The Hulong Kingdom has been trying to win over allies in the world, but few responses have been received. Only some ignorant small countries have joined Hilt's Hulong Alliance.

Hilt set his imaginary enemy as the Han Dynasty this time, and pulled out a lot of historical reasons. In order to justify his actions, he brought up the joint navy of more than a thousand years ago and called on the people to join the army in the name of revenge.

After learning about the claim of the Hulong Kingdom, the Han Dynasty did not take it seriously. The current Han Dynasty is still ruled by Liu Wu, but Liu Wu has entered his twilight years. The price of inheriting the throne is a short life.

During Liu Wu's reign, the reign was called Tianwu. In the early period, Liu Wu worked hard to govern the country, reduced taxes and levies, built official roads, and vigorously reformed the military system, upgraded the army's equipment, introduced advanced equipment from other countries in the world, and independently developed teleportation magic arrays, breaking away from the dependence on the teleportation arrays of the Wizard Empire.

During the Tianwu period, the territory of the Han Dynasty expanded by 10%, and the length of official roads increased by 800,000 kilometers, the grain output increased by 5% annually, and the population reached 7.8 billion. The Han Dynasty entered a prosperous era with sufficient granaries and a rich treasury. People called it the Tianwu Prosperity.

Don't underestimate this 10% of the territory. This 10% is millions of square kilometers, and it was not obtained by invading other countries, but by opening up those wildernesses.

There are a large number of wastelands without countries on each continent, which are the so-called wildernesses. There are only some primitive tribes and those ferocious beasts and monsters. Opening up means killing these ferocious beasts and monsters.

The world of Dongtian is very large, and not every place has people. The various races in the world of Dongtian are still not developing the world enough, or they are too lazy to pay the price to develop those wild places.

Even on the map of Mai Yade Trading Company, there are a lot of unexplored places. You should know that Mai Yade Trading Company made its fortune by sea charts and maps, and their maps are the most complete.

Therefore, the development of the Han Dynasty actually left a piece of land for their descendants, a land with sustainable resource production.

The countries on the continent are naturally vast and sparsely populated. Small continents like the Hulong Kingdom and the Fire Continent are naturally developed very fully, and even the resources produced locally are not enough for their own consumption, so they need to expand outward.

This is also caused by their own civilization characteristics. They need to explore outward to meet the development of their country. This is also one of human nature. Human desire is an important factor in promoting the development of their civilization.

In the middle of the Tianwu period, Liu Wu ordered the compilation of the Tianwu Encyclopedia, collected books in the dynasty, recruited tens of thousands of scholars, and compiled the first encyclopedia in the world of Dongtian. The book collected tens of thousands of ancient and modern books at that time, including classics, history, and Buddhist scriptures, Taoist scriptures, medicine, drama, vernacular, engineering, agronomy and other works.

Not only in terms of culture and territory, the Han Dynasty also saw the emergence of many Tianjiao strongmen in this era, such as the Supervisor of the Imperial Observatory, who created a star system and absorbed the Dao rhyme of the stars of heaven and earth to match his own Wuji.

The name of the Supervisor is Zhuge Wuhou.

Zhuge Wuhou was called the first person since the founding of the Han Dynasty by Emperor Tianwu. He was well-versed in ancient and modern times, knew astronomy, geography, and military and political affairs.

In addition to the Supervisor, there is also a Confucian scholar Cheng Zhu who opened up the Neo-Confucian system. As the first Confucian in the Han Dynasty, Cheng Zhu founded the Bai Ludong Academy. Although he was not in the court, his students and former officials were all over the world, and he had great influence in the court and the country.

In addition, there are three young generals in the army of the Han Dynasty, who have repeatedly made military exploits in the war of opening up the wilderness and killing monsters, and are known as the Three Heroes of Tianwu.

One of the three is called Lu Zigan, who studied under the great Confucian Ma Rong. Ma Rong is one of Qiu Zi's 72 disciples. He educates those tribes on the border of the Han Dynasty. He has inherited Qiu Tianzun and likes to win people over with virtue.

The other two are Zhu Gongwei and Huangfu Yizhen.

Zhu Gongwei was recommended by Taoist Xu Changjin to join the strongest army of the Han Dynasty, the Cangtian Army, and participated in the treatment of weirdness and the encirclement and suppression of monsters. He once defeated some of the remaining dynasty rebel forces of the Tian Dynasty with a thousand soldiers.

Huangfu Yizhen is the great-grandson of Huangfu Longdou, a disciple of Cangtian. He is also the leader of the three heroes of Tianwu and the tutor of the crown prince. He is deeply trusted and loved by Emperor Tianwu and is designated as the next general.

In the later period of Liu Wu's reign, because of his ambition and ambition, Liu Wu

He began to build large-scale projects, recruited tens of millions of civilians to re-plan and build [Neutral Tiandu], and also upgraded the secondary capital Luo'an City, which was built according to the standards of Tiandu.

Liu Wu proposed to move the capital to Luo'an many times in the court, but was rejected by the ministers, and a large number of ministers were dismissed. However, under the resistance of officials, Liu Wu still gave up the plan to move the capital.

Liu Wu started a new operation. In his later years, he started to select concubines, and sent people to question Gui Tianzun many times, why he was not allowed to practice, and openly insulted Gui Tianzun on some important sacrificial occasions.

Liu Wu also started to suppress Taoism, disbanded the Cangtian Army, the foundation of the Han Dynasty, and destroyed the temples of Cangtian, which aroused the dissatisfaction of the people.

Fortunately, this behavior did not last long. Liu Wu died at the age of 100, which was longer than the previous emperors. Even his sons and the crown prince were outlived. His grandson Liu Donglai succeeded to the throne, and the reign was named Zhaolin.

Emperor Zhaolin was not young either. After taking office, he listened to advice, promoted young officials, solved the mess left by Emperor Tianwu, and apologized to Gui Tianzun.

After reigning for eleven years, Emperor Zhaolin died, which solved the chaos in the late period of Emperor Tianwu and prolonged the influence of the prosperous era of Tianwu.

After Emperor Zhaolin died, his son Liu Jiabei ascended the throne, but Empress Dowager Yan in the harem launched a coup and abolished Liu Jiabei. Liu Jiabei was in office for only seven days. After Liu Jiabei was abolished, Empress Dowager Yan's own son Liu Xun became emperor, and the reign was named Xuanwen.

Empress Dowager Yan used the young age of Emperor Xuanwen as an excuse to control the government and reuse foreign relatives. The Yan family expanded and became the hegemon of the capital.

However, Empress Dowager Yan was soon killed by Gui Tianzun, so Emperor Xuanwen regained control of the imperial power and made rules that no women with cultivation were allowed to be recruited from the harem.

These female relatives were not like the emperor and the crown prince. They had their own cultivation and their lifespans were much longer than those of the emperors. Accumulating from generation to generation, they formed a force in the palace. Emperor Xuanwen used the power of Ghost Tianzun to eliminate this force and also extended the lifespan of the Han Dynasty.

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