The two of them were very busy, but they were still busy.

"You guys made a lot of noise outside the city. I released these things, I think you should know."

Wei said lightly.

Jiang Tong certainly knew that someone was fanning the flames, but he didn't expect it to be the king of the kingdom, nor did he think of what he wanted to do.

"I can help you achieve your goal, and you have to do me a favor."


Jiang Tong seemed to be very familiar with this sentence.

Li Dabai looked at Jiang Tong strangely, why are the natives of this world all the same?

"The ancestral fire and the pendant of fire are here. You have already got the sword of the king of fire. Promise me, and your goal will be accomplished. As for the treasure house, you can't enter."

The King of Winter took out two things, a pendant inlaid with rubies, and a stone with flames.


Jiang Tong took out the sword of the king of fire and handed it to Li Dabai, and then gave the two things to Li Dabai.

After Li Dabai took it, he heard the pleasant prompt of the task completion. He never thought that the task would be so easy to complete.

Jiang Tong took out a contract and asked Li Dabai to sign it.

Li Dabai pressed his fingerprint.

"I want to go back. I don't know why there is no next goal. I can return to my hometown."

Then when Li Dabai clicked to return.

[Returning to Paradise...]

[Anomaly detected, the contractor signed an abnormal treaty, clearing the anomaly...]


[Clearing failed, the notarization level of the contract is higher than that of Abyss Paradise, detecting solutions...]

[Looking for the source of the anomaly, the source of the anomaly is Jiang Tong from the "Dongtian World", solving it...]

[The source solution failed, re-notarization is in progress, applying for the intervention of the Root of Chaos, notarization is in progress, Abyss Paradise and the Root of Chaos are jointly notarizing...]

[The Root of Chaos is intervening, notarization is in progress...]

[Notarization failed...]

[The recruitment authority of Abyss Paradise is being opened, and the contract is being notarized...]

[Notarization is successful, a contract request is sent to Jiang Tong from the "Dongtian World", waiting, countdown 23:59:59...]

Li Dabai was confused when he heard so many prompts. He knew that there was something wrong with the contract he had just signed.

The contract that Jiang Tong had just asked him to sign was notarized by the Heavenly Dao of the world. Li Dabai had established a connection with this world, and Jiang Tong had bound Li Dabai to his Paradise brand. When Paradise detected and recovered the contractor, it would detect two contractors with the same number, thus causing a notarization error.

The contract was actually a medium. As a medium for Jiang Tong to enter Paradise, Jiang Tong briefly awakened the Heavenly Dao consciousness, looked through the information of the reincarnations of the previous main god space that had been intercepted, and then used the system's function to carefully craft a contract, which would definitely cause a notarization error in Abyss Paradise.

Now Jiang Tong has received news from Abyss Paradise.

Red fonts appeared in Jiang Tong's sight.

Jiang Tong was not in a hurry and took Li Dabai away from here. When Jiang Tong did not sign the contract to become a contractor of Paradise, it meant that the notarization error of Paradise had not been resolved, so Li Dabai could not go back to Paradise.

Once Jiang Tong does not sign the contract, Jiang Tong's memory will be erased, and then Li Dabai will become an offender due to illegal operations, and finally be cleared by the law enforcers of the paradise.

There is a saying that goes, if you can't solve the problem, then solve the person who created the problem. The paradise will solve its notarization errors through various means, and then after solving them, this loophole will probably not be able to be exploited next time.

Others are not so powerful. There is another world Tiandao body that can create a medium contract. The contract made by the world is protected by the highest notarization authority Chaos Root.

Back to the station outside the city.

Jiang Tong began to study.

[Do you accept the request to sign the contract of the Abyss Paradise. Yes/No. ]

[Sign the contract, you will go to various worlds to perform the tasks issued by the Abyss Paradise, and judge the task completion score by obtaining the source of the world, so as to obtain the task reward. ]

[When you stare at the abyss, the abyss is also staring at you. Welcome to the Abyss Paradise. ]

This is the red text that appears in front of Jiang Tong, and there is also a skull logo below. This is the contract imprint of the Abyss Paradise.

Jiang Tong chose yes. He had spent so much time and effort just to become a contractor of Paradise. Now that his goal was achieved, Jiang Tong chose

to confirm the option.

When Jiang Tong chose yes, he blinked again and came to a boundless space.

A huge purple eye symbol hung above his head, and in front of him was a huge light curtain. It seemed that this was the Abyss Paradise, where Jiang Tong could not sense the existence of his body.

[You have three free questions. After three times, please make a decision whether to sign the contract. ]

A sheepskin scroll floated in front of Jiang Tong's chest. After opening it, the blank scroll slowly appeared with words, and then the words gathered into a pen. A vortex appeared on the scroll, and a pen slowly rose from it.

"What is the essence of the contractor?"

[After signing the contract notarized by the Paradise, the contractor who performs tasks for the Paradise and receives the Paradise reward is the contractor, and there are two more questions left. ]

"Where did Yesmora come from and how to deal with him."

