The snowstorm came quickly. As the storm descended, all the residents of the village gathered around the fire pit, and then lit the fog-repelling lamps there. The fire pit has been handed down since the tribal era, and the fire left here has some strange effects. In less than two hours, the ground was covered with a thick layer of snow. Jiang Tong followed the Tuka Knight to patrol the barrier and strengthen the weak places. They were followed by Li Dabai. The three of them left footprints on the snow, but the heavy snow soon covered them. Li Dabai will carry out the work from the heart to the extreme. Jiang Tong drove the energy in his body to run in his limbs to drive away the cold. Snowflakes fell on Jiang Tong's face one by one. At this time, Jiang Tong's eyelashes were covered with frost. The three held torches and walked forward in the darkness.

It took three hours for the three to check the barrier, and then the valley entrance. In the darkness, time lost its meaning.

The valley entrance is the focus of the barrier. As long as the barrier is not broken, Frost Village will be the safest. The three packed up and started a fire in the house at the valley entrance.

The snow was extremely biting, and Jiang Tong could not resist the biting cold even if he operated his energy.

"Next, we have to prevent these monsters from attacking the barrier. This year is better than in previous years."

Knight Tuka breathed a sigh of relief because of this batch of supplies. At this time, he was in a good mood. He even drank a little wine and hummed the little song his master taught him when he was alive.

Jiang Tong knew that the situation would not get better, but worse. His seal on the big eyeball would only gradually weaken, the power of the big eyeball would become stronger, and the impact of the subsequent blood moon tide would become greater and greater.

Like Frost Village, other places are also preparing for the arrival of the blood moon tide.

Sob, sob, sob.

There were constant sounds coming from outside the valley entrance. These were the insect swarms nearby. Various polluted monsters were waiting at the valley entrance. Like in previous years, they attacked the barrier at the moment when the blood moon tide was at its strongest.

Kakuchi outside seemed to be fighting with these monsters.

The three of them walked out of the house and watched from the edge of the barrier.

Thousands of insects that made people's scalps numb were attacking Kakuchi. These insects looked similar to ladybugs, the size of fists, but the two big eyeballs on their backs did not match them.

These insects were not strong individually, but when they increased in number, they were very scary.

The more than ten-meter-tall Kakuchi was covered with insects, and these insects were biting Kakuchi.


Kakuchi screamed angrily, his tentacles swung, and he could kill hundreds of insects with one attack, and swallow hundreds more with one mouthful, but with a huge base number, these insects were not even a drop in the bucket.

The tentacles kept piercing, and the swarm of insects soon bit off Kakuchi's tentacles. Kakuchi kept screaming, and the speed at which these insects ate was faster than he grew.

After fighting for a while, Kakuchi couldn't hold on anymore, and only two tentacles were left, so he swung the two tentacles and ran away, and insects kept falling from his body.

He ran very fast, and his two big eyes left with hatred. He seemed to remember the swarm of insects. In less than two seconds, the three of them could only see a small black dot.

"Good, Kakuchi was beaten away." Tuka Knight was very happy.

Tuka Knight was very unhappy with Kakuchi, and he applauded when the swarm of insects defeated Kakuchi. Jiang Tong felt that Kakuchi regarded the village as his own, and there were other things peeping at him, which made him angry.

"Master, have you noticed that these insects seem to have grown bigger." Jiang Tong reminded him.

Tuka Knight couldn't laugh anymore, as if these insects really grew bigger, damn it.

Tuka Knight is no match for the swarm of insects now. If he goes out, he will become a skeleton. He can only rely on the barrier to eliminate them.

Fortunately, except for the blood moon tide, these insects generally don't like to move, otherwise Tuka Knight would not dare to go out hunting.

It seems that his master can't stand it alone this time, so Jiang Tong has to expose his strength.

"Master, I have broken through to the advanced knight."

Tuka Knight nodded.

"I know."

Randomly reacted quickly.

"What? You are an advanced knight? You are not lying to me?" Tuka Knight looked incredulous.

Jiang Tong saw that he didn't believe it.

Directly swung his sword to cut the swarm of insects outside the barrier.


A large number of the swarm of insects outside were blown to death, and a big pit appeared, but the insects behind filled up and blocked the gap.

Tuka Knight was ecstatic:

"Master, please protect me. Hahaha, my disciple is better than your disciple. I am the best."

Something seems to be wrong.

