The old man was in trouble, but he was still alive.

Jiang Tong discovered a very strange phenomenon. Most of the ruling creatures in these worlds are in human form, even the giant races in the universe, the demons, the angels, the three-eyed gods...

The thorn elves and orcs in this world are no exception, all of them have human form.

Take out a detection prop, control the hand lever to make this prop similar to a flying saucer rise into the air, and check where you are now.

There are traces of human survival around. Humans exist widely in various worlds. They are the largest race in the universe, and there are many strong people. However, the orthodox Xuanhuang Star of the human race does not recognize the human race in other worlds. They call themselves the Xuanhuang Clan.

In the distance is a human village. Humans are the slave race of the thorn elves in this world. The owner of this village is a male thorn elf. Under his supervision, the humans numbly work in the fields.

If they are distracted for a moment, their master's whip will fall and whip them to pieces.

Jiang Tong is controlling the props and observing. Some young men get excited, but they don't resist. Just a little excitement, their master whips them again.

A young man grabbed the whip and was beaten to death by the male thorn elf. These thorn elves will not let their property resist them.

Humans, maybe they can use the human race in this world, Jiang Tong thought.

It is impossible for the human race not to resist. Which race likes to be someone else's slave? The conflict between the two races will erupt sooner or later, but the basic strength of the human race is not as good as the thorn elves. They don't have a systematic cultivation system, and their masters are not so kind.

Jiang Tong ignored the people in this village. There were too few of them. He had to create a riot. There were too many old and weak people here. He had to find a place with more young and strong people. Only in this way could the riot ignite the two tribes. Don't forget that Jiang Tong can train soldiers.

Jiang Tong can't rob the world power storage box alone. In this world, the individual power is not as strong as the army. There are strong people here, but they can't beat thousands of troops.

So Jiang Tong needs to have his own power, assemble his own team within a month and rob the world power storage box.

Although Jiang Tong's body is a caveman body, it is 90% similar to the human beings in this world. So some thorn elves who found Jiang Tong on the road wanted to kill Jiang Tong. They can kill human slaves without masters at will.

The result is obvious. They were killed by Jiang Tong.

Jiang Tong quickly found a suitable place, a mine of the thorn elves, where tens of thousands of human slaves were mining, and a thousand thorn elves were guarding here.

Mining naturally requires young and strong people. The mortality rate here is very high, and the food is exploited by the garrison. The miners here are like a machine without a soul. Perhaps only when they eat can they have a little fluctuation.

As for how to ignite them?

There is no shortage of people with rebellious psychology among these miners. There must be a part of them among tens of thousands of people. These people are often those who seek light for them.

Jiang Tong only needs to find them.

People follow the crowd. As long as the first one stands up, more people will stand up.

Jiang Tong mixed in with the miners and soon found this small group.

The leader is called Kuvas. Long-term hunger has made his tall skeleton without a trace of meat. Unlike others, he has a light in his eyes, which makes him stand out among the lifeless miners. He is also particularly prestigious among the miners.

He shared his food with those who were sick, helped those who could not complete the workload, and stood up to protect the miners when they were whipped. If it were not for Kuvas, the miners' meals would probably be even worse. Because he was afraid that Kuvas would lead the miners to riot, he reluctantly agreed to Kuvas's request to improve the meals.

However, Kuvas still did not have the courage to take that step and lead people to resist these guards. He did not have the courage to be responsible for the lives of tens of thousands of people.

Jiang Tong soon met Kuvas and the relationship quickly became familiar. He admired Jiang Tong, the new miner, very much. The beautiful ideals that Jiang Tong described to him fascinated him.

Jiang Tong's knowledge made him admire him. After Jiang Tong used force, he knew that Jiang Tong was not that simple.

After Jiang Tong told his plan, Kuvas was silent.

"You are crazy. Where can we go if we kill them? This continent is their territory. We have no way to do anything for others.

life to choose."

Hearing this answer, Jiang Tong knew that Kuvas was moved.

"Don't you yearn for the era when everyone has food to eat, everyone has clothes to wear, everyone lives freely under this sky, and no longer has to be arbitrarily taken away by these thorny demons?"

"We must resist and become strong. A spark can start a prairie fire. As long as we take the first step, there will be descendants to take the next step. In order for the race to no longer be oppressed, we must resist."

"Even if we don't resist, we will die in oppression. Release their souls and anger and ignite the first fire of this era of resistance. Come on, Kuvas. "

Kuvas was silent for a long time.

Finally, he raised his head with a determined look.

"What should we do?"

Okay, Kuvas successfully accepted Jiang Tong's statement, and the fire in his heart had been ignited. Then the next step was to break the fear of these humans about the thorn elves and let them understand that these demons who arbitrarily deprived them of their lives were actually very fragile and would die if killed.

"Let's mobilize everyone, keep it secret, and prepare for the uprising." Jiang Tong said.

Kuvas nodded and began to shuttle through the mines, asking all the prestigious people in the greenhouses to gather with him tonight to discuss something.

The matter was leaked.

On the second day after the discussion, the uprising was reported before it started.

Sure enough, no matter which race or country, there are such people who betray their own people.

On this day, everyone was summoned, and Kuvas was tied to a pillar. The miners saw the commotion. Some people knew about the uprising last night, but the person in charge of the uprising was arrested.

The general of the garrison The general stood beside the pillar where Kuvas was tied, and kept whipping Kuvas. Kuvas's skin was torn and blood was dripping.

After the general guard was tired, he shouted breathlessly: "Still want to rebel? You lowly miners, dare to rebel against your master? What?"

Among the miners, some were indifferent, and some clenched their fists in anger, two different states.

The general guard started whipping again, wanting to beat Kuvas to death here. Some of the miners couldn't help it: "Sir, let Kuvas go, he won't dare to do it again, we must work hard in the future."

The man who begged for mercy was killed by the soldiers.

"Who are you? If you don't work, you will die. Are you threatening me? "The guard general's face was dark, and he increased the force of whipping Kuvas.

The miners dared not speak out, and endured the anger in their hearts, watching Kuvas being whipped continuously.

The guard general had no intention of letting them go, and found the leaders who participated in the discussion one by one and began to slaughter them. The miners watched their big brothers being killed, and their eyes turned red.

Jiang Tong felt that this was the time.

He shouted: "Kill them and save our brothers. "

He rushed forward with a few of Kuvas's loyal brothers and stabbed the guarding general to death with one sword.

Seeing the general being stabbed to death, the soldiers began to massacre the miners. In order to save their lives, the angry miners took their pickaxes and fought with the soldiers.

For a while, there was chaos.

Those soldiers were strong, but they were beaten into pulp one by one under the swinging of the pickaxes of the large number of miners.

The miners' eyes turned red after seeing the blood, and they waved their weapons more frantically.

Jiang Tong saved Kuvas, who was also a fierce man. After being severely punished, he could still swing his weapons and fight with the soldiers.

Rain fell from the sky, dripping on the ground, mixed with blood, dyeing the land of the mine red.

The flames were burning in the rain, and the sparks were about to spread. The light rain could not put out the coming prairie fire.

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