The battle was over, and the battle was over.

Soon, the celestial masters were ready.

First, seven celestial masters from Calidoa Continent, including Xuan Tianzun, Ming Tianwuzun, Qing Tianzun, Bai Tianzun, Baibian Tianzun, Tiangang Tianzun, and Ziran Tianzun, participated in the operation, and the rest stayed at the border gate to prevent anyone from stealing the house.

There are many old six on the Chaos Battlefield, such as the old lizard in the next door Rock Mountain World, who needs to be guarded.

Three celestial masters from Nukado Continent, Jiwu Tianzun, Longyang Tianzun, and Baishou Tianzun.

Four celestial masters from Geglinwu Continent, including Hong Tianzun, Kurong Tianzun, Huanyang Tianzun, and Juyang Tianzun.

Xiao Tianzun and Zhulong Tianzun from Storm Continent.

The Shenwu Tianzun of the Dark Continent.

The Lei Ze Tianzun, Fuqin Tianzun, and Taiyang Tianzun of the Zhonghai Continent.

The Fukong Tianzun of the Sky Continent.

There are a total of 21 Tianzuns from the eight continents participating in this battle.

In addition, there are five Tianzuns from the island sub-plates, including Poxun Tianzun, Jibing Tianzun, Uchiha Tianzun, Miao Tianzun, and Gaia Tianzun.

There are a total of 26 Tianzuns in this operation. Some old and new Tianzuns stayed behind to prepare for defense and support.

Gu Tianzun and Jun Tianzun were trapped in the Silver Star World.

At the command.

Twenty-six streams of different colors slid across the sky, illuminating the sky of the canyon.

"Look, the Heavenly Lords are taking action."

"Are those guys from the Cave World going to take action? Our crisis will be resolved soon."

"So many powerful people, is this the foundation of the First World? I'm afraid I'm not their opponent."

"When will our world have so many powerful people?"

"I'm afraid there will be a big movement. No, I have to go and see."


All the worlds in the Grand Canyon saw the movement of the Cave World, and speculated and discussed the big movement in the Cave World.

The wise man of the Rock Mountain World glanced in the direction of the Cave World, and seemed to be a little moved, but gave up his idea after thinking for a while.

In the center of the Silver Star World.

A mother nest 10,000 meters high was built here, with a strong breath in the mother nest, and there were leaders of various fighting Zergs patrolling nearby.

This is where the Silver Star Zerg of the Silver Star World is located. After resurrection, all the queens of the other Zergs were driven out to plunder resources for themselves.

The upper body of the Silver Star Queen is a human body, which is very beautiful, with a constantly rippling chest, but there is no desire to look at the lower body.

The lower body is a silver-white spider body, with strange patterns, but it looks scary.

The body several meters high sits cross-legged on the ground, and the spider claws growing next to the body keep flashing. The Silver Star Queen is not just breeding, her combat power is the best in the Silver Star Zerg.

The Silver Star Queen looked at the gene room in the mother nest. Recently, a powerful existence was captured. The opponent's genes are very powerful, even better than the genes of the previous high-level worlds. It is simply a perfect gene.

The name of the Silver Star Queen is Silver Star, and the Zerg is named after her.

Once this existence is swallowed, the Silver Star Zerg will be able to sweep the entire fourth-level battlefield with the strongest posture, and then quickly advance to the world and return to the high-level battlefield. Silver Star wants revenge.

This existence is Jun Tianzun.

Yinxing couldn't deal with Jun Tianzun at first. After using some means, she trapped Jun Tianzun. Jun Tianzun took advantage of her trick and entered her gene room.

But it is unknown whether Jun Tianzun succeeded first or the Yinxing Zerg succeeded first.

Yinxing looked at the other incubation rooms again. One of them was Yu Tianzun and the other was Gu Tianzun. Their genes were also very good, but not as perfect as Jun Tianzun. After Yinxing caught them, she used the mother nest to transform them.

After the transformation, they will become a member of the mother nest.

These commanders were once other strong men. Later, their souls were devoured and they became the commanders of the Zerg permanently. They were constantly reborn and died and were controlled by the mother queen.

Several Tianzuns in the gene room and incubation room were rioting. Yinxing quickly controlled the power of the mother nest to suppress them and increased the investment in transforming them. Once the transformation was successful, the Yinxing Zerg could add three more commanders with strong growth potential.

Yinxing thought of the Zerg leaders she had when she was at level 7. In the end, all of them had their souls shattered. The world of Yinxing continued to downgrade and now became a level 4 world. The world's heavenly way also fell after that battle.

So the current world of Yinxing is a dead world.

The world, but with the Silver Star Zerg constantly supporting it, more energy can revive the world, and the Silver Star Queen is looking forward to a bright future.

After accelerating, the Tianzun came to the passage of the Silver Star world, where there is also a mother nest. There are constantly engineer Zergs building buildings and transporting energy crystals. Combat Zergs are constantly coming out of the world and heading to other worlds.

Hong Tianzun looked at the Silver Star world, he felt Jun's breath, which was still intact. The connection of the avenue allowed him to feel the state of his son. Jun seemed to be transformed, but his avenue was still vigorous.

"Jun's breath is changing, but there is no danger for a while." Hong Tianzun said.

A group of Tianzun observed the Zerg below, which seemed a little tricky. The breath of these Zergs was stronger than that of the five Queens near the Cave World.

Before, people couldn't get in at the door, and now they want to enter other people's worlds. I'm afraid it's a bit difficult. This trip is very dangerous.

And it was far away from the channel of his own world, so the supplement of the power of the Great Dao was too weak.

Jiang Tong naturally had to help the situation. Through Hong Tianzun, he established the channel of the Great Dao River. The Tianzun instantly felt the majestic power of the Great Dao pouring into their bodies, which was many times stronger than usual.

However, the Tianzun did not ask questions, as these were all the secrets of Hong Tianzun.

At this moment, Jiang Tong's world power was being consumed crazily, but he did not plan to be promoted to the fifth level now, so Jiang Tong did not care. As long as he did not hurt the origin, Jiang Tong would still support him.

"Let's prepare for the battle first! Let's see how to attack and who will take the lead?" Xuan Tianzun said.

"I will take the lead!"

Hong Tianzun gave it his all for his son.

Now Hong Tianzun only has two relatives alive. Jun Tianzun and Yu Tianzun were both caught by these insects, so Hong Tianzun had to play the vanguard.

It doesn't matter whether Yu Tianzun dies or not. If Jun Tianzun dies, Hong Tianzun will be severely hurt, and the Gelinwu Continent will also suffer a major disaster, and even the Tao system will be affected. After all, Jun Tianzun is the founder of the Tao system and has the luck of the Tao system.

Hong Tianzun still loves his son very much, even though Jun Tianzun is a bit disappointing. If he didn't love him, Jun Tianzun would not have inherited the position.

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