power water."

[Executing. ]

Then half of the world was covered with water, forming five continents and a bunch of small islands.

"Can world power create life?"

[Yes, but it can only create life that has been produced in this world, or construct genetic codes to create life. Insufficient world power does not allow the construction of genetic codes. ]

"Check the life that has been born in the world."

[Open the mainstream species for you. ]

[Water-eating algae: producers that decompose water molecules to produce gas to obtain energy, once occupied half of the total amount of organisms in this world. ]

[Shrimp worms: a single-cell organism that eats water-eating algae, once occupied one-fifth of the total amount of organisms in the world. ]

[Needlemouth fish: A simple omnivorous fish that eats algae and shrimps. It once accounted for one-tenth of the world's total biological population. ]

[Sea moss: An algae-like plant that grows on the seashore. It decomposes seawater and rocks to obtain energy. It once accounted for one-fifth of the world's total biological population. ]

Jiang Tong used 0.5 ounces of world power to generate these creatures in proportion, and then placed them on the small world.

[Putting successfully, the world power is insufficient, and it is about to enter a deep sleep. Forced sleep to reduce the consumption of world power. ]


Jiang Tong felt that he had fallen into darkness again before he finished cursing, and slowly lost his perception.

However, Jiang Tong's small world was slowly changing. The rocks were slowly decomposed and weathered by plants, and the rocky continents were gradually turning green. The creatures in the ocean were constantly evolving, some disappeared, and some were growing in number.

The diversity of organisms was constantly enriching.

The world power on Jiang Tong's world panel was slowly growing.

Time passed quickly, especially when sleeping.

The gases produced by organisms seem to strengthen the world barrier.

People at that time all said that time has changed, and it is true. The activities of organisms are changing the topography of the small world.

Some high-lying areas have formed snow-covered landforms, and the plants on the mainland have also differentiated into cold-resistant plants.

But it is only relative to other plants.

The temperature of the whole world is below zero, and the temperature of the ocean is a little higher. The algae in the ocean are constantly generating energy, but there is no sun in this world.

I don’t know how long it has passed, Jiang Tong woke up.

He finished the sentence that he didn’t say.


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