After the ecstasy, Tuka Knight's face became complicated. What was he doing when he was three years old?

This is a three-year-old, a three-year-old advanced knight. I am afraid that he was caught by the kingdom for research.

After learning that his disciple has become an advanced knight, Tuka Knight became confident and bombarded the insect swarms and polluted monsters outside every day.

This is a kind of venting.

In the following time, the temperature became lower and lower, and the monsters became more and more active. They have begun to attack the barrier. During the period, Kuqi ran back and fought with the insect swarms for a few times, and then fled in panic.

It's just that this guy's breath is getting stronger and stronger, and he has evolved a wing, but Kakuqi's body has become smaller, a few meters lower.

On the seventh day, the light of the blood moon shone, and meteors with red tail flames fell on the earth.

Wuming's whispers became more and more frequent, and fog began to penetrate into the barrier. The concentration was the same as usual. If it weren't for the fog lights, the whole village would have died in this blood moon tide.

There was a hint of scarlet in the snowflakes, and the strong wind was like a knife rubbing on the face. Jiang Tong put on the knight suit prepared for him by the Tuka Knight.

Jiang Tong, wearing armor, was like a majestic general, with a domineering aura.

Again, what's the fuck three years old?


Boom boom boom.

The polluted monsters outside went berserk and kept hitting the barrier. The barrier began to light up and opened to the maximum under the impact of the monsters.

Thousands of monsters rushed over from the valley mouth, and some weak monsters were directly squeezed into meat paste.

Insect swarms, crawling big eyeballs, faceless people, four-winged tigers...

Although Jiang Tong has seen many epic wars in this world, he has never joined as a protagonist, and was shocked by this scene.

Shocked but also very excited.

Li Dabai hid behind the two.

Jiang Tong held the big sword with both hands, raised it high, and then swung his wrist down.


A sword energy dozens of meters long was slashed out, directly destroying all the monsters close to the barrier, and a rain of limbs fell at the mouth of the valley.

The monsters behind surged up again, and then the Tuka Knight took action, hitting the monster group with a big fireball.

Another clearing.

As a master, he is not willing to be outdone. He is less than twenty years old, and he is also a young man who should be competitive.

Li Dabai used his own auxiliary skills to speed up the recovery of the two people's mana. Their paradise system counts all energy as mana.

The two senior knights are harvesting machines, constantly harvesting the lives of these monsters.

The flesh and blood piled up into a pile of hills. The snow-white earth had been dyed red by the blood of these monsters. The flesh and blood seemed to be merging. The earth absorbed the blood of these monsters. The blood was corrosive and exuded a fishy smell.

Li Dabai was very happy to see the source of the world rising on his system panel. He hugged the right thigh and chose the right task.

Frost Village had two high-level knights, which seemed very easy. Other places were different. Some settlements that were thought to be the same as in previous years were quickly breached according to the previous standards. All the people in the village were devoured by monsters, and those who survived were quickly polluted and became lost people in the blood mist.

The number of monsters was endless. Jiang Tong felt that the energy in his body had dropped by half. You know, the blood moon tide will not pass for three days.

"Master, the mana in the body is used up too quickly." Jiang Tong said.

"Don't use those moves that consume too much energy. I don't know what's going on this year." Tuka Knight answered the question while waving his sword.

Jiang Tong suddenly discovered something.

"Master, has that pile of flesh and blood come together?"

The beam of the blood moon shone on the corpses of the monsters killed by the two men. These corpses slowly merged together, and then two large eyeballs grew out of the shadows.

"What is this?"

Tuka Knight asked, but still slashed two swords to interrupt the fusion of the flesh and blood. I don't know what will happen if it merges, but it's not a good thing anyway.

The two continued to fight.


In Maple Leaf Town, the tall black wall protected the town, and the Hero King Palace, as the only passage, became the only attack point for monsters.

The Hero King sat on his throne, looking at the endless monsters in the distance with a tired face.

Whenever these monsters approached the palace, they would be annihilated by a wave of light, and the Hero King's right shoulder armor had turned scarlet.

Looking up at the blood moon, the Hero King sighed.


One strike cleared the monsters hundreds of meters away.

Feeling a strong breath coming from the front, the Hero King stared at the front.

Step, step, step.

He is coming.


ps: Brothers, the recommendation period has begun, please rate more, and urge the update to reach 500,000 tomorrow.

Thank you for your support in the front, hahaha.

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