The two of them were seriously injured when they came back.

An hour later, the magic girl disappeared. Her mission was completed. She was the only one left in the team. She returned to the main god space with a look of fear.

The rest of the members were all killed. Li Dong's idea was not realized. He died.

In the mission hall of the main god space, the two people who came back alive caused an uproar. The main god space would not lose so much when exploring such a small native world, and both of them were seriously injured when they came back. After the treatment in the main god space, they were invited away by the big guild.

After these reincarnations died in the world, Jiang Tong found that the world seemed to have changed, with some other energy and the rules further improved.

If they did not complete the mission while alive, they would be rejected by the world, but if they died, everything would be detained by the world. This wave of self-addition gave Jiang Tong an ounce of world power.

[After the death of the reincarnationists, the world will detain all their belongings, and the origins of other worlds contained in them will also be detained together. ]

Jiang Tong further inspected the world. In addition to the original five elements, it seemed that some secondary element energy was also produced.

For example, ice energy and dark energy, there are some free energies that do not belong to this world, the content is very low, and only exist in the places where those reincarnationists died, such as chakra energy. Chakra energy has mutated in this world, or more precisely, it has been assimilated. Perhaps after a long time, the chakra system will appear in this world.

Except for the reincarnationists in the southern continent, the bodies of other reincarnationists after death were collected for research, and the bodies of the southern continent were buried in the corpse pit.

Those reincarnationists exploded after death, and the items in their space were intercepted and sent to the research sites of various tribes.

The first wave of reincarnation in the main god space ended, and Jiang Tong began to look forward to their next wave of release. If more than ten or twenty people died, the world power would increase by one ounce. If there were more, it would be prosperous. Jiang Tong's influence on the world was carried out by the world power. Without the world power, the world could only operate by itself.

When a world usually has the Heavenly Dao, it is already at the seventh level. At that time, the Heavenly Dao can basically spend the world power as long as it is in the world. However, the operation of the world rules of the seventh level is already perfect, so the Heavenly Dao of the seventh level world rarely uses the world power to interfere with the world.

Jiang Tong is an outlier. When the main god space usually reincarnates a world with the Heavenly Dao, it reincarnates dozens of reincarnators in the resting place, and adopts the soul-piercing mode. The so-called traversers on Earth are like this, but the treatment is different. After being discovered, they will be a flash of lightning. As for the flesh-piercing, before entering those worlds, the Heavenly Dao and the Root of Chaos will kill those reincarnators. The Heavenly Dao may not be able to deal with the main god space, but it is absolutely no problem to kill the reincarnators.

Jiang Tong can also raise those reincarnations, but he has to consider the problem of being discovered by the main god space and the problem of insufficient world power. After all, such a low-level heaven has never been seen, and it may be raised after being discovered.

After the reincarnation incident ended, time flowed again. One day passed in the main god space, and decades may have passed in the world. When they come next time, hundreds of years may have passed.

A hundred years have passed, and the world has also changed a little.

Poseidon died, and he left behind a powerful Atlanta Empire. Siren inherited his throne and enfeoffed six princes and princesses, dividing the world's sea into seven seas. Siren ruled the largest sea in the center, and the rulers of the other seas paid tribute to Siren.

These six are called sub-kings, which means the highest-ranking person under the king. Their duties are to submit offerings and protect the royal family.

The six are Haibo Sub-King, Dongling Sub-King, Teya Daya Sub-King, Jiao Sub-King, Baibing Sub-King, Shennan Sub-King.

Their prefixes are the names of the seas, and the central sea is the Atlanta Sea.

In the past hundred years, the Beast Alliance split up, and the East Lion Kingdom and the Northwest Wolf Kingdom and many small countries were established. The Giant Stone State established the Giant Stone Kingdom, and the hero king Shi Qiong became the king of the Giant Stone Kingdom. The southern continent formed a situation of one superpower and two powers.

The Tian Tribe in the central continent established the Tian Kingdom.

The Shang Kingdom and the Hai Kingdom were established in the western continent, and many alliances were established, among which the Qinluo Alliance and the Nidoras Alliance were involved with the Shang Tribe and the Hai Tribe.

Yan in the northern continent established the Winter Kingdom.

As for the representative of the previous era, Poseidon is dead, and Yan is almost dead,

Mang's life was extended by the medicine of the Witch Kingdom. After the Witch Kingdom obtained a scroll from the Sea Kingdom, it developed witchcraft and used dark energy to cast spells.

Nong is dead, and the king of the Heaven Kingdom is now Jin.

Bo of the Western Continent died unexpectedly while studying the items of the reincarnationists, but left some research results before his death.

The era of Yan, Nong, Bo, Mang, and Poseidon has passed.

As the saying goes, a new generation is better than the old.

