The first time, the last time, the last time.

There are talented people in every generation, and each of them leads the trend for hundreds of years.

There is not only one continent in the world of Dongtian. Geniuses are born in other continents as well. It is often not one person who leads the times, but a group of people. It is just that the strongest one is the most conspicuous among this group of people.

There has been no fierce person born in the Dark Continent for many years. In this generation, a genius was born in the royal family of the Sea Kingdom.

The name of this genius is Ji Bochang. When Ji Bochang was born, the unicorn snake in the royal family personally guarded him, and purple air came from the east, hundreds of flowers bloomed, thousands of beasts roared, and the Sea Kingdom had a bumper harvest for three years.

All the old ghosts in the royal family crawled out of the coffin and competed with each other. Other masters in the Sea Kingdom also requested to become the teacher of this little prince.

After a great war, these masters made a decision to establish a Royal Academy of the Sea Kingdom, where all the old monsters and masters taught Ji Bochang together.

Other academies have one teacher with dozens of students, but this academy specially established for Ji Bochang has only one student, and hundreds of teachers, and all facilities and resources are the best in the country.

Ji Bochang did not live up to these things. When the emperors of the Han Dynasty kept changing, Ji Bochang quickly digested the knowledge of his teachers.

During the reign of Emperor Xuanwen of the Han Dynasty, Ji Bochang was eighteen years old, practiced the Knight system to the top level, and began to link the Tao system, becoming the first of the young generation of the Sea Kingdom, and most of his teachers were no longer his opponents.

At the end of Emperor Chengli, Ji Bochang was thirty-five years old, replacing the previous Knight Avenue Dao Master, becoming the youngest Dao Master in the history of the Sea Kingdom, and Ji Bochang combined the breathing method of the royal unicorn snake, created the "Zhulong Method", and passed it on to the unicorn snake.

Now, only the Sea Kingdom and Zhonghai Continent still have unicorn snakes in the Cave Heaven World. Most of the other places are mixed blood, and they are not closely related to unicorn snakes. They do not have the blood inheritance of unicorn snakes.

Lei Ze Tianzun has received all the inheritances of the Sea Kingdom unicorn snakes engraved in their blood, so this unicorn snake is very strong, even compared with those unicorn snakes in Zhonghai Continent. After all, this unicorn snake has experienced so many wars with the Sea Kingdom in thousands of years.

Like Ji Bochang, this unicorn snake has accumulated for thousands of years and shined with its own glory in this era.

After obtaining Ji Bochang's "Zhulong Law", this unicorn snake called himself Zhulong and started to transform. He left the Sea Kingdom. He knew that his chance was in Zhongshan.

So around the time of Emperor Rulin, Zhulong opened up the Zhuyin Avenue in Zhongshan. He settled in the Zhongshan Mountains in the Zhongshan Human Domain. The human race in the Zhongshan Human Domain compiled many classics to describe him.

"Overseas Northern Classic" says: The god of Zhongshan is named Zhuyin. He sees as day, closes as night, blows as winter, and exhales as summer. He does not drink, eat, or rest. His breath is wind. He is a thousand miles long. ... He has a human face and a red snake body, and lives at the foot of Zhongshan.

Zhulong became the third celestial master of the unicorn snake clan, and the first celestial master of the Zhulong clan, and the birth of another mythical species.

After Zhulong left the Sea Kingdom, the Sea Kingdom used secret methods to cultivate a new generation of guardian snakes, and Ji Bochang became the dean of the Royal Academy of the Sea Kingdom. This academy used to cultivate Ji Bochang recruited geniuses from all over the Sea Kingdom.

And soon Ji Bochang inherited the throne. In terms of kingdom governance, Ji Bochang was still a genius. He replanned the system. Ji Bochang understood that sometimes too much centralization might make the country collapse faster, so he started the parallel system of counties and kingdoms and enfeoffed the kings. He believed that there would be no problems with the regime while he was alive.

Ji Bochang renovated the [Neutral Tree City], encouraged the development of the shipbuilding industry, and revitalized this ancient industry. He also vigorously built ports, signed trade agreements with other countries, and provided resource support to Chinese people who went out to sea for business.

Then he started the reform of agriculture, using extraordinary people to scale up agriculture, but encountered many obstacles, and finally only carried out pilot operations near the capital.

Ji Bochang also re-established the official assessment system, learned some systems from other major countries, streamlined the official institutions, vigorously built grassroots buildings and communication equipment, strengthened the control of local areas, reached a relaxed level, and the Sea Kingdom developed rapidly.

Ji Bochang knew that in order to make a country faster

In order to develop rapidly, the country must establish an enemy. It just so happens that the Hulong Kingdom has been more active in the international arena in the past hundred years, so it has been targeted by the Sea Kingdom.

Ji Bochang advocated the Hulong Kingdom threat theory. The Hulong Kingdom has helped the enemy camp in several wars, and this time should be no exception. They want to take action against the Sea Kingdom.

Under Ji Bochang's advocacy, the Hulong Kingdom became the second most hated country in the Sea Kingdom. The first one was the Fire Continent, but now the Fire Continent is very low-key under the leadership of Naruto Namikaze, and even the Mai Yade Trading Company has not reported much.

Establishing a new and dangerous enemy, Ji Bochang used the arms race to drive the economic development of the Sea Kingdom, making this ancient country revitalized again. The booming economy made the people think that Ji Bochang was a famous monarch.

At the suggestion of the people and officials, the Sea Kingdom changed the monarchy to the imperial system. Ji Bochang, as the first emperor, was called Emperor Ji Bo.

The Sea Kingdom not only rejuvenated itself on the sea, but also began to explore on the continent. It opened up the wilderness occupied by monsters and issued a call for talents on the continent. A large number of knights poured into the Sea Kingdom. The collision and exchange between systems also revived the ancient systems of the Sea Kingdom.

After Emperor Guangwu of the Han Dynasty rebuilt the Han Dynasty, the Sea Kingdom welcomed their first Heavenly Venerable, Ji Bochang, who opened up the Purple Air Avenue in [Neutral Tree City].

Zhulong came from Zhongshan to protect him, and Abel Heavenly Venerable also rushed back from the Chaos Battlefield to protect him. After Ji Bochang opened up the avenue and became a Heavenly Venerable, the Sea Kingdom had the qualifications to join the Chaos Battlefield.

This ancient hegemonic force finally gave birth to their own Heavenly Venerable in the 1,715th year of the Central Calendar, and ushered in their own golden age. Ji Bochang was just a microcosm of this era of many talented people.

Ji Bochang was a legend of the Sea Kingdom, but his resources and his talent made it inevitable for him to become a Heavenly Venerable, and another genius was even stronger than him.

No, the other one can be called a hero.

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