The history of the country is not the same as that of the ancient city.

First of all, from the perspective of the Calidoa continent, the north is the Northern Barbarian cultural circle radiating from the Northern Barbarians, the east is the Taoist cultural circle formed by the Dongsheng Shenzhou countries, which is influenced to a certain extent by the original Salt Tribe culture, the west is the Plateau Kingdom and the Salt Kingdom, and the overlord of the south is the Han Dynasty, which belongs to the Tian Tribe cultural circle.

In addition, the gaps between the major cultural circles are also interspersed with various small cultural circles, and there are also small countries and small forces as buffer zones between the major countries and tribes.

Within the radiation range of the Northern Barbarian cultural circle, there are two major forces, Jianmen Human Domain and Shushan Sword Sect, as well as the holy land of two demon clan Tianzun and the demon plain where the demon clan is active. To the south is the Three Thousand Mountains, where many tribes of the Gu Master system exist, and the Three Thousand Mountains serve as one of the barriers between the Northern Barbarians and the Han Dynasty.

The central area of ​​the Northern Barbarians is still [Neutral No Head City]. At this time, the one who rules the Northern Barbarians is Bai Ye, the descendant of Bai Ji. The ruling power of the Northern Barbarian King's Court is not as good as before. The backward and corrupt system has not been reformed, and it is dead.

The eastern Dongsheng Shenzhou is blocked by a large river, but its area only occupies 8% of the continent. It is deeply influenced by the Xieyue Sanxing Cave, which is also the ancestral home of Taoism.

Dongsheng Shenzhou is prosperous in martial arts, and the Qi refining system has been fully developed here. However, the influx of the Buddhist system has impacted the Qi refining system here. The system that relies on faith to quickly improve has impacted the traditional ideas of these Qi refining masters who practice the nature of heaven and earth.

The Western countries have been influenced by the Confucian system, but they do not have strong natural barriers. Most of them call themselves vassal states of the Celestial Empire and pay tribute to the Han Dynasty every year. The Jixia Academy, the ancestral home of Confucianism, is also here.

The Celestial Empire is also the influence left by the Tian tribe. During the Tian Dynasty, the suppression of the hundreds of Western countries was maintained. The central and southern parts were all under the rule of the Tian Dynasty. After the Han Dynasty overthrew the rule of the Tian Dynasty, this name did not change.

The central part of the Calidoa continent is also called the Central Plains. The Han Dynasty's secondary capital Luo'an City was built here to guard against the Western countries and the Demon Plain. The Demon Plain Great Wall built in ancient times still exists. The Han Dynasty has always been on guard against these demons.

In the Han Dynasty, with [Neutral Tiandu] as the center, there is the Nether City Hell guarded by Gui Tianzun in the south, with Cangtian watching over it. There is also the largest faction Xuantian Sect in the central part, which is still the strongest dynasty force in Calidoa.

There are frictions between the countries on the Calidoa continent. The Northern Barbarians’ court cannot control some large tribes. For example, the Golden Wolf Tribe attacked the Han Dynasty several times while Jiang Tong was observing the continent. Although they were repelled several times by the Han Emperor himself, they still caused great damage to the Han Dynasty.

In addition, the western countries also fought against each other, and some countries even openly wanted to compete for the Central Plains. As a result, they were beaten by the Han Dynasty’s army and surrendered. The kings were replaced several times. In addition, in the western countries, since the emergence of Confucianism, other schools of thought have emerged one after another, but most of them have joined the Jixia Academy.

The Jixia Academy has changed from the only Confucianism at the beginning to a hundred schools of thought, becoming the most famous place for academic exchanges on the continent. Under Qiu Tianzun’s amiable, moral, and fist-and-foot fighting, everyone exchanges academics in a friendly manner.

There are also Heavenly Venerables in the Western countries, such as Tangmen's Changing Heavenly Venerable Tang Ersi, but his presence is extremely low. He was only heard when the road was opened, and he seemed to have disappeared afterwards.

Not to mention the Northern Barbarians, with the existence of the demon source, the disciples of Jianmen and the disciples of Shushan Sword School go in to kill demons all day long. In addition, the people in the Northern Barbarians have been simple and honest since ancient times, so there have been constant fights. As long as they don't kill people at will, basically the officials of the Northern Barbarians will not care.

The Taoism in Dongsheng Shenzhou will not care about the disputes among the civilian countries, but if the upper level affects the lower level, they will take action and beat the rulers so that even his mother doesn't recognize him. Therefore, the civilians in Dongsheng Shenzhou live a relatively good life. With the existence of Cangtian, they are full of happiness.

Jiang Tong glanced at it. There are many old shady people on the Calidoa Continent. Many old guys from the Tian Tribe era are still alive. The longevity research started in the previous Yi period may really be useful, but Yi died before he could use it.

Among these old guys, there are leaders of the Tian tribe, and some old guys buried in the ground sleeping. These guys are too patient, but they are destined to be unable to break through to a higher level.

They can only survive.

Some old guys have transformed into special forms. Some have refined themselves into corpses, some survive by swallowing blood, and some have sealed themselves up. They have used all kinds of means to survive.

After observing the Calidoa continent, Jiang Tong went to see the Nukado continent in the south.

Now the Nukado continent is ruled by the Giant Stone Kingdom of the Hero King, but there are still other small countries. Only the core area is ruled by the Giant Stone Kingdom. The center of the south is [Neutral·Stone City], and the center of the north is [Neutral·Beast King City].

The big crack in the center separates the north and the south. This big crack was caused by the stone dome in the past. As the world expanded, it became an abyss. The demon court of the demon clan era huddled in it. The six demon clans have not gone out for many years. The demon clan’s presence in the Nukado continent gradually disappeared with the unification of Nukado, but it still exists in some remote small countries.

The southern megalithic cultural circle is still prosperous with a sacrificial martial arts system, while the northern beast cultural circle is a coexistence of various systems. The folk customs in the north are also simple, with many tribes and most families nomadic in the form of tribes.

There are no old guys in the Nukado continent. Hong Tianzun has been here for so long, and those strong men were harvested before they reached that age. Where did the old guys come from? At most, there are a few special ones, such as the one in Maple Leaf Town, but that one is at most a baby compared to the old guy in Calidoya Continent.

The oldest one, besides Tianzun, is only one Guzhe, but Guzhe is not a living thing, but an imperial tool that runs according to the basic logic given to him by the creator. Now, under the re-refining of the Hero King, it has become the guardian of Maple Leaf Town.

In addition to the two large cultural circles, there are also some small cultural circles, but no strong men have been born. The Nukado continent is now a battle for hegemony among the Buddhas. Various factions of Buddhism are fighting here. It was only after the order of the Hero King that it became a little civilized.

The Hero King directly ordered that if there was another large-scale turmoil, he would directly issue an order to destroy Buddhism and prohibit them from spreading Buddhism in the mainland. Only then did these sects calm down.

With so many factions, there are naturally good and bad ones. A large number of Buddhist temples were built on the mainland to compete for faith, and strong people in the Buddhist system emerged.

However, these strong people have been targeted by Hong Tianzun, and it is unknown when they will be harvested.

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