The enemy was in trouble, but the enemy was in trouble.

[The second wave of monsters is coming, 200 monsters will be released, 1 regional overlord, 10 leader-level monsters, and the rest are elite-level monsters. After killing the regional overlord, you will get an exclusive treasure chest and 500 points. ]

[The monster attack begins. ]

This time it is no longer a single rat man, but a variety of different monsters, including pterosaurs, rat men, minotaurs, and fallen elves... All of these monsters have red eyes without exception.

This time Jiang Tong had a hard time chopping. The regional overlord was a huge turtle that crawled out of the lake. It looked like an enlarged alligator turtle, but it had a big mouth full of sputum and a huge body several dozen meters high.

Jiang Tong was just a small ant in front of him. Several contractors were jealous of this regional overlord, but they were torn to pieces by the regional overlord's teeth as soon as they went up, leaving no residue.

He kept jumping to avoid the attack of this regional overlord, and then swung the big sword to cut off the protective scales on the regional overlord.

The health bar of this regional overlord was about 350%, and its defense was still very high under various bonuses.

For Jiang Tong, it was only a matter of time to kill this overlord-level monster, and those contractors suffered. There were too many monsters, and this time they were very strong. Many contractors were eliminated because they couldn't stand it, including several people in the Abyss Paradise.

In addition to this regional overlord, there were other monsters attacking Jiang Tong, but under the bonus of extremely strong mana and physique, they were generally solved within three swords.

Looking at the powerful regional overlord under Jiang Tong's hands was like an adult playing with a child.


Jiang Tong finally broke his armor, and the weakness of the regional overlord's neck was exposed.

With a simple swipe, the head of the regional overlord fell off, and a bloody rain fell from the sky, with a fishy smell, and the monsters became even more excited.

[Get the "Only Black Turtle Treasure Box". ]

This is the reminder from the Abyss Paradise to Jiang Tong.

Next is Jiang Tong's personal show. He chopped down the contractors of other paradises together, swept all the way, and wanted to get the ticket to the battle for the cave world? Don't even think about it.

All of them were chopped down. Jiang Tong would not let this happen, nor would he let these guys live. After the people of the Abyss Paradise were eliminated, Jiang Tong would not have to worry about accidentally killing teammates and violating the rules.

"Damn, this guy is slashing randomly, stay away from him."

"Fuck your uncle, I don't believe it--"

"I don't--"

"I quit first, you guys play slowly."


Some people who didn't believe in evil dared to attack Jiang Tong actively, and were sent by Jiang Tong to see the root of chaos.

This wave of monsters came to an end quickly under Jiang Tong's powerful output, and then Jiang Tong started to massacre the contractors, killing only dozens of people in the end.

The reason why he didn't kill them later was because he was warned by the root of chaos.

[Fifteen parks including Bright Paradise, Fengling Paradise, Earth Paradise, and Life Paradise jointly sent a protest request to the root of chaos, demanding sanctions on Jiang Tong, the contractor of Abyss Paradise. The notarization request is in progress. ]

[Notarization is successful, the root of chaos has accepted it and issued a warning. ]

[Abyss Paradise is protesting...]

[The root of chaos does not accept the protest notarization request...]

[Warning! Jiang Tong, the contractor of Abyss Paradise, must not attack contractors of other parks without reason. If you are warned once, you will be disqualified from the World Competition Knockout Round for the second time and 500 points will be deducted. 】

【Abyss Paradise is complaining again...】

【Abyss Paradise has initiated a notarization request to Chaos Root, requesting the return of points, notarization in progress...】

【The procedure is legal, notarization is successful, 450 points will be returned...】

When Jiang Tong was deducted 500 points just now, Jiang Tong was cursing, and then after Paradise snatched some back, his mood turned from gloomy to sunny.

Those contractors avoided Jiang Tong's vicious eyes. The warning just now was played throughout the map, and they also heard it. They were also glad that other Paradises and the Root of Chaos finally sanctioned this killer.

【The third wave of monsters is coming. This time, the number of monsters will last for 3 hours in an unlimited state. Please be prepared, contractors. 】

【The monster attack begins...】

Monsters everywhere are rushing towards Jiang Tong and his friends.

Countless pterosaurs with sharp beaks fell from the sky, ratmen crawled out of the lake one after another, snow monsters with white hair from other parts of the snowfield also rushed in, and other kinds of monsters also ran towards them...

But in Jiang Tong's eyes, these are all points, all resources, and

A world is crying out for food.

The area of ​​the world is expanding rapidly, and the speed of the world's energy conversion cannot keep up with the absorption of those creatures, and the expansion of the area means that the energy concentration has decreased.

Punching, kicking, and swinging the sword, Jiang Tong used all means to kill those monsters to gain points. On the scoreboard, Jiang Tong was far ahead, with more than 3,000 points, more than 2,000 points ahead of the second place, and it was still rising at a rapid speed.

Time passed quickly, and Jiang Tong's points were also rising in unison, and he earned tens of thousands of points in a few hours.

Jiang Tong was still reluctant to leave until the end.

[The second round of the World Championship Knockout Tournament is over, and the third round will begin in 1 hour. Please use your points to redeem prizes in time. ]

"If you dare to change, I will chop you to death." Jiang Tong stared at these contractors viciously.

After the third round, only 20 people entered the next round.

Then Jiang Tong did not check, and cleared out the goods in one go, leaving only some useless potions, and the bulging big package of the points merchant was now deflated.

Then those contractors dared to come up to exchange after Jiang Tong left. This killer embryo was too scary.

The next round should be the last round.

In Paradise, the quality of equipment is divided into bronze level → silver level → gold level → legendary level → epic level → domination level → initial level → source level.

Jiang Tong now looked through the exchanged equipment.

[Name: Rat Armor]

[Origin: Root of Chaos]

[Category: Armor]

[Quality: Gold Level]

[Durability: 50/50 (will decline when attacked, can be repaired.)]

[Equipment requirements: more than 120 points of physical strength, more than 100 points of strength. ]

[Equipment effect:

1. Increase health by 10%.

2. Increase real defense by 50 points.

3. When used, it can temporarily reduce intelligence and increase health, and increase health by 10% for every 10 points.

4. After collecting the Rat Set, you can obtain the Void Rat Heritage.

5. After collecting all the Rat Sets, you can activate the skills. When you have all the Rat Sets 3, 6, and all, you can activate the corresponding skills.]

[Rating: 1500]

[Introduction: Is the shadow wandering in the void coming back? The Void Rat Armor is protecting its owner. ]

This set has been exchanged by Jiang Tong. I don’t know if it can be used by people in my own world. Jiang Tong only looked at the specific situation of the armor. These equipment are not as good as Jiang Tong’s.

Heavenly Dao made it, you deserve it.

Jiang Tong’s whole body is epic, and it is the limit of the current strength.

When Jiang Tong counted the harvest, the third round began.

This time he went to the world to perform the mission.

That’s right, it’s the Cave Heaven World.

Nukado Continent.

This Jiang Tong is invincible, fighting at home.

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