Jiang Tong was a little whimsical.

[The evil god Yesmora in the cave world comes from the "Ancient God Star". There are many solutions. The contractor cannot provide them without the corresponding authority. Please sign the contract and obtain advanced authority to ask questions. The free question opportunity has ended. Please choose whether to sign the contract. ]

Jiang Tong held the pen floating on the parchment and signed his real name on it - Jiang Tong.

Blood-red handwriting appeared on the parchment. Jiang Tong felt that the ink of this pen was his blood.

[Signed successfully, the paradise function is open, and the contractor No. 001258 is semi-digitized. After digitization, you can observe your health and mana value and various options of the body, but you will still die after being hit in the fatal part. ]

[Warning: This is not a game! ]

Jiang Tong understood that it was just adding a game panel to himself, so that he could view his skills more clearly.

[About to enter the novice world...]

[Entry failed, detection in progress, the contractor is too strong, the novice task is exempted, and the authority is increased to lv.10. ]

[Open function, please explore by yourself. 】

Jiang Tong looked at the skull brand on his hand, then activated the brand and obtained the function information of the park.

The functions are as follows:

1. Personal panel.

2. Task panel.

3. Park storage space.

4. Basic reconnaissance function.

5. Skill bar.

6. Equipment bar.

7. Task function add-on package (language pack, indigenous identity, basic intelligence can be purchased)

The rest of the functions are unlocked after upgrading permissions.

Jiang Tong first checked his personal panel and skill bar.

[Name: Jiang Tong. ]

[Number: 001258 (this number has been encrypted)]

[Title: None (title can be equipped, with bonus, obtained through the camp store and the park store)]

[Level: lv.30 (third level). (This level is the level of the park judgment, which is proportional to the strength of the contractor.)]

[Permission level: lv.10. (You can enter a world with a level of 1 or above.)]

[Health: 100%. Varies according to the degree of injury, and cannot be fully digitized. (Physical strength x100 + (Physical strength x100 x skill bonus x equipment bonus) = health)]

[Mana: 100%. Varies according to the digestion of spellcasting skills and self-recovery (Intelligence x100 + (Intelligence x100 x skill bonus x equipment bonus) = total mana), recovery speed = 1%/h. ]

[Strength: 120 (related to attack power and weight)]

[Agility: 120 (related to attack speed and movement speed)]

[Physical strength: 120 (related to health, endurance, defense, and abnormal state resistance)]

[Intelligence: 120 (related to mental strength, spell damage, and energy storage in the body)]

[Charm: 120 (related to social interaction and the number of summons)]

[Luck: 50 (the luck standard for ordinary individuals is 5, which is related to the difficulty of the task, the opportunity to obtain, and the success rate of making props. This attribute is extremely difficult to obtain)]

[Remaining attribute points: 0. ]

[Paradise evaluation: The attributes of this contractor have reached the extreme among the third-level contractors, and can be assessed as Abyss Hunter (exclusive profession of Abyss Paradise). ]

This is Jiang Tong's personal attribute panel. It is shameful that Tiandao's human body does not have extreme attributes.

Then check the skill panel:

[Skill 1-Basic Constitution·Toughness·lv.30: Each level increase increases 100 health points, increases 10 defense points, and increases all abnormal resistance by 1%.

lv.10 derivative effect: Increase abnormal resistance by 10%.

lv.20 derivative effect: Increase total health by 30%.

lv.30 derivative effect: Increase abnormal resistance by 10%

, increase 10% of total life, increase 10% of total mana]

[Skill 2-Basic Agility·Teleport lv.30: Each level increases by 0.5% dodge, 1% reaction speed, and 3% attack speed.

lv.10 derivative effect: increase 10% dodge probability.

lv.20 derivative effect: increase 50% attack speed.

lv.30 derivative effect: can teleport 3 meters, cooling period 1 world progress. ]

Jiang Tong only looked at a few skills. These are the skill bars that come with Paradise. There are a total of nine. The skills in the skill bar can be upgraded through the skill upgrade warehouse of Paradise, while the skills that are not included in the skill bar must be practiced by oneself.

If you want to get more skill bars, you need to do tasks. There is nothing in this world for free.

Seeing these skill bars, Jiang Tong was more and more shocked. These functions mean that as long as the body can bear it, it can be improved unlimitedly. This shows that Paradise can quickly cultivate strong people. Now Jiang Tong does not know enough, so he has not been able to draw more conclusions.

Personal information and skill panels can give Jiang Tong a general understanding of his own strength, but this cannot measure Jiang Tong's true combat effectiveness.


ps: This chapter writes the data of the protagonist's human body. If you don't like it, you can skip it. Try to write less such data in the future.

If you don't like this chapter, you can say it in the comment area. The subsequent stage will enter the Paradise mission. Thank you for your support.

It has been 100,000 words. Please read more. Don't keep the book, it's easy to keep it dead. If you like the book, please give this book a five-star praise. Da Mu thanks again.

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