The new situation is getting worse.

In the newly promoted "Dongtian World", a tragedy broke out in the nightmare-level copy "Guixu". The members of "Initial Paradise" who entered this copy were almost wiped out. Only one guy "Yaoguang" whose contract status was cancelled left some information about Guixu.

This information aroused the curiosity of the contractors about Guixu. The major chaos casinos even made a handicap. People in the chaos began to place bets on when this copy would be conquered.

Regarding these people in the chaos, Jiang Tong's answer was that it would never be conquered. If they wanted to conquer this place, at least several seventh-level strongmen would be dispatched. At this time, it would violate the law of the root of chaos. They would not lose an immediate combat power for a third-level world.

An instant combat force may not be as valuable as a third-level world, but a seventh-level one is much more valuable than a seventh-level one in a short period of time. After all, it takes time to transform resources into instant combat force.

Jiang Tong is not worried about this. These guys dare to enter these copies to send resources to Jiang Tong. In the past, Jiang Tong may not have a way before the promotion, but after the promotion, Jiang Tong is good at dealing with the guys who died in these copies.

The intermediate world is the training ground for the middle paradise camp, but these paradises are not paradises. One of the resources for promotion. Those powerful contractors are all honed from these worlds. They are contaminated with cause and effect with these worlds. This may not be a shortcoming of the lawful camp.

In the central 330th year, the winged people of the Sky Kingdom rebelled. They rebelled against the oppression of the black dragon Roma. Their king Fukong drove away the black dragon Roma. Roma surrendered to the dragon king Gaia and returned to the Dragon Valley.

The spread of the black dragon to the dragons of the "Dongtian World" is irreversible. There are many dragon species in the Sky Continent. Gaia gave her daughter Wuxun to Ruoma, and the fight in the Dragon Valley fell into silence.

The weirdness of each continent also developed accordingly. The long people in the ocean are slowly expanding. The strategy of the long queen Ling has made the new Atlanta Kingdom develop steadily. The weirdness has become the driving force for the development of the kingdom under their control.

Many continents have all appeared in organizations to deal with weirdness, but the Wuxun Division of the Geglin Wu Continent has developed into a behemoth under the connivance of the Wu King Yu, and can even interfere with the operation of politics, but their command is still in the hands of Yu. Those weirdnesses have become a weird balance in the Wu Kingdom.

The most famous in the Wu Kingdom is the [Head Turner] weirdness. When rushing or walking at night, if you respond to the other party's call, you will be swallowed by the weirdness. This is the most widely spread weirdness in the Wu Kingdom.

This is obviously a story-based anomaly that is easy to solve, but Wuxunsi has never solved it. The spread of the anomaly is getting wider and wider, and even Jun, who is hiding in the dark, finds it increasingly difficult to solve it.

These anomalies seem to have moved. Jun is looking for their bodies, and finally finds this newly appeared alien space in [Guixu].

Jun did not go in to explore. Although he was very curious, the problem of his life span must be solved at present. If it cannot be solved, the "demon" in his body will control his body, and then it will not be him who studies this world.

The number of contractors and reincarnations who died in Guixu is increasing. Some guys with strong souls even survived in Guixu. Guixu is constantly expanding, and its connection with the "Dongtian World" is constantly deepening. Guixu has become one of the spaces of the "Dongtian World", that is, the half-plane attached to the "Dongtian World".

Jiang Tong is very satisfied with having such a half-plane. After all, Guixu is constantly earning world power for Jiang Tong.

In the 335th year of the Central Period, Miao Chengdao unified the Three Thousand Mountains, and the Gu Dao reappeared. Miao Chengdao called himself the Gu Emperor, and the people called him the Gu Demon.

Although Miao Chengdao did not achieve enlightenment, the beast plant Gu on his body could rival the Dark Lord. The Northern Barbarians fell into an internal war. Miao Chengdao's beast plant Gu reached the peak of the third level, and Miao Chengdao discovered that the beast plant Gu could not be inherited and grown.

In the 350th year of the Central Period, Miao Chengdao was absorbed too much of his life by the beast plant, and died in the original Miao tribe area. His son Miao Jizhi inherited his cultivation and will, and continued to set out towards the development of the road. The Miao family became the ruling family of the Three Thousand Mountains.

A weird appeared in the Dark Continent, codenamed [Weird King], which originated from the legend of the hero king in various places. This weird will appear randomly in

Challenge various strong men in various places of the Dark Continent. If you defeat him, you will gain a powerful energy. If you fail, you will be killed by him.

After gaining his energy, you will be slowly assimilated by him, and then become one of the strange servants wandering in the Dark Continent. Such a monster is wreaking havoc in the Dark Continent.


Holy Empire, in the Holy Imperial Palace.

"Reporting to the Emperor, the monster has begun to spread in the continent. The kingdoms can no longer stop it. They ask the Emperor to solve these problems."

A knight is reporting to the Emperor of the Holy Empire.

The Holy Emperor seems to be studying something. After a long time, he replied: "Just send a team of knights to solve it. Don't bother me."

The knight replied: "Emperor, you have already given this order."

The Holy Emperor still replied after a long time: "I said, you solve it yourself, don't bother me, let the 72 heroes solve it."

The knight dared not speak, but retreated silently.

Since conquering the continent, the Holy Emperor has been obsessed with the study of some ancient cave texts. He seems to want to find the location of Yi, the legendary god-killer, and then conquer Yi, but it seems that there is no result now.

The Holy Emperor gave up the study of government affairs, and now he does not even respond to the requests of the vassal states. The vassal states have expressed their opinions. The increasingly frequent strange events have made the countries of the Dark Continent exhausted.

The strange events seem to have become a nightmare event of civilization. People's fears and fantasies are constantly growing. The appearance of nightmares, and various nightmare creatures in [Guixu] are constantly appearing.

"Send the order down, build a big ship for me, I want to go to sea."

The Holy Emperor seemed to have found what he was looking for. He found the location of Yi in the Zong volume.

He was going to conquer the legendary Yi.

But it seemed that no one responded to him. There was no one in the imperial palace. The Holy Emperor found himself in several strange spaces.

Step, step, step...

The footsteps were accompanied by the sound of armor colliding, and the Holy Emperor frowned.

A middle-aged man in blood-red armor appeared in front of the Holy Emperor. He looked very ordinary, but the Holy Emperor could not remember his appearance.

"Accept my challenge!"

The middle-aged man said.

The Holy Emperor looked at the middle-aged man in front of him with a serious expression.

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