The auction was held in Happy Valley, and not only the leaders of the forces outside the city would attend, but also some guys in the city would come out.

Happy Valley arranged a private room for Jiang Tong. After all, he was the leader of a big force. With the support of Gates' faction, the Dongtian Mercenary Group became the sixth largest force outside the city in just a few days.

In addition to Jiang Tong, there were Li Dabai, Bai Lang, Dumb, and Jiang Yi, the leader of the soldiers.

This guy was saved by Jiang Tong when he was about to die. Unlike Bai Lang, this guy was very loyal. In order to thank Jiang Tong, he changed his surname directly, joined Jiang Tong when he was recruiting soldiers, and then fought out of these people, and was appreciated by Jiang Tong.

The essence of training these soldiers is to raise Gu. This set of exclusive skills created by Jiang Tong is a military version. When this person dies, 70% of his energy will be absorbed by other soldiers.

So Jiang Yi is actually a mid-level knight piled up with the lives of soldiers, and he is about to enter the advanced knight.

Looking at the auction house below through the box, there are some lone rangers, and some leaders of the affiliated forces of other major forces that have not been swallowed up by Dongtian. As for the leaders of the major forces, they are all arranged in the box.

There are also some people from the inner city below, and there are some nobles in the box. There are also many contractors below. Jiang Tong judged it through Li Dabai's constantly changing expressions and constant mumbling in his mouth.

There should be some very powerful characters among this group of contractors, but they are only compared to Li Dabai, who is a scum of combat power.

After a turbulent opening dance, the auction began. The auctioneers were a man and a woman.

The woman was also turbulent. The male auctioneer looked very ordinary. When the female auctioneer appeared, the people below breathed more heavily.

It started. With the introduction of the female auctioneer, the auction began.

"Welcome everyone to the Happy Valley Auction House. I am the No. 1 auctioneer Zi Yu. Next is the first auction item."

"The longevity potion from the Gelin Wu Continent hundreds of years ago has research value and practical value. The auction house has obtained it after all kinds of difficulties. Now the starting price is one thousand crystals."

This longevity potion was produced by the Witch Doctor Valley back then. It has little effect on the strong, but it has a great effect on those merchants with low strength, so it soon caused a fight.

"Three thousand."

Auctioneer No. 1 responded quickly: "Guest No. 19 bids three thousand. Is there a higher price?"

"I bid five thousand."

"Eight thousand, don't fight with me."

"Eight thousand? Look down on who, fifteen thousand."

The wealthy businessmen in the seats below went crazy, but those with a little strength did not react, and Jiang Tong was also indifferent.

After all, the prescription of this potion is stored in the Heavenly Dao Consciousness. Don't underestimate the knowledge of a world. The Heavenly Dao Consciousness must have the most knowledge in that world.

Soon the item fell into the hands of a wealthy businessman, who was one of the subordinate recyclers of the garbage recycling station and had a lot of wealth.

Then it was the second item, and Jiang Tong began to be interested in it.

"The next item is the second auction item, which is a bit special. It is the sub-spark of the 'original spark', which can slightly remove pollution and improve resistance. It is provided by a mysterious seller, and the starting price is 500 crystals."

"Five thousand." This is Jiang Tong's voice.

The people below and the people in other boxes saw Jiang Tong's box No. 7 one after another.

"Ten thousand."

There was a voice coming from box No. 4, and Jiang Tong heard it was the voice of the leader of the Wild Wolf Gang.

"Twenty thousand."

A contractor below shouted.

Then the price soared rapidly, and Jiang Tong did not bid. If he couldn't buy it, he would use other methods. Strictly speaking, the whole world belongs to Jiang Tong. These little guys dare to compete with the big boss of the Heavenly Dao, unless they come to punish the heaven against the heaven.

This seed was finally bought by a contractor who spent more than 70,000 crystals. Jiang Tong was a little surprised. These contractors were quite skilled and got so many crystals in a short time.

Some skill scrolls and some special potions and props appeared, and other forces also took pictures. Jiang Tong remembered them one by one, and let them see what a golden belt is.

Finally, we came to the Sword of the King of Flame.

"Next is a very commemorative weapon, which is the weapon of the former King Yan, the King of Winter of this generation - the Sword of the King of Flame. The weapon is made of black iron and refined iron. Legend has it that it is related to the treasure of the former king. The starting price is 20,000 crystals."

For this saying

Fa Jiangtong disagreed. This sword was so easily spread out, and at this time of undercurrent, it must be some old shaman in the kingdom who was plotting.

"One hundred thousand."

Jiangtong directly raised the price to one hundred thousand, and then watched these people start to perform. The crystals of this price were what the Tuka Knights had to work hard for a year before, and a senior knight could only earn in a year.

"One hundred and eighty thousand."

"Three hundred thousand, must be taken, give my Blood Mercenary Group a face."

"Sorry, the Scavenger Alliance also wants it, four hundred thousand."

"You mud legs, you come out to embarrass yourself with this little money, one million."

An arrogant voice angered many people outside the city, but when that person emerged from the box, these people suppressed their anger.

This person is called Teyir, the son of the first chief of the Kingdom Guard. They can't afford to offend him. The first chief is the strongest man in the Kingdom Guard, and is a titled knight.

No one continued to speak.

"One million and one hundred thousand, you idiot, you are bullying the peasants, I just can't stand you." Someone from another box came out.

Qian Duoduo, the son of the Kingdom's Minister of Finance, sprayed at Teyle.

Jiang Tong watched the fun and ate melons, it was really interesting.

"One million and a half million." Teyle didn't waste time talking to Duoduo.

"Three million." Qian Duoduo remained calm.


Teyle closed the box vigorously.

In this kingdom, who is as rich as the Minister of Finance? The Minister of Finance and the First Chief of the Kingdom's Guards are famous for their discord.

The sons of the two naturally competed with each other.

Jiang Tong touched his chin. He didn't know if Gates and others could withstand the son of the Kingdom's Minister of Finance.

No matter, he had to withstand it even if he couldn't.

Poor Gates didn't know that he was about to face a new storm. At this moment, he was still immersed in the surprise brought by Jiang Tong's potion.

With the end of the last auction item, the auction also ended. There was even a seaman slave among the auction items. In this era, the seamen are almost extinct, thanks to their king, King Atlantean Siren.

Jiang Tong left the stage early and prepared for the gold belt.

A big drama that shocked Winter City is about to begin.


ps: Brush the free gifts, try to update one more tonight, and if the manuscript fee can buy a box of instant noodles tomorrow, I will update five times directly.

Although the writing is not good, I am generous and can satisfy my hunger.

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