The two of them were beaten.

After a while, Ghost Lord rushed out and rushed towards Fuqin Lord and Sun Lord, wanting to attack them. This was his master's order, but Yi Lord, who was beaten, slapped him away.

Now Yi Lord was stepping on Lei Ze Lord with one foot and beating Sun Lord with one hand, while Fuqin Lord was punched from time to time.

Xuan Lord and Ming Lord each took out the magic tools purchased from the Wizard Empire to record this moment in history. Judging from this situation, Lei Ze Lord is estimated to be dead today, and the other two Lords are estimated to have a chance of survival.

Xuan Tianzun finally couldn't bear it and made way for them. After all, these comrades had fought together in the world of light and shadow. Xuan Tianzun would not hinder their survival if there was no threat to their own interests.

If Hong Tianzun was here, these three Tianzuns would all die, but if Hong Tianzun was here, he would probably be beaten to death by Yi Tianzun.

Boom boom --

A natural disaster broke out in Zhonghai Continent. Fuqin Tianzun and Taiyang Tianzun escaped, while Lei Ze Tianzun was beaten to death by Yi Tianzun with his flesh, but because of the special nature of Lei Ze Tianzun's avenue, he will be reborn from his avenue one day, but I don't know if he will be the real him at that time.

Maybe Lei Ze Tianzun at that time was just a divinity with the believers' imagination of him, without his own nature, which is the drawback of faith.

Fuqin Tianzun hid in Lei Ze and dared not come out again. Taiyang Tianzun also ran back to his dragon kingdom, completely closed the space, and dared not leak a breath.

After killing Lei Ze Tianzun, Yi Tianzun lost his target and wandered around Zhonghai Continent. Finally, he reentered the sea in the west and fell asleep in the nearby waters of Zhonghai Continent. The Titans also habitually settled down nearby.

The Diji Dynasty gave up returning to Calidoa Continent. Emperor Haotian, who led them through the demon era, died on this continent. They also wanted to stay on this continent and wipe out the races that participated in the siege of the Diji Dynasty on this continent.

The Dragon Kingdom, the Blood Vine Elves, and the Zhonghai Alliance were all included in the blood feud list by the Diji Dynasty.

Lu Ming, the tenth son of Emperor Haotian, inherited the throne. After Emperor Lu Ming took office, he repaired the border wall. He knew that the Diji Dynasty had no way to take revenge at present, so he made good defense first.

With the help of Gui Tianzun, the Diji Dynasty established a teleportation array with the Han Dynasty and opened trade with the Han Dynasty. The Taoist system of the Han Dynasty was introduced into the Diji Dynasty.

After obtaining the help of the Han Dynasty, the Diji Dynasty started a war with Zhonghai Continent. This war was destined to be long-lasting and a war between races.

Zhonghai was over. The Tianzun level would not appear in the war between the two races. If this was really the case, then the Tianzun of the Cave People was no joke. The Tianzun still had the luck of the race. If a race war really started, the Zhonghai Continent would be destroyed.

Lei Ze Tianzun died, the luck of Zhonghai Continent was damaged, geniuses fell inexplicably within ten years, and the harvest was poor.

The Zhonghai Continent did not attract the attention of other places, but it was mentioned slightly in the news newspaper of Mai Yade Trading Company. The overall situation of the entire Dongtian World was that small wars continued, and the war had just ended.

As for Jiang Tong's human body, Jiang Tong started to let it go directly, and he and Jin Jin continued to do various tricks in the Demon Castle. Nothing would happen. Now the only thing in the castle is that the owner is not his own, and the others are all his own. What can the contractors of other paradises use to fight Jiang Tong?

Lei Ze Tianzun's death this time gave Jiang Tong more than a thousand world powers. As expected, leeks still need to be of high quality. If all low-quality leeks die, they will probably not be as good as a high-quality leek.

There is still room for improvement in promoting the growth of medium and high-level leeks. Jiang Tong decided to put some pressure on them. Without pressure, there is no motivation. Then the leader of the next era will be the demons.

Those channels in the demon world will be opened for some reasons. After the demons living in the barren demon world see such a rich environment, they will launch an attack.

The combat power of the creatures in the demon world is very strong. It broke out in the dark continent before, and its spread is very difficult for the people in the cave world.

In the central 1,580 years, many channels connecting to the demon world appeared in all parts of the cave world, and thousands of demons came from

The demons rushed out of the demon world and killed the major forces in the cave world.

The war between the cave world and the demons broke out. These demons controlled by primitive desires slaughtered living beings crazily.

On the Calidoa continent, the thunder of the sky continued to kill these demons. With the sky, Calidoa continent did not have a serious demon disaster, but when killing the demons, the sky was also infected by the demonic energy.

The major forces in various places took action to deal with this sudden demon disaster. Only Jun Tianzun knew that this was the work of the existence above all living beings. That existence became more and more indifferent and terrifying, but Jun Tianzun became more and more interested. Jun Tianzun has always been like this for all unknowns.

After Bo Xun felt the appearance of the breath of the same origin as himself, he began to get excited and took the people of the Great Leiyin Temple everywhere to make trouble. When most of the Tianzuns no longer appeared in the world, Bo Xun was unstoppable. Even if there were Tianzuns, ordinary Tianzuns were not his opponents.

However, Bo Xun was soon punished because he ran to the Nukado continent and was discovered by the Hero King. He was then beaten by the Hero King. Bo Xun ran back to the Jiao Sea in disgrace.

Jiang Tong deliberately suppressed the energy of the world. All the Tianzun could only hide in the secret realms and realms he created. They dared not to act easily. The second era was about to come.

The reduced energy and minerals appeared in large quantities. Jiang Tong wanted these people to fight. The road to becoming a strong man was cruel. Jiang Tong wanted to select strong men with cruel methods.

It was also in this environment that each system was improved again, and the level system was constantly subdivided. After studying the contractors, Skechers quoted the system of Paradise and compiled a book.

In the book, it was proposed that the current cave world is a fourth-level world, just a medium-sized world, and the levels of those contractors can also match the cave world, and the same is true for the Tianzun level, but the combat power of the Tianzun does not match the level.

Skechers' theory did not attract attention and was banned from spreading. Jun Tianzun knew that such things could not be spread in the Dongtian world.

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