A wizard emerged from the old tribal forces of the Witch Kingdom's resistance army, who created a wizard training system and was called a demon.

Wei, the son of Yan of the Winter Kingdom, is the strongest in the kingdom. The Winter Kingdom has created a skill system that uses the fire element to train the body, so the people of the Winter Kingdom have a very bad temper.

Ji of the Sea Kingdom took over the position of the lost Bo and conducted research on the reincarnationists again. They also believed that these people were foreign gods, and studying them could gain the power of gods.

An ambitious leader named Wu Yi appeared in the Shang Kingdom. He learned a skill called "Basic Body Training Method" from a scroll left by the reincarnation. This made him very strong and he could fight against hundreds of warriors from the kingdom at the same time.

Under Wu Yi's rule, the Shang Kingdom's development momentum was the first in the Western Continent, and the maritime trade reached its peak in Wu Yi's hands.

The lion king Dongse, the wolf king Yabo and the hero king Shiqiong of the Southern Continent were collectively known as the three great warriors of Nukado. The Southern Continent entered the era of nations. The original members of the Hundred Beasts Alliance absorbed the blood-marked warrior system of the Central Continent and formed the beast-marked warriors.

The beast-marked warriors were branded with the beasts that their respective kingdoms had worshipped since the tribal era. After the world was upgraded, the totems of these tribes' worship also produced magical powers. The highest realm of the beast-marked warriors was to bring the totems on their bodies back to life and gain the power of God.

The Stone Kingdom formed a sacrificial martial arts system under the development of Shiqiong, which was to sacrifice a weapon, store energy in the weapon, and use the weapon to fight during battles.

Therefore, the combat effectiveness of the warriors of the Stone Kingdom will decrease by at least 70% if they lose their weapons. The hero king Shi Qiong created a hero sword and a hero armor to suppress the southern continent with one person.

The headless tribe of the Northern Barbarians in the Central Continent was killed by the new warriors. The Northern Barbarians were ruled by Chi and divided into 82 small tribes, collectively known as the Northern Barbarians, and Chi was respected as the leader of the tribe.

The Northern Barbarians optimized and improved the blood pattern warrior system. They began to absorb the energy between heaven and earth to construct blood patterns to strengthen their bodies. Chi was the second blood pattern warrior in the tribe to reach the twelve patterns, and he tied with Jin several times.

The overall development of the world is here, and some unpopular cultivation systems have also emerged.

For example, the Dou Qi system and the beast soul system of the southern continent, the knight system of the western continent, the medicine magic system of the eastern continent, and the beast system of the northern continent, these are some representative systems, and some systems have no one to practice after the death of the founder, and they are all imperfect systems.

Jiang Tong felt that he could make a push, so he used the power of the world to move the remaining chakra energy to a small island.

In fact, in addition to the five continents, there are also some islands, but the cavemen on these islands are not well developed, and some have not even entered the tribal era.

Jiang Tong transferred these chakra energies to a small island with only more than 2,000 cavemen, and increased the concentration of chakra energy in this area, so that people in this area can extract chakra.

After doing this, Jiang Tong began to use the power of the world to absorb cosmic matter to expand the world. The world must be developed, and enough strong people can deal with what happens next.

Jiang Tong wanted to fall asleep. He also observed for a long time and wanted to rest for a while. Before falling asleep, Jiang Tong added rules to the world. The friendliness of creatures in this world to alien creatures is repulsive, which is engraved into the operation of the world.

There is no place for soul reincarnation in this world. After the death of creatures, the souls will feed back to the world and promote the development of the world.

"System, wake me up when there is an invasion by reincarnations or a major event in the world."

[System received, whether to turn on the hosting mode, host please set the system assistant interference option. 】

Jiang Tong selected several options, such as investing the world's power into energy when the world's energy concentration is not enough.

The cave world is developing too fast, and the energy converted by the world itself is not enough to be absorbed by the evolution of the world's creatures. In addition, the extension of the life span of the first generation of creatures means that the time cycle of feeding back to the world will be extended. During this period of time, the energy concentration will decrease, and Jiang Tong will interfere.

We can't let these geniuses enter the point where the road is dead.

After making preparations, Jiang Tong fell into a deep sleep.


Just as Jiang Tong was sleeping

At that time, this world welcomed a guest.

In an unknown place in the universe.

A huge planet was rotating, protected by a white transparent film.

Thousands of people in black robes were floating outside the planet, watching the planet, and they seemed to be waiting for someone.

The crowd began to make noise.

A man in a black robe with dark golden patterns appeared above them, and a huge spirit enveloped them.

"Now, launch an attack on this planet. This is the order of the Supreme God Yesmora."


These black-robed people turned into a beam of white light and hit the white film. Some of them went in, but more people were turned into nothingness by the white film.

A great war between universes is starting.

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