The old man was very happy, and the old man was very happy.

An interesting thing happened in the cave world, and Jiang Tong turned his perspective from the heavenly body back to the human body.

A reincarnation of the main god space died in the Earth Dynasty, and then the props on his body were intercepted. The props were a very special time and space props, and then they were triggered.

Afterwards, the territory of the Earth Dynasty was shrouded by the props, in a state of time and space conversion, from real to virtual, and was attracted by the dream core of the Earth Dynasty, so it was transferred to the dream space.

But now it seems that the prop has undergone a second transformation, and the individuals affected are still Wang Buliuxing and Han Gongqiu who have entered the Earth Dynasty.


There is an inn.

Han Gongqiu and Wang Buluxing are toasting.

Boom boom --

Jianmen Pass trembled, as if something big was going to happen. The two put down their silver, picked up their weapons, and then walked out of the inn. They wanted to see what was going on.

The illusory sun in the dream was shining, sometimes day and sometimes night, and the buildings and creatures began to fluctuate.

As soon as Da Meng Tianzun filled up the wine, he felt that the dream space became unstable, as if there was a force of rules surging.

"Strange, but it shouldn't be a big deal." Da Meng Tianzun shook his head and then went into a dream.

That dream was the dream of Yi Tianzun who was sleeping. In the dream, Yi Tianzun was awake. The two of them became good friends. Da Meng Tianzun often went to Yi Tianzun's dream to find Yi Tianzun to drink, and would also receive Yi Tianzun's guidance.

Although Yi Tianzun's advice was about the physical body, Da Meng Tianzun drew some inspiration from it and then created the method of combining the body with the soul.

Wang Buliuxing and Han Gongqiu looked at the sun in the sky, and then they felt a flash and came to a place.

There were many soldiers in armor guarding here, and thousands of bronzes were placed, and the flames in the bronze tripod were burning.

Wang Buliuxing and Han Gongqiu had been here before. This was the imperial temple of the Diji Dynasty, but it was not like this when they came before. When they came, it was completely open. There were no bronzes, no so many soldiers, and the imperial temple was not so big.

"Brother, what happened here?"

Wang Buliuxing asked the nearest general, but the other party seemed not to hear it, and still stood like a stone, without any movement.

"Don't ask, idiot." Han Gongqiu rolled his eyes at Wang Buluixing, "They can't hear us. We don't seem to be in the Earth Dynasty now. The armor style these soldiers are wearing is from the Taishan Emperor period."

"We seem to have returned to the Taishan Emperor period. I don't know if it's a phantom left over from history or something else."

Then, Han Gongqiu touched the soldier next to him, and his hand went straight through the soldier.

"We are just a passerby. We can go back when the time comes. The thing that brought us here is probably the thing that caused the abnormality of the Earth Dynasty."

Wang Buluixing nodded, and then asked: "Brother Gongqiu, do you think we can change history?"

Han Gongqiu sneered: "This thing doesn't have such great power. We can't change history. History will automatically correct itself. Take a good look at the scenery of this era and the scene in which the human race is the blood food of the monster race in this era."

"However, we can enter this real imperial temple and see the legendary Taishan Emperor who killed a monster. The existence of the Lord."

"In a sense, this half-demon Taishan Emperor protected mankind. If it weren't for the Jianmen Pass he established, it is estimated that the Jianmen Human Domain would not have survived in later generations. Unfortunately, he was a traitor to Jianmen and has never been recognized by the people of Jianmen. It seems that the unofficial history says that he deliberately betrayed Jianmen."

"Today we may know the truth of history. Time has covered up many historical truths. Today we will also be witnesses of history."

Han Gongqiu walked towards the Emperor's Temple, stepping up the stairs step by step. The two of them approached the Taishan clan, who was very controversial in the history of Jianmen Human Domain, with a nervous mood.

As they got closer, they came to the temple gate that was tens of meters high. There were various demon tribes and various strange runes carved on the brass temple gate. These runes seemed to have the function of concealing the breath, and they also contained great power.

The two took a deep breath, and then

Passed through the temple gate.

Entering the imperial temple, they saw the legendary Taishan Emperor.

The temple was brightly lit, and under the lights was the Taishan Emperor. The huge body of the Taishan Emperor brought a huge visual impact to the two people, but the scales on the old dragon were dull and had no color.

The decayed breath surrounded the Taishan clan. Even if the two had no senses, they could feel that the Taishan Emperor had weakened to the extreme.

At this time, the Taishan Emperor closed his eyes tightly, his huge body was constantly rising and falling, and he was sleeping.

Suddenly, the Taishan Emperor suddenly opened his eyes, his huge eyes were shining, and the domineering breath pressed towards Wang Buluxing and Han Gongqiu as his eyes opened.

This domineering force crossed time and space, and the two couldn't help trembling. This was the submission of the lower to the upper.

Taishan Emperor's eyes showed curiosity, "What is this? You can actually exist in this form. You don't exist in the past, nor do you exist in the present. Are you from the future?"

Taishan Emperor couldn't see the two people, but he could feel someone watching him. This person had no ill will towards him, and he was not in this world. With the taste of the unknown, Taishan Emperor unconsciously had the answer in his mind. This was a guest from the future.

"Yes, we come from the future, just passers-by in history." Wang Buluixing said respectfully, his body still trembling unconsciously.

Taishan Emperor felt the vibration from that place, it should be the other party answering him, but he couldn't hear: "I can't hear your voice, what are you doing here from the future? What will the human race be like in the future? Have you realized the glory of your ancestors?"

Wang Buluixing nodded hesitantly, and Han Gongqiu shook his head.

Wang Buluixing felt that the era of the demon race had passed, and the human race was no longer a blood food like in the past, but the life of ordinary people was sad.

Han Gongqiu believed that the cannibalism was just a change from a demon to a "demon" in human skin.

"What does it mean to nod and shake your head? But I believe the future of the human race is bright."

Emperor Taishan thought there was only one person. That person nodded and shook his head, which made him tremble. Could it be that there will be new changes in the future of the human race? After the demon race was expelled, a new race oppressed the human race?


The temple door was pushed open, and Emperor Taishan stopped talking to the future visitor.

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