The sound of a sword ringing.


The sound of a sword.

Qi Ling closed his eyes, then turned into light particles and dispersed, merging into the world.

The same fate as Qi Ling also happened to these powerful princes, who ended their rather wonderful lives in numbness.

Tian Gang Tian Zun was directly suppressed by Cang: "Today I suppress you for a hundred years, to pay the price for your help to Emperor Xing Tian, ​​and to pay the price for the civilians who died in the war."

In this way, Tian Gang Tian Zun was suppressed into a deep cave.

Wu Gong's Dao power was directly absorbed by Cang, including his soul and body, which were all refined by Cang, and the Qi Dao that had just been opened up lost the Tian Zun who opened him up.

All the energy was poured into the ghost's body, and the ghost's huge evil ghost body slowly faded away, and then turned into an ordinary Taoist, wearing a khaki Taoist robe, and there was no crack on his face.

Cang re-sealed the evil ghost in the ghost's body, and used this evil ghost as a medium to open up a great road for the ghost. Cang made such a big commotion, but it was his senior brother Ghost who first became a Taoist.

"Today, the Cangtian Army of the Calidoa Continent, the Taoist Master Ghost, has opened up the great road of ghosts, and heaven and earth congratulate him."

The words of Taoism between heaven and earth sounded, and a long river of ghosts was opened up in the long river of the road, and the ghost energy of the whole world was constantly sucked by this long river of ghosts.

The movement between heaven and earth was very big, but those Tianzun were very confused. This kind of movement was not opened by the creators of those strange phenomena just now. How could they have thought that there were people who could help others open up the road without opening up the road.

It is impossible for a Tianzun to help others open up the road, let alone not being a Tianzun.

The blessing from the cave world came and helped Ghost Tianzun to forge a celestial human body. The Great Dao of Ghosts was opened on the long river of the Great Dao. Ghost Tianzun's body was reshaped and transformed into the highest level of celestial human body.

"Junior brother."

Ghost Tianzun opened his eyes and saw his junior brother. At this time, Cang looked at his senior brother with a smile.

"Senior brother, the Cangtian Army is handed over to you!"

Cang looked at his senior brother.

"What are you going to do?" Hearing the words of his junior brother, the ghost became excited. He couldn't lose his junior brother again.


Cang seemed to be asking the ghost, and also seemed to be asking himself. He laughed and finally gave an answer.

"I want to become this sky. I want to put a shackle on these high and mighty celestial masters."

After Cang said this, he directly merged into the long river of the Great Dao.

His voice rang out in the cave world. All creatures heard it clearly, and those who were sleeping also received the message.

"Today, the sky is standing, and my eyes will always be on this world."

Then, thunders continued to sound in the Calidoa continent, and all those evil people or monsters were struck by lightning, either dead or injured.

Cang became a being like the Great Dream Heavenly Venerable. He integrated himself into the sky of the Calidoa continent, and he became the so-called sky.

It is equivalent to a local weakened version of the way of heaven.

"Interesting." Jiang Tong looked at the Calidoa continent. Jiang Tong watched this thing from the beginning to the end.

Jiang Tong can control this so-called sky at any time. He will slowly become a tool for Jiang Tong to manage the Calidoa continent, and he can manage the Calidoa continent more meticulously.

Perhaps, such an existence should appear on other continents, but Jiang Tong still gave up this idea.

After all, Cang is integrated into the long river of the avenue, but other guys have no chance to integrate into the long river. Only one special existence like Cang can be born.

Cang will become the river flowing in the long river of the Great Dao in the long years, but at this moment he is the most powerful in this world except for Yi Tianzun. After all, if he does something to Yi Tianzun, the world will not give him face. It is impossible for a regional administrator to do something to the son of the world.

Let nature take its course. If it reaches the point where Jiang Tong interferes with the world, then it is the time for this world to destroy the world. Now the world is in a state of benign development and is continuously providing the power of the world. Jiang Tong will not interfere too much.

If the world was low-level before, Jiang Tong could intervene. Now that the world has formed its own complete system, the impact of interfering again may be great.

All the creatures on the Calidoa continent know that there is an existence above their heads, an existence called Cang Tian. He is the sky above their heads, and his eyes are watching this world.

In the future, Cang Tian has eyes

That's what it said.

Bai Tianzun looked at Qing Tianzun who was electrocuted into charcoal, and his mouth twitched slightly. Fortunately, he didn't let go.

"Why? Why?"

Qing Tianzun exhaled a breath of black air from his mouth, with a burnt smell. At this time, he was constantly muttering. He didn't understand why he was struck by lightning every time he went out recently.

This is a Taoist injury. Qing Tianzun estimated that he would have to take care of it for another one or two hundred years to recover. If he was not a Tianzun, he would have been struck to death long ago.

When Cang Tian stood in the sky, the whole continent ushered in the punishment of justice. Countless evil people, monsters, or demons, Gu masters, and those guys who took human lives lightly... all accepted the punishment of thunder.

Cang Yong turned into a being who protected mortals. He came from the mortal world and turned into a being who protected this mortal world. In front of him, whether it was Tianzun or mortal, they were equal, but he didn't know how long he could exist.

Or he opened up his avenue, Cang Tian Avenue, but he himself was integrated into the long river of the avenue, using the rules of the world, and he achieved his goal.

He believed that when Cang Tian was no longer Cang Tian, ​​the next one would stand up and continue to protect the common people.

After Cang turned into Cang Tian, ​​Gui led the Cang Tian Army to continue his great cause, but encountered some obstacles. Under Cang's protection, Gui Tianzun invaded [Neutral Tiandu] under the welcome of the people.

With the support of Gui Tianzun, Cang's young disciple Liu Jiye ascended the throne and became emperor, founding the Han Dynasty.

Gui Tianzun built the Youdu Underworld in the place where he suppressed Tiangang Tianzun, and built the Huangquan Road, Naihe Bridge, Sansheng Stone, Wangxiangtai... Gui Tianzun was therefore also called the Emperor of Youdu.

The Han Dynasty respected the blue color of Cang, worshipped Cang Tian, ​​and rebuilt the Taoist collection, establishing Taoism as the state religion.

The ghost reshaped the dynasty of luck and improved the "Emperor's Law". After all emperors ascended the throne and inherited the dynasty's luck, they could not practice cultivation and could not live forever. However, they would be blessed by the dragon of luck in the capital, and their strength would be very strong. The more prosperous the dynasty, the stronger its strength would be.

After the emperor died, his soul would enter the underworld. Not only the emperor, but all souls would be guided by the underworld after they were born, and rewards and punishments would be made according to their good and evil deeds in their lifetime.

Since then, the emperor could not live forever or practice cultivation, and the legend of the underworld in the underworld began to spread in the Calidoa continent.

Cang and the ghost did not do well enough, but they did their best to complete what they thought they should do, and the world gradually became what they hoped it would be.

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