After Jiang Tong's operation, Shiqiong successfully became a neutral unit in [Dongtian World·Guixu], responsible for providing assistance to those contractors who entered the paradise, not only the contractors of the Abyss Paradise, but also the guides of these contractors in Guixu after obtaining some benefits from other paradises. The main god space does not have this treatment. If Shiqiong finds out, he will be beaten up.

Don't forget that Shiqiong has seen the reincarnation. He met it with the Lion King and the Wolf King. The magic girl was studied for a long time, but she disappeared in the end.

So the Abyss Paradise was brought here by Shi Qiong to kill the reincarnationists. This copy will belong to the contractors in the future. Jiang Tong did not fish in this part of the world. These reincarnationists and contractors have gained a lot in the notarized copy of Guixu. Although the mortality rate is high, the benefits are great, so there are many contractors and reincarnationists who come here to perform tasks. Some life-related professionals also come here, and even a small market has appeared in the town.

The tavern is still managed by Jin Jin. The robbery was just suspended because of the temporary suspension. Those contractors ran to the church and were all hacked to death by the demented Knight of Light. After waking up, the Knight of Light prayed for them for a long time.

Big Fat Cat, Jin Jin and the other three also ran to Guixu and recuperated here. Jin Jin began to sell items. The people of the Eldar found their supplies in the black market again. This time the Eldar could not bear it anymore and destroyed the black market run by several goblins.

Then the Eldar’s several strongholds in the void battlefield were destroyed by the goblins. The goblins said that they did not rob the Eldar’s supplies. If they dared to destroy the black market, they would fight them every time. This time was a warning, and they would take real action later.

Then someone saw the president of the Goblin Bank entering the Eldar’s ancestral territory with several bodyguards, and then that space was blocked. After the president of the Goblin Bank came out, the Eldar quickly issued an apology statement. This time, the Eldar acted like a grandson to the extreme.

The Eldar, unable to suppress their anger, opened up a great war with the Demons. The turmoil that had just stopped in the void battlefield started again. The Eldar fought this time and dispatched a large number of troops to the front line, as if they were going to fight the Demons to death. The Demons quickly pulled in their ally, the Void Hounds, and then the two sides started fighting in the void battlefield. As for the Cave Heaven Mercenary Group of Shiqiong, it was disbanded, and the Eldar did not pursue the guilt of those small shrimps.

In the cave world, the Gu Demon that broke free was very rampant, so Jiang Tong electrocuted him twice, and then Dou and Nanxing took the opportunity to teleport the Gu Demon into Guixu. Jiang Tong did not let the Gu Demon mess around because he would soon come into contact with another world. Jiang Tong wanted to annex that world, so he needed people from his own world to fight, plunder the origin of other worlds, and then weaken that world. Jiang Tong could suppress the world and take the opportunity to annex him.

At that time, throwing the Gu Demon to that world to cause trouble is no better than leaving it in his own world. As long as it is used well, it will be a good thug.

Dou and Nanxing were very fortunate after surviving this disaster, and then rebuilt Shushan on the original Shushan address. Ming Tianzun returned to the holy land of the underworld. He did not take away Bai Ji's throne, but supported the legitimization of Bai Ji's throne, and Bai Ji's status and power were strengthened.

The battle in the long river of the avenue ended quickly. Although Jun was at the bottom, he did not lose. After obtaining some of Gaia and Dongyi's body tissues, he fled. However, judging from his appearance, he will definitely cause trouble for several people in the future.

As for Hong in the Nukado continent, he was miserable. Yi had been beating outside the [Neutral Stone City] for three months, and the people in the city were already panicking. Although Hong had not reached the extreme, the formation of the city was about to reach the extreme. Yi was so powerful that even this top formation could not stop him.

So Hong fled, and Yi followed him and left the Stone City together. When he just flew out of the city, Yi's palm almost broke his avenue. The jade disc of good fortune was broken, and the fragments fell into the Stone City. Although Yi was not fully conscious now, his physical talent and fighting instinct were top-notch. If Hong had not run fast just now, he would have been crushed to death directly. He ran fast and was hit by a palm.

Hong fled to the Gelinwu Continent in the direction of his home. He knew that although his son liked to study him, he would not let him die like this. If he ran to the Gelinwu Continent, he might be saved.

In the Guixu.

"Where is this place? This fog is a bit like the blood fog swamp.

The quality of the cultivated Gu worms is very good, but the concentration here seems to be very high. "

The Gu Demon came to Guixu, but he was exiled to the depths of Guixu.

"When I get out of here, I must refine them into Gu. Damn guy, he struck me with thunder."

The Gu Demon thought it was the thunder and lightning summoned by Dou Henanxing. In fact, Jiang Tong couldn't stand him and struck him twice, but he didn't hurt his origin. He just stuns him for a few seconds, but a few seconds in a battle is fatal. Dou Henanxing used the exile scroll imported from the Wizard Empire to exile him to Guixu.

"What is that thing in front? People, catch it to feed my Gu worms. Cute."

The Gu Demon saw a sound and shadow in front and walked up excitedly.

It was a wizard. The wizard was wearing a black wizard robe with a book pattern embroidered on it. The wizard turned his head and looked at the Gu Demon. The Gu Demon found that the wizard's expression was very strange. He seemed to have a question to ask the Gu Demon.

"Do you know what one plus one equals? "

The wizard asked a question?

The Gu Demon controlled the Gu worm to pounce on the wizard and quickly devoured the wizard, but soon the Gu Demon found that the Gu worm he controlled died after devouring the wizard.

"What is it?" The Gu Demon was a little shocked.

His Gu worms have never died from swallowing things, but he did not use animal plant Gu. He believed that if it was an animal plant Gu, it would not die.

Just when the Gu Demon was about to leave.

A voice sounded slowly from behind the Gu Demon.

"Do you know what one plus one equals?"

The Gu Demon turned his head stiffly, and the wizard just now appeared again.

Then screams began to appear in Guixu.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, my power Gu."

"You are still alive this time."

"Oh my God, my gold-eating Gu..."

"What kind of monster are you? I will kill you."

"It's finally dead."

"My phantom Gu, damn thing, why can't you be killed. ”

“One plus one equals two, that’s enough, I won’t kill you, and I won’t mind if you kill my Gu worm.”

The Gu Demon seemed to be going schizophrenic again.

After the Gu Demon’s answer, the wizard said something different: “Wrong answer.”

Then the Gu Demon found that the human Gu in his body was dying rapidly, and only a few hundred of the hundreds of thousands of human Gu were left.

“Fuck you.”

The wizard ignored the Gu Demon and continued to ask questions: “Which came first, the egg or the chicken?”


A miserable cry came from the depths of Guixu, and the people in the safe town heard it, but they just thought it was some new species of monster, and some contractors took out their notebooks and started to record it.

The question-and-answer game between the Gu Demon and the wizard continued…

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